Morning Motivator - Building Success on Relationships

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."
- Unknown

Spending time with FRIENDS is an immeasurable joy. You get a chance to SHARE in ideas, experiences and deepen your relationships.

Building a good business is FOUNDED on relationships. Building a GREAT business is founded on trusted friendships.

The BETTER you know and trust someone, the easier it is to put your success in their hands. You become reliant upon those friends for ideas, support and affirmation.

YOUR success is tied DIRECTLY to your friends...

Consider that most business TRANSACTIONS are "one and done."

Lots of promises of "service and delivery" are made up front, only to find that person bail on you 3 months later.

If you need to know who you SHOULD be doing business with... Look around! Who has been standing by you? Investing in you? Delivering BEFORE the deal was ever made?

Now THAT is the person I want to do business with...


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