"If you want better clients… become one yourself."
- Zachary Barker
The MOST COMMON problem that marketing professionals have, is that they believe they know exactly what people want from a product or service. The MOST COMMON cause of this flawed thinking comes from the fact that they are not clients of the product or service themselves.
Do you think that if a financial planner had THEIR OWN financial planner they would look at the business in a different manner? They may UNDERSTAND the fears, frustrations and concerns a bit more if they were not managing their own portfolio.
What if a dentist went to someone the DID NOT know (and did not tell them they were a dentist) to have a root canal? Do you think they may have a better gauge of what the client REALLY WANTS after that experience?
Try BECOMING a client of someone that provides your service or product.
Do all the things that would be expected and do NOT tell them what you do. Go to someone you do not know for this experiment. Ask them to help you and TRULY become a client.
Once you are able to BECOME a client, you will better be able to understand and effectively communicate to others what you offer that helps them become a client MORE EASILY.
Additionally, if you can become a client within a GROUP of people… well, it would seem that you will have a good opportunity to gain some NEW (BETTER) clients from your personal affiliations after awhile as well. People ALWAYS like to work with people they know… and know well!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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