Morning Motivator – Commit to the Idea, Not Details

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now"
- Alan Lakein

From a vacation to your financial future, PLANNING is a critical key in success.  If you do not have an IDEA of where you want to end up, it will be very difficult to get where you want… (duh, right?)

The reality is that MOST people put more thought in a week in to what to do on a Friday night, than any PRODUCTIVE future planning.  Most common complaint, "It is too difficult to make all those plans and then try to manage them along the way."  AGREED!

I would contest that the most common FALLACY in planning psychology is the idea that there is a SYSTEMATIC master plan that must be drawn out and then closely followed in order to attain success.

Think about when you were a kid.  You said you wanted to be a police officer (or something of the sorts).  Never did you say, "I want to be a major case crimes detective in the 3rd precinct of the Chicago police department."

The PLAN was just to be a cop.  No more, no less.  The details would be determined later as your HONED your likings and FOCUSED on your desires.

PLANNING is a process, from general to specific.  Start with BROAD strokes, a general target of what you want to achieve, then, as you get closer to the target make your SPECIFICS.  You will find keeping FOCUSED is much easier… and SUCCESS is simplified!



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