Morning Motivator – Getting to Your ‘HAPPY’ Place

"The first rule of focus is ''Wherever you are be there.''"
- Unknown 

For those that have been reading the Morning Motivator for a good while KNOW that I love to breakdown the idea of "being happy."  I have a NEW theory… 

First, let us be reminded that HAPPY is not a place or an achievement, rather a passing emotional state that is fleeting at best. 

Second, let us AGREE that everyone (and I mean everyone) is seemingly "seeking" to "be" happy. 

With that said, my NEW theory is that HAPPY is having CONTROL in your life.  When you are in CONTROL – you are happy.  When you KNOW what is about to happen next – you are happy.  When you become TOTALLY focused in your work, life, sport, etc – you are happy. 

How do we get there though? 

One word can help EXPEDITE your repeated attainment of the "happiness state of being" – FOCUS! 

FOCUSING on the small, attainable, specific, time bound tasks of TODAY will provide you:

- CONTROL over your time and environment
- PREDICTABILITY of actions and results generated from said actions
- PEACE OF MIND in knowing that you are working on the single, most important tasks of the day
- PRIDE resulting from the accomplishment of selecting, tasking and executing an important duty.

If you want to be HAPPY, try FOCUSING a little more on what is important this morning, then this afternoon, then this evening.  As a RESULT, when something REALLY important comes up (like a date, an opportunity to meet with a friend or travel the world), you will have FOCUSED on all the "other things" that needed completed in order to "be happy" doing what YOU want! 

Ask yourself: What is MY #1 focus for this morning?  (then go knock it out by 10am!)


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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