Morning Motivator - Are You an Enabler?

"Orders are nobody can see the Great Oz! Not nobody, not nohow!"
- Guardian of the Emerald City Gates, 'The Wizard of Oz'

I have been working with a very close friend on decidedly IMPROVING our businesses over the past 45 days. We have FOCUSED on ways to increase efficiency, while better meeting our clients "real" needs.

The first question I CHALLENGED him with was: "ARE YOU AN ENABLER?"

As an "enabler," you are a repeat offender of ENCOURAGING negative or non-productive behavior. (See "Intervention" if you want to see some good examples)

In business, we all have been GUILTY of enabling. We are "on call" all the time, responding to emails every 5 minutes and rushing over every time a client asks. Ever wonder why you cannot get anything FINISHED?

Being "client-driven" and being their "b*tch" are two VERY different things.

When you are "client-driven," you PRIORITIZE your actions to help as many as possible in the least amount of time.

When you are "client-driven," you are PROACTIVE in solving challenges and forward about expecting compensation.

When you are "client-driven," you RESPECT your client, their business, their time... and they do the same of you.

When you are their
"B*TCH"... Well, you pretty much already know if you are or not, right? It is just a matter of OWNING that fact!

Stop ENABLING! Take back CONTROL! If you are GOOD, they will still love you...


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