Morning Motivator – Your Belief Can Overcome!

"Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail."
-Charles F. Kettering

"The market is tough."  "Someone I know already does that."  "Sounds cool, but I am not sure it will work for us."  "Blah blah blah… blah blah blah."

We have all heard the above things (most sound like "blah blah blah" to me).  You know them as, the FAMOUS words of people that make excuses for failures.  From the same people that SECRETLY hope for your failures.  (Besides, you don't have to feel bad about your inability to succeed if those around you don't either, right?)

The CHALLENGE for you, as a leader and professional, is whether to LISTEN to these remarks or battle through.  Will you choose to BELIEVE in yourself and your vision, or allow others to SQUASH your dream before you see it all the way through?  Will you ALLOW others to DICTATE your dreams and successes?

First, anyone that does not provide you with POSITIVE support and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism MUST BE ELIMINATED from your circle of trusted advisors.  The world is a nasty enough place without any extra help…

Second, your CONVICTIONS and PASSION have the ability to overcome any challenges, roadblocks or setbacks.  Enthusiasm and confidence are CONTAGIOUS – share yours!  (look at Brett Favre.  Everyone hates him until he starts playing… then you cannot help but love him.)

Lastly, every great idea has FAILURE built into it.  UNDERSTAND that your diligence and persistence are the elements that mitigate the likelihood of failure.  If you FOCUS on success, FAILURE will no longer be a possibility.

I BELIEVE in you… do you??



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