Morning Motivator. - Share the Gifts...

"When you learn, teach. When you get, give."
- Maya Angelou

As 2008 closes and a world of OPPORTUNITY arises in 2009, consider your best efforts for attaining your goals THROUGH others success.

Take time to understand what people VALUE in others. By FOCUSING on others needs, you can leverage your trusted contacts to their (and your) success mutually. Seek to share the values of TIME, SHARING of valuable info, METORING through challenges and SUPPORT of their goal achievement. These are CONSISTENT keys to success.

As you DEFINE your 2009 goals, FOCUS on the systematic ways in which you can SHARE time, resources, mentorship and knowledge with others.

By creating a CONSITENT pattern and time block to INVEST in these activities, others will be able to depend more deeply on you. This will tie you deeper into their OPERATING system and thus you INTEGRATE into their overall success plan...

By becoming a REQUIRED part of someone else's success plan, you are ENSURED to SHARE in their success as you seek your own!



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Morning Motivator - Get a Real Education...

"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When do we STOP learning? At what point are we as EDUCATED as can be? Why do we have such a FOCUS on continued learning?

As a learned society, we are always seeking ENHANCEMENT. Enhancement of self, status, finances and community. Yet, what is the GREATEST achievement of our education? It is the QUALITY of character we develop as a result of a greater understanding.

By improving our CHARACTER, we are able to more easily enhance ourselves and our surroundings. By furthering our EDUCATION, we are more able to enhance our CHARACTER...

Education is NOT always a formal setting of attending a class or seminar. More commonly, the BEST education is achieved by SELF-EDUCATION.

By committing to reading a chapter per day of a book, you are able to EDUCATE yourself. In this manner you are able efficiently and effectively LEARN, such that in a year you will become more the expert than most people with a FORMAL education.

Make a list of the 30 best books you can read to become an EXPERT in your area of interest. Use your local library or purchase them as you go down the list. You will see a distinct impact in your EDUCATION and CHARACTER growing daily...


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Morning Motivator - Got the Info... Now What?

"We are better at collecting data, than doing anything with it."
- Paco Underhill

What is the VALUE of education and experience? It is obtaining the INFORMATION needed to attain your goals... Kind of.

Having the INFO needed to achieve your goals is on the first step. The CRITICAL step to success is taking ACTION with that information. Being AWARE of the correct behaviors and IMPLEMENTING them are two VERY different things...

If you know that going to the gym is HOW you lose weight, but you NEVER go... what good is the information? If you DISCOVERED the cure to AIDS, yet never shared it with a pharmaceutical company... who would BENEFIT? If you have the phone number of a hot prospect client and you CHOOSE not to make the call... how will the client ever be HELPED?

Make a very special note that the ONLY way to attain your goals is through ACTION! Education and experience are INVALUABLE tools in the process of achievement. When coupled with FOCUSED ACTION - your success is a near CERTAINTY!

Don't be AFRAID to "fail" on your way to success... those stumbles are indicators that you are on the right path - the path of ACTION!


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Morning Motivator - The Holiday Hangover

"The only thing bad about a holiday is it is followed by a non-holiday."

Ask most people what their LEAST favorite part of a holiday is and commonly, you hear "the next day back to work." I often wonder if what percentage of people FEEL like this.

How many people LOVE what they do so much, they are GENUINELY excited to get to work? What types of CAREERS do those people have? What DRIVES and MOTIVATES them in such a profound manner?

How does YOUR job motivate you? Are you AWARE of what needs and goals you have that are being FULFILLED by your current position? HOW can you LEVERAGE your existing role to become the person that IS excited and driven everyday to make it happen?

As you spend the next few days REVIEWING and ALIGNING goals for 2009, focus on the RESULTS that match you life goals.

If you are seeking to LOSE weight in 2009, ponder the idea of working out at lunch. This may be your most PRODUCTIVE time physically and slowest professionally.

Seek similar SYNERGIES of time and energy when managing reports, employees, relationships, cold calls, etc.

I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season... Now get to work! ;)


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What Christmas Means To Me

"Christmas is a day for celebration."
- unknown

I will keep today's Morning Motivator short and sweet for all my cherished readers.

The questions is... What does Christmas mean to me? First, of course, it is a religious celebration of SACRIFICE for the saving of our souls. In a more present sense, Christmas is a CELEBRATION of love, happiness and family.

The Christmas season brings out all that is GOOD in people and allows them a COMFORT in sharing those feelings. This season allows us to ACT as we desire to in a "non-PC" manner.

Lastly, Christmas is an EXPRESSION of shared values in a society. When many people come together to share a CORE value that promotes peace, kindness and sharing - we find that the world does shine a little BRIGHTER!

Have a very Merry Christmas!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Holiday Focus and Your Success

"The best part of the holidays is that people act they way you hope they would all year round."
- anonymous

Ha! I loved that quote. Do you BELIEVE that people are NICER, KINDER or generally BETTER during the holidays? Many would say YES.

I agree... to a degree. I BELIEVE that people are kind all year round, the are just FOCUSED and AWARE of it more during the holidays. As a person you FEEL and SEE the kindness more readily, as your senses are HEIGHTENED to be more receptive. It just like buying a new car... Before you bought it - no one had your style car. Now that you own it - EVERYONE seems to have one... They are all over the road!

The RECOGNITION of greater kindness, warmth and happiness during the holidays, IS an EXCELLENT example of how powerful focus is.

When you become AWARE of a need or goal - you also become much more FOCUSED on seeing opportunities to achieve them.

FOCUS on positive actions and success goals. You will find that the people around you, now, become more HELPFUL and INSIGHTFUL towards helping you ACHIEVE.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Change Your Idea of Change

"Many people have ideas on how others should change; few people have ideas on how they should change."
- Tolstoy

The New Year is LOOMING... What are you mustering up for New Year's Resolutions? Are you seeking to LOSE weight? INCREASE income? COMMUNICATE better with friends and family? Read more? There are COUNTLESS numbers of great ideas out there. Many of us are even BETTER at suggesting to others what they can do to do MORE, but what can you DO for yourself?

Sometimes, it is our own insight that we are placing on others that is really a CRY FOR HELP for ourselves. We say things likes, "You know, one of the best ways to get ahead is by reading a book a month." But, do you READ a book a month? Or we will suggest someone be more PROACTIVE in chatting with us, yet we do not pick up the phone to call them. Have you stopped to think about what you CHANGES you can make for YOURSELF?

Facing our personal SHORTCOMINGS is often most difficult, not because we have an inability to see them, rather because we have a difficulty ADMITTING them. "Maybe"... I am chubby because I eat too many doughnuts. It IS possible that I would meet my financial goals if I would spend less time chatting on the phone with friends. I RECOGNIZE that I do not spend enough time with my friends and my relationships have SUFFERED.

When you are setting your goals for 2009, make sure you are FOCUSED on adjusting the behaviors that are affecting your success, not just the actions. Lets me give you some insight into what I mean.

If you are having challenges speaking in front of groups, your challenge is likely NOT that you are an ineffective speaker, rather, you lack SELF CONFIDENCE. In opposition of writing down, "take speaking courses," write down, "enhance personal self image." Once you have that POWERFUL statement on paper, and then break down what that means and what the next steps are to achieving that goal - the executable or deliverables, as they may be called.

GOAL: Enhance personal self image
1. Exercise 3x per week to lose 20 lbs by April 1.
2. Attend a professional speaking seminar and examine an expert
3. Read 2 books on building positive self image by March 1
4. Contact a local civic group to speak to regarding: "the process of enhancing your self-image"
5. Once 1-4 are completed, buy a new outfit for your speaking event

When you have an OVERARCHING goal that has an EMOTIONAL tie to it, you are much more likely to achieve it. Additionally, once you have the small "executable" steps to realizing that goal, you will then be able to plan accordingly to follow through with your success!

Yes, it does take some work and no, it is not easy... however, it is ABSOLUTELY worth the effort once you realize you ACHIEVED YOUR GOALS!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Rest is the Best

"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."

Many will be off from today until 2009 and I wonder - what will they do? What ACTIVITIES will be enjoyed and what LEARNING will take place?

I hope for everyone that you take the time to REST and REFLECT on the past year - your SUCCESS, LEARNING experiences and GROWTH in relationships. Take TIME to appreciate your victories and understand your shortcomings.

REST is the key to FOCUS and the CORNERSTONE of success. It is the ACTIVITY that allows us to GROW most rapidly and fluidly. We are able to CLEAR our minds and allow for CREATIVITY to direct our actions. Remember, you are only as CAPABLE as your energy levels allow.

Taking time to REST is important in any facet of life. Rest of your body, mind, spirit and emotions allows you to recharge and re-engage with VIGOR!

If you do have the next few weeks OFF from work, leave work AT work! Don't carry the baggage home with you, rather enjoy time alone, with families or cozying up to a book.

By RESTING, you will find a strength and energy you may have thought you had lost!

For those out of pocket until 2009 - best wished for the holidays!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator – Pick Your Battles

"The battles are huge because the stakes are small."
- David Payne

I must say, I ENJOYED a wonderful discussion a few days ago with a local business owner, David Payne. We chatted about some OPPORTUNITIES in the community and well as experiences with LEADERSHIP in different capacities. I was FLOORED when he made the above comment… it is so ACCURATE!

Take a moment to CONSIDER the "big battles" you FIGHT for – at work, with loved ones, in board meetings, with friends. What are they TYPICALLY over? Be honest here. You are likely saying what I did... "I'm not sure" or "typically, garbage." When you look at your day and your capabilities… Think of your day in the terms of FINITE volumes of valuable resources – time, energy, mental capacity, etc. When you consider that you are UNLIKELY to work any day at FULL CAPACITY, why would you WASTE your resources on TRIVIAL battles? How does that help you GROW or ACHIEVE?

You SUCCESSES are found in your ABILITY and WILLINGNESS to overcome the magnetic draw of battling over issues that have little to no relevance with respect to your bigger GOALS. You must keep FOCUS on what keys are buried in the discussions you find yourself in. Additionally, you must have the BRAVERY to shut down a meaningless discussion so as to save your valuable resources (time, energy, mental capacity). You are doing a FAVOR to everyone by taking this position.

Moving forward… When you find yourself IMMERSED in a battle of meaningless discussion – PULL AWAY! Heighten your AWARENESS of your overall goals and quickly evaluate the impact the discussion you are engaged in with create. If it is MINIMAL – move on! If the impact is GREAT – stay as long as needed to see the discussion through to the end.

Often, we find ourselves in BATTLES OF EGO. We continue to discuss, rant, retort, etc in an effort to be the LAST one to make a "great point." Reality is, the person that speaks least, yet makes the greatest IMPACT is the most valuable mind at the table. Absolve yourself from the rants of EGO and take a direct LEADERSHIP in making sure that the overall goal is always the focus of the BATTLE.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What Are You Keeping?

"All successful leaders place a premium on keeping their promises and commitments."
-Steve Ventura

This morning I enjoyed a WONDERFUL discussion with a new friend and Nashville leader, Kerry Graham. He is one of the most INTERESTING and INSIGHTFUL new people I have met recently. We SHARED thoughts around the challenges of LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT. Interestingly, from this I came away with a SIMPLE reassurance - KEEP your focus, your word and your options open!

Truth be told, we are all "BUSY." Maybe not PRODUCTIVE, but we are busy... What does this mean to our daily lives? It means CHALLENGES in managing commitments, expectations, relationships and growth. We are CONSTANTLY challenged to keep our "best practices" in action and deter ourselves from the work that feels "busy" yet achieves nothing. EASILY, we can be sucked into the least beneficial activities- emails, irrelevant discussions, FaceBook, etc... All of which PULL us from keeping our commitments and promises.

What makes the BEST leaders so great? Is it that they do not participate in the same behaviors as the "normal person?" Not at all... have they just known WHEN to do it. They have an UNDERSTANDING of what needs to be done, when and how to do it, while managing to KEEP their commitments along the way. They LEVERAGE their resources in ways that allow others to take OWNERSHIP of projects (with given timelines and clear action steps). They also make sure that any "pleasure" activity has an ability to parlay into PRODUCTIVE activity. Just think about the best leaders you know... they seem to LIVE their work and barely "work" at all, right?

What can we do to focus on KEEPING what is most important in front of us? Simple. Try TIME BLOCKING and PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS.

Time blocking is the behavior of SCHEDULING time for most important activities at the most appropriate times in the day. Example: In sales, you are best able to reach critical contacts before 8:30am, thus scheduling daily cold calls from 7-8:30am will yield a much higher RETURN on time investment than calling from 8:30a - 12p.

Consider this management regarding: reading/educational development, exercise and professional activities.

Productivity analysis is alluded to above as an UNDERSTANDING of your most productive hours of execution. By understanding WHEN you are at your best in certain facets, you are able to better manage your day according to STRENGTHS. Work at your best when at your best... you will do more with less!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Getting Into Action

"Action is always the best decision. Even movement in the wrong direction still gets you closer than standing still."
- unknown

Special thank you to my good friend and personal Realtor, Josh Anderson of Keller Williams, for sharing this story with me.

When you don't feel like doing what you know you must, that's the best time to go ahead and do it anyway. That's when you can break through your old habit patterns to a new level of focus, performance and achievement.

That first step will require you to go against your natural tendency to put it off until later and to stay comfortably where you are. So how do you get beyond that?

Use your power of visualization to do two things. First, use your thoughts to make it even more uncomfortable, even more painful for you not to take action.

Next, visualize in great detail all the positive and
desirable rewards you'll create by going ahead and getting it done. In your mind, make it so compelling to take action that you cannot avoid doing so.

Many times in the past, you've successfully avoided action by telling yourself why you can't or why you won't. Now, choose to use that same power to tell yourself why you can and why you will.

You control the awesome power of your thoughts. And with
your thoughts you can successfully visualize yourself into action every time.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator – What is Your Choice?

"Each day you make a choice. You can choose to make a difference or chose to be indifferent."
- Unknown

Thank you to my good friend and unknowing mentor, Lucy Carter, for the above quote. I am not sure you have an understanding of how much I value our friendship…

PURPOSE… what is purpose? The dictionary states PURPOSE as, "the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc." Now CONSIDER your work. What is your purpose? Do you work with a purpose or are you just here to make some money and hope you figure something out along the way? I love this quote, mostly because it came from a regular person - the spouse of a Nashville hospice patient. It makes you think about WHAT you are doing daily and WHY.

In the past weeks I have shared a similar DISCUSSION with multiple people. I did NOT prompt the discussion; they just arose from general chat. Each was about working with PURPOSE. What I have found is that many people have TORMENTED souls because they lack a true purpose, a reason for doing, a drive for accomplishment. They WORK their tails off all week long so they can go home on the weekend and "relax" with friends, booze and food. Not a bad life mind you, I have done it for a long time. However, WHAT is your reason for being? Do you BELIEVE that you are on this planet to make money, "have a good time" and laugh it up with friends? Is there something BIGGER you are supposed to be a part of?

Most of us do not, or will not, think about our end of days, yet, when your time is UP… what do you want to be REMEMBERED for? Wouldn't it be NICE to make a difference in a way that affects the world and its BETTERMENT? You may say, "I can't make that type of IMPACT." I tell you … you are WRONG! Consider this. What if Bill Gates parents had not supported his DREAMS of working in computers and rather FORCED him into law as they desired? What might have been IF Adolf Hitler would have had a better art teacher and became a painter, rather than a world leader? What if I had never met Justin Morrison and been SUPPORTED to start writing the Morning Motivator?

The PURPOSE of your life will likely not be in PLAIN SIGHT immediately. Many people drift, NEVER finding their purpose and rarely even looking for it. Very few will make the EFFORTS to seek their purpose. Even fewer will FIND it…

Be JOYFUL though. YOU have a chance to do it – starting today! Begin considering what your purpose is. Are you a mentor, a teacher, a leader, a manager? You don't have to change the WORLD in a dramatic fashion such as a President. You don't need to be famous like a movie star or athlete to make it happen. Find what you LOVE and fills your PASSION. Seek to SHARE that with others that have the ABILITY and DESIRE to make more from it… and watch the world change, just by your POSITIVE influence and DESIRE to make a difference.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Where Are You Spending Time?

"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time others waste."
-Henry Ford

Its 7am... What are you DOING? Have you hit the gym? Made a sales call? Started that report? Read a chapter if that book you are so EXCITED about?

At 4:30p - what will you be doing? Packing your stuff up? Looking at FaceBook? On the phone with your LOVED one?

I am not PREACHING because I am NOT the example of PRODUCTIVITY, however, I do UNDERSTAND how GAINS are made. Commonly, the person that works during the "down hours" makes the biggest strides, quickest...

I am NOT suggesting work MORE hours. I AM saying EXAMINE your day and see where you can make up EFFICIENCY that others are lacking.

Come in 30 mins early, come back from lunch 30 mins early and LEAVE at 4pm when everyone is slow anyhow. You will have MAXIMIZED your time AND created an early exit.

Look for your most PRODUCTIVE hours and work patters. MAXIMIZE them and find inefficiency in others work patterns to capitalize on... That's how YOU get ahead - easy!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - When to "Start" Towards Your Goals

"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
- Dale Carnegie

Today IS the first day of the rest of your life! What are you doing with it? Seriously, what is it that you are WAITING to happen before you make your big move?

Tuesday, I was at a training session and was asked to SHARE my thoughts around goal setting. Goal setting, for me, includes financial, professional, personal, health and relationship goals. Interestingly, the gentleman I was speaking with asked me - "Why are you WAITING until January 1st? Why not start now?"

Good point. Why not START now? Is there a MAGICAL "best" time or situation? Are you WAITING to "make enough money" or "for the economy to improve?". NEWS FLASH... You are going to wait FOREVER on situations such as those.

Remember that GOALS require end dates, target time lines. You must determine an END to you actions so you are able to MEASURE your achievement.

Although you MUST have an end date, there is no limits on when you may BEGIN your efforts.

Delaying a start to January 1 may feel "clean and simple," yet you are PREVENTING yourself from a 3 week head start on the GOAL that is so IMPORTANT to you.

Don't "short change" yourself WAITING... Go make it happen TODAY! Your success is WAITING for you...


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Build Yourself Through Failure

"Surviving a failure gives you more self-confidence. Failures are great learning tools..but they must be kept to a minimum."
- Jeffrey Immelt

What is your biggest FEAR? Mine is FAILURE. Why do people fear failure? Most do not have a SOLID reason. What would yours be?

I BELIEVE that most people have a FEAR of FEAR. This idea is established on the basis that we don't know what to do if we don't meet EXPECTATIONS. Also, we FEAR repeating FAILURES.

What I have LEARNED is that FAILURES that are emotional, are much more IMPACTFUL and MEMORABLE. The efforts you make to ENHANCE an area of your life you are PASSIONATE about will always yield the best LEARNING experiences.

Know that FAILURE is just a rough way of saying "LEARNING." The more often you take the opportunity to fail, the greater your personal GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT.

By focusing on learning opportunities that align with your OVERALL goals, you are able to shorten your SUCCESS journey and achieve your dreams much faster.

NEVER be afraid to fail, rather seek out as many chances to do so as possible!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What Are You Learning?

"Learning is important. Learning what is important is strategic."
- Unknown

Do you REMEMBER the last training you went to? What did you LEARN? How did you USE that knowledge? Did you..?

I have given and attended many training sessions in my professional career. I am always AMAZED at the ways in which trainings are administered - AT you, not WITH you. They often SPEAK about how great something is, yet LACK understanding of the ways you are able to USE it to benefit others. Why do you think this is?

Commonly, products and services are INTERNAL developments by INTERNAL company members. Often, they lack APPLICATION and EXECUTION understanding. They do not UNDERSTAND the "how," just the "why."


UNDERSTANDING that YOU are a trainer is important. Each day you help EDUCATE and mentor others on the "how" and "why" regarding tasks.

When training others, be CERTAIN you are providing your insight in terms of APPLICATION! Education is a WASTE OF TIME if you are not able to use it...

Also, next time you are in a training... CHALLENGE the speakers to show you HOW to use their knowledge. If you are able to IMPLEMENT one new idea from a training, then you will be 100% ahead of everyone else.

Now go LEARN something... And USE IT!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Why Try So Hard?

"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
- Albert Schweitzer

Have you seen the insurance commercial where EVERYONE does something kind for the next person? Have you noticed that it is SPURRED by one person taking NOTICE, then ACTION based on that kind act?

I am often AMAZED by discussions I overhear that are about the INFLUENCE of movies and games on our society. It is not the idea that violent images MOLD our society, rather its that we seem unable to also SEE that POSITIVE images would make a change. How many people do you know that FOCUS only on negativity?

Imagine what YOU can do if you FOCUS on positive actions, relationships and results! If you KNEW what positive steps to take each day...and actually EXECUTED them - how much could you accomplish? How quickly would you be able to attain your DREAMS? Do you think that if you had more POSITIVE, SUCCESSFUL, DRIVEN people surrounding you that you would be able to achieve more?

True SUCCESS is not an accident. It is the calculated result of a precise, focused set of ACTIONS executed daily towards a larger goal.

AMAZINGLY, if you have a mentor that is successful, friends that ACHIEVE at high levels or BUILD YOURSELF through positive momentum (most difficult, yet most powerful), you are more likely to IMITATE that positive activity and mimic those positive results.

Some of the best ways to ACCELERATE your success is through IMITATION of others, so try reading biographies about successful people, shadowing a mentor that has accomplished results similar to your goals, and establishing small, manageable activities that you KNOW will step you towards your desired results. Take POSITIVE action and you will find that success will find you!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Mastering Good Judgement

"Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment."
- excerpt from "The Normalization of Deviance" by Bob Gunn

I enjoy speaking with EXPERIENCED, MATURE leaders to better understand the "shortcuts" to success. In these discussions, commonly, the "success suggestion" is EXPERIENCE. What does that really mean though?

It was this very thought that made the above quote STRIKE home with me. What makes a GREAT salesperson? LOTS of "failed" sales calls. What makes an EXCEPTIONAL manager? Multiple NEGATIVE employee interactions? And what makes for an EXCELLENT parent? Plenty of "I'm Sorry's" along the way.

The STRENGTH of human beings is that we have the ability to REASON and REFLECT. We can LEARN from "experiences" and MODIFY actions to create favorable results the next time.

I BELIEVE the gap between SUCCESS and WANTING is the bridge of FEAR. As we overcome our ANXIETIES and allow ourselves the RIGHT to "experience," we begin to walk the success path.

It is only from our "failures" that we REFINE and FOCUS our efforts, such that we become efficient in finding the correct success behaviors.

Do NOT allow fear to keep you from EXPERIENCE. It is that EXPERIENCE that will lead to the demise of FEAR and the REALIZATION of SUCCESS!!

Have a great weekend!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Your Rise to Greatness

"It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him."
- John Steinbeck

I grew up an ATHLETE and around sports my whole life. I am still AMAZED to this day at how GREAT teams play terrible against bad competition and TERRIBLE teams play great against top competition. How is this POSSIBLE?

When I read this quote it really hit home. It is the MINDSET of the team or individual that defines the CAPABILITY. Think about a new job... In the first months its CHALLENGING and then you DECIDE you are good at it, thus EXPECTING greater performance - then what?

Exactly! You start to SHINE. Upon your DECISION that you expect to be excellent, the emergence of excellence follows. Just as in sports, as your personal expectations are CONCEIVED, your performance follows suit.

As we see in sports and professional performance, it is your EXPECTATIONS that drive behavior. This creates a very SIMPLE approach to your success path... Expect BETTER of yourself.
By changing or ENHANCING your attitude about what you are CAPABLE of achieving, you automatically program your subconscious to CREATE more and better opportunities. FOCUS your mind on results and allow your ACTIONS to support your new expectations.


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What Does a Leader Do?

"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it."
- Theodore Roosevelt

As a leader, what is your ROLE? How do you CONTRIBUTE to the overall success of your group? At what level are supposed to work ON the business vs. IN the business?

Many people, including people in LEADERSHIP positions, have a misconception of what their JOB is as a leader. It is NOT the job of a leader to DO the work for you. It is their job to SHOW you how to do the work and then TEAR DOWN any barriers that are keeping you from doing it most effectively.

Commonly, the leadership of a group is the original EXPERTS and this feel they can do it BETTER than the people that work with them. Therein is the CHALLENGE. How can the business GROW and SUCCEED if the leaders are the ones doing all the heavy lifting? Is it that the people that work for them are INCAPABLE? If so, replace them. Is it that they are not effectively TRAINED to execute? Then spend the time and money to make them experts. The WORST thing to do is to carry along ACTING as though all is well, yet NEVER being able to serve as the leader - the one that CREATES opportunity, REFINES processes and GROWS success.

If you are not the leader, you are in a tough spot possibly. You may see that CHANGE is needed, yet lack CONFIDENCE to confront a leader to discuss the needed changes. It is at that moment that you must DECIDE if YOU are a leader too. If so, you MUST find a way to have that discussion. If not, then you may take on more RESPONSIBILITY gradually in an effort to be an INFLUENCER in the necessary change.

Either way, do NOT sit around and watch your company run like a limp dog. Find a way to CREATE change. Read a book, suggest a book, attend a training, assume greater responsibility... there are a MYRIAD of actions you can undertake to create a BETTER situation. Overcome your FEARS and make the changes that will create a BETTER situation for all people within your group!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What's Most Important?

"You can accomplish anything in life, provided that you do not mind who gets the credit."
- Harry S. Truman

In the time spent over the past 14+ months writing the Morning Motivator, the lessons learned have really been ENJOYABLE. Lessons of RESPONSIBILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, SELF VALUE and PERSONAL EGO. I thank many of YOU... as it is YOU that SERVES as my teacher.

Currently, I am reading Good to Great by Jim Collins and am ENTRIGUED by the idea of a humble, quiet, yet passionately FOCUSED leader. Someone that takes PERSONAL responsibility for less than admirable results and PASSES the glory to others for achieved SUCCESS.

In reflection, I find myself THANKFUL to be able to SEE these traits in great people around me, READ of it in widely accepted books and HOPE I am applying it to the people I serve in any leadership role I am FORTUNATE enough to serve in.

As always, the GOAL is to provide you with an idea that will support your DEVELOPMENT.

I pose this question to you: "What is most important? Getting recognition for your work or getting your work done most effectively?"

It is my BELIEF that once you TRULY understand your answer (neither of which is wrong), you will be better EQUIPPED to lead in the most effective manner for you. My only SUGGESTION is to recognize that sometimes "letting go" gives you the best control...


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - A Lesson in Kindness

"You can tell the value of a man by the way he treats his wife, by the way he treats a subordinate, and by the way he treats someone who can do nothing for him."
- Ken Babcock

Think of the one person that you RESPECT most. WHY do you respect them so much? What CHARACTERISTICS about that person do you enjoy most?

Recently, my girlfriend Nancy, told a story about a chat she SHARED with a colleague. The gentleman discussed the BEST traits for a quality spouse and mentioned "KINDNESS" as the most IMPORTANT quality. Think about that... KINDNESS.

Why would he say kindness ABOVE personality, attractive looks, or even success? What makes kindness the most ADMIRABLE trait? Commonly, if you know someone who is KIND, it is LIKELY they have a great personality and will ACHIEVE by helping others, which in turn ACCOMPLISHES great success.

An EASY way to drive towards becoming a better person and professional is to HEIGHTEN your awareness surrounding your KINDNESS.

Make a concerted EFFORT to be more kind (speaking, acting and thinking) towards INTERNAL colleagues, suppliers, random sales people and most IMPORTANTLY your LOVED ones.

Once you begin to FOCUS on your kindness, you will also see a RETURN of kindness from direct and indirect connections.

BUILD your REPUTATION on kindness... And enjoy the KIND REWARDS of your efforts!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Learning WHY to be Thankful

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice."
-Meister Eckhart

As tomorrow approaches (and some of us have already ready left for the holiday), it is IMPORTANT that we understand what we are appreciative of. We should INTERNALIZE and REFLECT on the special opportunities we have to be thankful for in our lives. As is often heard, you never appreciate what you have UNTIL you are in a position of need.

In a meeting this morning, I was thinking about how great LIFE is and how FORTUNATE we are to live in a country where you are free to meet and discuss ideas to further yourself and others. How EXCITING it is to live in a community where people are ABLE to advance personally, professionally and socially. How WELCOMING it is to live a city that supports people and their desire to enhance their lives.

In lieu of TURKEY DAY, I want to make sure that we are all AWARE of our BENEFITS and BLESSINGS as Americans. I wish that everyone take time to CONSIDER what a great society we live in and how FORTUNATE we are to have our American rights, regardless of your political or religious views. Additionally, my HOPE is that you take time to show CARE and CONSIDERATION to your loved ones, as well as KINDNESS and APPRECIATION to those people that influence your life in a positive manner. These ARE the people that really bring the BEST out of you... take time to show your thanks.

Your homework assignment for the holiday is to take a few minutes tomorrow to tell someone how much you TRULY appreciate the things they do - be specific! Take an extra moment to HUG someone you haven't seen in awhile and thank them for their SUPPORT even if sparingly.

Finally, find time to write out a short list of the things you are MOST THANKFUL for. On Monday, when you go back to work, pull the list out, read it and then post it near your desk before you start your day. It is LIKELY that the list will be of the things that "REALLY MATTER." Doing this will help you in FOCUS on what things need your attention and what is WORTHY of your stress.

Be THANKFUL... you have the CAPABILITY to define your life - successes, pleasures and direction. Be VERY thankful that others support you in that ADVENTURE!


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - How Bad Do You Want It?

"The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who aren't is the willingness to work very, very hard."
- Helen Gurley Brown

How many SUCCESSFUL people do you know that are LAZY or had it all handed to them? When you CONSIDER who you respect for their ACHIEVEMENTS, what are some of the common behaviors you observe?

HARD WORK is a general trait of high achievers. I don't want you to have the idea that hard works means 60 hour work weeks, not seeing your family or any of the other NEGATIVE thoughts you may have. I BELIEVE "hard work" is FOCUSED, DETAILED, DRIVEN effort made to achieve your goals.

As an example... Someone asked me how I was able to find such a QUALITY job, so quickly after my recent layoff. The TRUTH behind the speed was a GREAT group of excellent connections... That have been built over YEARS with lots of time and energy invested.


My "hard work" was ENJOYING time at the Junior Chamber, going to coffee with INFLUENTIAL people and making time (2-5 hours/wk) to DEVELOP relationships outside work.

There is no great SECRET to getting yourself ahead. You must find your BEST way of working in a FOCUSED, DETAILED and DEDICATED fashion while BUILDING quality relationships. Choose to spend your time WISELY with people that share your VISION and are INVESTED in your success. This is YOUR "hard work."


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Why Are You Punishing Yourself?

"I have come to conclusion that if you haven't made any mistakes lately, you must be doing something wrong."
- Dr. Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.

I have been reading the book, "Feel the fear and do it anyway!" by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. which was recommended to me. In a portion of the book, Dr. Jeffers discusses the idea of a "NO WIN decision making process." As I reviewed it, I wondered how many people put them self in "No Win" situations...

As defined in her book, a "no win" decision is one that PARALYZES you as you try to PREDICT the future, CREATES anxiety as you process the info and keeps you WONDERING if it could have been done better if it doesn't work out. How many people face these scenarios daily? How many times have you seen (or EXPERIENCED) an inability to make a choice out of FEAR?

Let me ask you... What do you have to LOSE? What is the WORST that can come from a POOR or INCORRECT decision? Seriously. Very few of us work in life and death situations... And even then, RARELY, does YOUR decision serve as the SOLE factor in the outcome.

I, like most others, don't want to make the WRONG decision or FAIL. I don't want to FEEL the pain, embarrassment or anxiety.

Yet, how many TOP ACHIEVERS do NOT fail daily?

Reality is... The most SUCCESSFUL people in this world have decided that "failure" is just a part of GROWTH. They look forward to the CHALLENGE and embrace a "missed chance" by knowing they are beating the "other guy" simply because they are taking ACTION...

Stop punishing yourself... "Failures" are nothing more than corrective reminders that keep you FOCUSED on the best next action!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator – Feed Your Team Properly…

"Three billion people on the face of the earth go to bed hungry every night, but four billion people go to bed every night hungry for a simple word of encouragement and recognition."
-Cavett Robert

Do you know why MOST people leave their job?  What do you think is the most COMMON complaint that employees have about their work environment?  If you are a business owner and are seeking to recruit/retain TOP TALENT – what is the ONE area that you should be promoting most heavily about your company?

MOST people are not upset enough to leave their job over money.  RARELY does it have to do with their ability to move up the food chain.  SOMETIMES, but not often, are they so dissatisfied with training and support that they quit.  MOST FREQUENTLY it is the company's INABILITY to RECOGNIZE and ACKNOWLEDGE a job well done.  It is the manager's unwillingness to come by and say, "I think you are doing a great job.  What can I do to help you be better?" that commonly drives dissatisfaction internally – which spreads quickly.  SUCCESS is driven by the employee's PERSONAL feelings of self worth and value to the organization.  It's their FEELING that if they do more, someone will notice and respond that REALLY matter.

As an employee, have you ENJOYED working for an excellent company? What made it so special? As an employer, have you had an EXCELLENT employee? What did you DO to help develop that SUPERIOR employee? I have a thought and it comes from a good friend, Tim Bewley, who once shared with me his rationale about employee RETENTION. It is made up of 3 value elements: 1. You are LEARNING more than you can anywhere else. 2. You are COMPENSATED more than you can get anywhere else. 3. You enjoy the PEOPLE/ENVIRONMENT you work in more than anywhere else. His rationale is that a HAPPY employee has 2 out of the 3 and DISGRUNTLED employee has 1 of 3 and will leave shortly. If you have 0 out of 3, get the HECK OUT! If you have 3 out of 3… you have a life-long employee.

I'd love to give you a "catch all solution" yet there is no great SCIENCE to what actions to take in order to make the most of your relationships. Go back a few days to the prior Morning Motivators about "relationships" and consider that you must treat colleagues, teammates, employees, employers just as you would a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc… if you treat those people with CARE, RESPECT and KINDNESS, you will find that it is returned along with LOYALTY and TRUST.

By making a concerted effort to FEED your team with support, recognition and encouragement, whether as a leader or team member, you can expect that PRODUCTIVITY will increase drastically along with satisfaction. Once you begin to achieve in these ways internally, you will also begin to see it cross over into the way your clients view you. We all have walked into a business or worked with a provider that has EXTREMELY happy employees… just think about how good you FELT working with them as a result. Now think… how IMPORTANT is feeding your team properly to you?

Feed your personal relationships this weekend. Find someone you love and tell them – it will be the best 2 minutes you spend! Have a GREAT weekend…


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What's Your Pain Tolerance?

"When the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of change, then you will change."

A common idea of change management is the ELIMINATION of PAIN. As the quote above states, most people will lie IDLE until their pain (financial or emotional) becomes GREATER than the efforts to change.

When you see someone that has a weight concern, it is not until they FINALLY are sick and tired of being sick and tired that they make a change. The change is often PAINFUL, including emotional acceptance of their current identity, changes in physical actions and SACRIFICING their "favorite" foods.

For business professionals, the CHALLENGES come in the activities we undertake to achieve NECESSARY results. If we are having challenges hiring the "right" people, then we must examine what actions must change. If its slumping sales and missed revenue GOALS, a focus on more PRODUCTIVE activity must occur. Yet, it is not until we see a DECLINE in performance before this often occurs.

The question you must ask yourself is "What is your PAIN?"

Do you need to FINALLY take that accounting class so you can understand your finances?

Is it time to consider OUTSOURCING your IT management because it requires more time than you have?

Should you consider paying more for BETTER talent and HIGHER results?

Once you IDENTIFY your pain, you can do an evaluation of your options. With CONSIDERATION of what's truly important, you should find that moving on those pains is often long OVERDUE...


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Love and Business

"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

For those who have been around me long enough to hear my INSIGHT as to "what business really is," you know I ALWAYS make dating and relationship references. To me, business is as DRIVEN by attraction, affection and loyalty as a good personal relationship.

When you have an EXCELLENT business relationship - how does it FEEL? What EXPECTATIONS do you have of that person or business? Often, the same emotions that are EVOKED are one's that drive your HEART, not your checkbook.

Commonly, when business relationships separate the cause is more EMOTIONAL than rational. You hear statements such as, "they never called me," or "it just seems like she doesn't have enough time to devote to my needs.". If you were asked if these responses were personal or professional... What would you THINK?

In order to better your business skills, you must FOCUS on your relationship skills.

The areas of attention should include:
- Open communication
- Consistent communication
- Loyalty
- Sacrifice
- Mutual goals
- Shared commitment

If you LEARN to be better in your relationships, you will find a GREAT success in your PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL lives.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Growing Success in Others

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others."
- Jack Welch

At some point in everyone's life, you move from being the student to the TEACHER. This may be a result of MATURITY or a FORCED leadership role. Either way, you find the value of LEADERSHIP is not YOUR ability to ACHIEVE, rather your ability to drive OTHERS to achieve.

In your daily life, many hats are worn and significant ROLES are played out. Some of us are managers, board members, parents or coaches - ALL of us, at some point, SERVE as a GUIDING spirit... a leader to others.

When you are PRESENTED with this opportunity to POSITIVELY shape the future of someone else - will you be ready? Are you in a place mentally and emotionally that allows you to SUBSIDE your ego and find PRIDE in the success of others? This question is what will allow you determine your READINESS for true leadership.

As a person that has been FORCED into leadership roles at a young age and CHOSE leadership roles at a greater MATURITY, I share with you my insight...

LEADERSHIP is not a "SEXY" job that allows you to TELL others what to do, ACCEPT the glory for team success or sit back and REST while others do the work.

It is, however, a FULL time commitment to GROWING others selflessly, investing time into EDUCATION and suppressing any personal DESIRES to be the "TOP DOG."

Once you APPRECIATE that "real success" is the legacy of strong, difference making leaders you aided in DEVELOPMENT... You WILL be ready to take on the RESPONSIBILITY of shaping your own future.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What Are You Working For?

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after."
- Henry David Thoreau

Frequently, the Morning Motivator has a message about PURPOSE and having CLARITY in your actions. As I sat last night, think about the ACTIONS I must take at work today, I found myself REFRESHED in the fact that I have CLARITY of PURPOSE towards what I am doing each day. I wonder also - how many others have the same clear VISION of why they do what they do.

When you get to work in the morning - do you know EXACTLY what you should be doing? Do you have a PLAN to execute or do you walk in to spend the morning PREPARING the rest of the week? Do you take time each night, prior to leaving work, to PREPARE your action plan for the next day?

Most highly PRODUCTIVE people are NOT brilliant, gifted, exceptionally educated or just plain better than YOU. What they commonly are is - ORGANIZED, DISCIPLINED, FOCUSED and DRIVEN. When a productive person comes into work, they know what actions they will take IMMEDIATELY and do not waste time getting to those actions. These are the same people that often say, "I accomplish more before lunch than most people do in an entire day"... and they are RIGHT! Their big SECRET... they KNOW WHY THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY DO.

CLARITY is the understanding of what your PURPOSE is for in taking the actions you do on a daily basis. It is the development of a GOAL and the understanding of WHY that goal is important. PLANNING is the "executable" that gives SUBSTANCE to your CLARITY and ACTION to your PURPOSE. EXECUTION is the DIFFERENCE between realizing your dreams... or just dreaming about them.

Set GOALS that match your dreams. Don't have CLARITY about your dreams? FOCUS on defining what you WANT - WHY you want it - WHEN you expect to accomplish it.

I don't often make PROMISES to my readers, however, if you will take the time to UNDERSTAND why you are working, what you are working towards and then take actions to align your career with your purpose... you WILL find an increased level of productivity, pride and achievement. It is just as the dialogue between the Cheshire cat and Alice went... "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don't much care where--" said Alice. "Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

Find your way by knowing where you are and where you are going... but more over WHY you are walking that path.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator – Get Creative to Win Opportunity

"Reality can be beaten with enough imagination."

"Oh… the world economy is sooo bad!" "What will we ever do? There is so little money in the world." "No one is doing any business because there is no opportunity out there." Sound familiar?

Given, the economy MAY APPEAR to be in a down slide, yet do you BELIEVE that "everyone" is struggling? Do you think someone is out there getting RICH? Likely so...yet, how do they EXCEL during a "downturn" while others barely get by?

CREATIVITY is an amazing solution to hard times. If you have clients that are having CHALLENGES to find the money to buy your services, find the money for them. If you see a client that lacks the ability or SKILL set to accomplish another needed goal, find a way to do the task for them (or better yet, have someone better than you do it... Inexpensively).

Regardless of any situation in the environment, there are ALWAYS ways to get things done!

Whatever challenges your clients, friends, family or personal self are facing are able to be OVERCOME. By seeking new ways of DEFEATING old challenges, you EXPAND your mind, skills and leadership. Additionally, by SOLVING challenges for others in a unique way... You BUILD long lasting credibility and loyalty.

Use your BRILLIANCE and leverage your CREATIVITY... You may even IMPRESS yourself.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Moving Beyond the Past

"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future."
-George Bernard Shaw

To LEARN from the past or to FOCUS on the future... What is the better solution?

When you are focused on all the SUCCESSES and CHALLENGES of the past, often, you are facing a challenge regarding moving forward. Commonly, this is driven by a FEAR of uncertainty about the future.

When you EMBRACE the future and begin to FOCUS on activities that create positive GROWTH - you will find that any past successes will become EASIER to recreate, faster!

Take pride in your past success, yet do not allow yourself to become LAZY focusing on what you "were."

Create a new (and better) future for yourself by defining a success path that includes use of past knowledge with an infusion of vision, passion and execution, then... TAKE ACTION!

Your best days are ahead of you... Don't get LOST in the days of old.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - Where is Your Comfort Zone?

"Step out of your comfort zone once more each week and create over 50 additional opportunities for excitement, challenge and possibility each year.  This is what life's about."
- Sam Parker

Are you interested in finding the best ways to GROW and ACHIEVE?  Are you SEEKING opportunities to create a better future for yourself as soon as possible?  Do you ever notice that others around you have decided that what they are doing is the MAXIMUM success that they can attain?

One of the CHALLENGES of most people is the need to BREAK OUT if the mental block that limits their ABILITY to achieve.  Often people make comments, such as "I am not able to make my financial goals here because our programs don't do blah blah blah..." or "I would love to move up the ladder, but until I get my degree, they won't promote me.". Here is a REALITY - NO ONE IS LIMITING YOUR LIFE... JUST YOU!

Your income potential is UNLIMITED.  From any role, you can make more money if you NEGOTIATE the proper arrangements and are able to CLEARLY identify the areas that you add value.  You can move up the ladder as HIGH as you desire, once you are ABLE to DEMONSTRATE your ability to execute effectively.  Its up to YOU!

In order to BREAKTHROUGH and achieve at the high levels you are seeking... You must take a chance on YOURSELF!

IDENTIFY the "risks" you need to take to accomplish your goals:
- Ask for more responsibility at work
- Negotiate new agreements for your job role
- Call new clients for opportunity
- Start your own business

Once IDENTIFIED, take a chance - schedule the appointment - ask for what YOU want!  You have nothing to lose... And EVERYTHING to gain!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator - What Are We?

"We are not just our behavior... We are the person managing our behavior."
- Spencer Johnson, MD

As I speak with people about their ability to ACHIEVE their goals and dreams - I commonly find the people who are FRUSTRATED, are the ones that are NOT executing the correct, productive behaviors they need to in order to be successful. Let me explain...

Each morning you wake up and you get dressed. Why? If you DON'T get dressed then you are not PREPARED to be successful the rest of the day. Then you drive to the office. Why? If you don't SHOW UP, then you are not able to complete your tasks. Finally, you turn on your computer and begin typing away. Why? In order to ENGAGE the required information to execute on actionable items. SO, why is it when people get to work - they don't do the things they need to do to PREPARE and SHOW UP?

Most people KNOW what success steps/actions are required to do their job well. If you are in MANAGEMENT, you need to engage your people and develop them in a way to best equip them to be successful. If you are AVOIDING confrontation, how well are you doing your job? If you are in sales, you know that you must contact a given number of people to make your sales GOALS. If you are not making calls nor going to networking meetings... How do you expect to ACHIEVE?

Our ability to ACHIEVE is purely a DECISION to be successful. You know the BEHAVIORS that are required to meet your goals. You are in TOTAL control of your ability to MANAGE those behaviors. If you are failing to EXECUTE the correct behaviors, then it is YOUR responsibility to change!

Your managers, executives, board members, colleagues, etc CANNOT make you do what is best for you. You MUST take personal responsibility for your BEHAVIORS and thus your success. In the event you are not aware of what BEST behaviors are needed - seek assistance from your managers, executives, etc... that IS their job!

You KNOW what to do - You KNOW how to do it - Now go make it HAPPEN and start REAPING the rewards!


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Morning Motivator - Making Winners from Losers

"Everyone is a potential winner. Some people are disguised as losers, don't let their appearances fool you."
- Ken Blanchard, PhD.

Have you ever WONDERED what made on person very successful and another, with all the same advantages, not quite as much? What DIFFERENCES are involved in how one person ACHIEVES greater than another? It is INTELLIGENCE? PASSION? SPECIAL TREATMENT?

In some cases, the above factors HELP in achievement. The reality is that a much SIMPLER answer is what you are seeking. Last night, I read the "One Minute Manager" by Dr. Ken Blanchard. The short, easy read, defines a management CONCEPT that is focused on creating a "SUCCESS ENVIRONMENT" for employees.

The primary message is around the use of setting and communicating (in mutual agreement) CLEAR, CONCISE goals to help "show" employees the proper objectives to be aiming for, rather than DICTATING "your goals for them to execute." Once goals are agreed upon, focus on CATCHING them doing something "RIGHT," at which point you IMMEDIATELY recognize and PRAISE the behavior. For those employees that do not require much attention to goal setting or process management, an immediate REPRIMAND of the behavior (never the person or their character) is called upon. By sharing in CLEAR detail, the behavior that is in error; the manager then describes their feelings and reassurances of the trust in that person's ability. If this sounds similar to the techniques used to raise children - you are quite ASTUTE!

Often we see employees FAILING to achieve in an environment. Commonly, the TRAINING of that employee was a 1 to 3 day session and then a "call me if you need help" statement. Rarely are goals set in a manner which is CLEAR to employees and often if asked, the employee is not even sure what their JOB is.

Managers often fail to OBSERVE and PRAISE behavior that is positive or shows improvement. Often, the behaviors that are noted are NEGATIVE and commonly "held in reserve" for an annual review; at which point the manager blind sides the employee ... which is always a GREAT development tool (sarcasm).

Find ways to BUILD UP your teams. Use IMMEDIATE feedback of POSITIVITY. In the case of your STAR PLAYERS that need little help setting goals or require little PRAISE - give them IMMEDIATE feedback on the behaviors that need enhancement. They will APPRECIATE your attention to their EXCELLENCE and RESPECT your willingness to help!


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Morning Motivator - How Do You Empower Others?

"Empowerment in business today really just means allowing people to do what you already told them to do."
- Anonymous

I overheard this quote from someone in the past days and have not been able to get it off my mind. It made me begin to THINK about the ways business owners, managers and community leaders EMPOWER the people around them to ACHIEVE higher levels of success and productivity. I wonder what YOUR experience is with empowerment - giving power or being "empowered."

I find it very INTERESTING that empowerment is such a "buzz word" in the business community. To me, empowerment giving someone the FULL control of achieving the goals set before them. If you ask a manager to cut costs by 30%, if empowered, they are given the RIGHT to make what adjustments THEY deem appropriate. If empower a sales rep to achieve their goals, then you are saying, "I trust in your ability to find the best way - for you - to make this happen within this time frame."

Commonly, what we see is the word "empowerment" used by management, and then negated in EXECUTION. Why? Is it that the people asked to execute are not APPROPRIATELY placed in their role? Is it that they lack the INTELLIGENCE to complete the task? Is it that they are just not TRUSTED to do it? Remember, by CONTROLLING everything within your reach, you are LIMITED in you ability to reach farther.

If you are one that has difficulty "LETTING GO," then allow yourself an opportunity (and those around) to TEST the waters of empowerment. So often, we believe that once a DECISION is made, we are unable to ever go back and adjust it. This is NOT true.

Allow for a 30 day EMPOWERMENT session in your business. For 30 days, delegate tasks to your "trusted" partners with specific time lines and end goals - then step back and let it ride. If you CLEARLY define the end result and time frame, while placing the task with a COMPETENT and CAPABLE individual, then you should have no challenges seeing the end results you are seeking.

Oddly enough, you may even LEARN something from their execution patterns and creativity. Always REMEMBER - just because it YOUR way, does not make it the BEST way. Trust yourself and your people - you may be SURPRISED by both!

Have a great weekend!


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Morning Motivator - Bring Your People With You

"To coach" comes from the root meaning "to bring a person from where they are to where they want to be."
- David Cottrell 

I must say that I am INTRIGUED by the varying responses to yesterday's Morning Motivator. I am thankful to the people that SHARED their thoughts, regardless of what they were.

I am PROUD of these people for their willingness to SPEAK UP and lead for the people around them. As someone that is involved in an organization driven by politics, I am always PLEASED to see others "coaching" (aka developing) the people around them.

There is no GREATER service that someone can do for another person that to help them GROW from where they are to where they DESIRE to be. This is the function of LEADERSHIP and the core principle by which leaders should operate.

The TALENT you are surrounded by serves as a two-fold development group.

First, they are near for you to COACH them towards enhancing their skills by which you are already proficient. Secondly, they are near to SERVE as a coach to you in your development of the needed/desired skills you seek and they are already proficient.

Take the time DAILY to teach and learn. If you were to IMPROVE 1% daily - you would be more than 3.5 times improved upon who you are at the beginning of the year. That's a simple and dramatic progression!


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Morning Motivator - Create a Better Future for Yourself

"Perseverance is the most overrated of traits, if it is unaccompanied by talent; beating your head against a wall is more likely to produce a concussion in the head than a hole in the wall."
-Sydney J. Harris

Today we wake up with a new President-elect in the United States. I do not wish to make today's Morning Motivator one of political rhetoric, so I will yield to a lesson of PERSISTENCE. As we look to the next four years, we are likely to see a great many CHANGES – many of which may be painful personally and financially. As it has been stated, we can expect higher taxes, higher security risks and a "redistribution of wealth."

The REALITY is that a PERSISTENCE and FOCUS on continuing to grow you personally, professionally and financially WILL pay off in the end. Your dedication to LEADERSHIP will still hold value and your ability to CREATE your own opportunities; will still outweigh any program or initiative to "GIVE you a better life."

Do NOT allow yourself to become complacent. NEVER take the easy road because it is presented to you and seems to be a quick fix. Remember that your VALUE is defined by you as a person and your WILLINGNESS to work for your dreams, not by the people or things around you. Your PERSISTENCE in working towards a better future for yourself will REAP the rewards you are deserving of and INSPIRE others to follow suit. RISE above your circumstances, use CREATIVITY to seek better ways of creating your success and FOCUS your efforts on your PLANNED attack to achieve your dreams.

In order to CREATE a better future for yourself utilizing your own best talents, you must first IDENTIFY what your special talents are and the manners in which you best leverage their value.

Once you understand your best ASSETS, you then identify scenarios in which you can use those most effectively and efficiently. If you are a great speaker, find a vocation that allows you to leverage that talent to amass wealth. If you are a great teacher, seek unique situations in which your special talent will be compensated for at the rate of which you are worth.

Finally, CREATE, IMPLEMENT and EXECUTE your strategy. Define the success steps required to ATTAIN your goals and begin executing immediately. Always ask for opportunities and never accept "NO" as a legitimate answer. If you WANT something – you DESERVE IT… as long as you are willing to WORK for it.

What are you WAITING for..?


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Morning Motivator - Win Some...Learn Some.

"You win some, you learn some." -Jason Mraz

Often people say it is your ATTITUDE that is the likely determinant of your SUCCESS. When you face a CHALLENGE - how do you approach it? When the outcome is not as you HOPED - what are you next steps?

The idea of WINNING and LOSING is quite fascinating to me. Especially in business, where, frankly, most of us are learning on the job daily. If you played a new board game and did not know the rules - would you FEEL badly if you were defeated?

With the above in mind - how do you really LOSE in business? How can one BELIEVE that they FAILED, unless they KNEW what to do and simply chose not to do it?

In my mind, I BELIEVE that you either WIN or LEARN. There is no LOSING in your personal and professional development.

When you approach each OPPORTUNITY as a chance to win or learn, then you can NEVER fail. The critical key is that IF you do not win, you must find the LEARNING OPPORTUNITY.

Don't be AFRAID not to win - only fear the inability to LEARN for those missed chances.


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Morning Motivator - The Strength of Change

"Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
- Harriet Tubman

Today is my last day with Dalcon and I am thankful for the opportunity to LEARN and GROW from this experience. I am excited to LEVERAGE my new found knowledge in ways that are able to support my dreams for the future.

Obviously, anytime you change occupations, you experience a significant CHANGE. A change in comfort, focus, income and other areas that AFFECT your ability to keep clarity of your end goals. Change, when managed properly, can be a GREAT thing and an opportunity for you to drive your personal development.

As we approach the election, we hear a lot about CHANGE as well. Logically, the new President (regardless of who wins) WILL be a change. New policies, new ideology, new focus. As you prepare to vote, make sure you consider "what" change means and how that will affect you... Then take ACTION!

The STRENGTH of change comes in the DEVELOPMENT of your talents being pressured by the necessity to survive. By being forced to make DIFFICULT decisions in scenarios you are not typically comfortable with provides you with the EXPERIENCE and INSIGHT to lead others in a more effective way.

When you are seeking opportunities, seek the ones that CREATE a change in your skills, education, comfort levels, leadership - don't just pursue a positive change in finances.

A great mentor once said to me, "follow the learning opportunity and you will find that the money will follow you."



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Morning Motivator - Enjoy the Grind...

"I've never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline."
- Vince Lombardi

What do you say when you wake up to go to work? What do you FEEL? Are you EXCITED about the days new opportunities or do you DREAD what is yet to come?

One thing many top ACHIEVERS have in common is their PASSION for what they do. They often perceive the career as a GAME in which they enjoy playing. It is the grind of the day and the CHALLENGE to excel that DRIVES them to be successful. Is the GAME fun for you?

What ACTIONS can you take to make your days enjoyable? Are you in the RIGHT career or are you pursuing money over knowledge? Have you discovered your PASSIONS professionally or even stopped to think about them?

A key to "ENJOYING the grind" is finding your passion and purpose. You don't have to LOVE your work (commonly, most people don't). Rather, you DO have to love an aspect of it in which you can achieve.

Define what you ENJOY and fins a way to MAXIMIZE that in your job function. Additionally, CLARIFY your purpose. Maybe your job is a means to an end (which is fine) and by CLARIFYING what you must do to achieve your end results - you WILL find an increased appreciation for your actions and thus, better RESULTS.

Find a way to enjoy it all more and you will find that everything becomes much EASIER.


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Morning Motivator - The Courage to Do What Is Right

"Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
- Winston Churchill

I have been wanting to write a Morning Motivator around this topic for awhile now. This is the idea of doing what is BEST for you, your people and your community, in spite of the results.

We live in a world of YES people. You know them... The ones that are so PROUD that they are always on the winning team, the one's that have NEVER had a failure or ALWAYS side with the management team. They are the people that you see but never NOTICE. They speak and are not HEARD. The EXIST but barely LIVE.

In our society, most people fall into the above category. As a leader, you must TRUST yourself and your people to be VIRTUOUS in the face of all the "lemmings." The INSPIRATION people seek comes from the BOLD, STRONG leaders that make a difference. It is your WILLINGNESS to sacrifice personal COMFORT to fight for the best interests of others that creates TRUST and CONFIDENCE about you in the eyes of others.

Are you a YES person? Do you stand up for what is RIGHT even if it means being the outcast?

It is understandable if you have up to this point. Maybe you didn't know what YOU stood for or didn't know how to take ACTION.

The point is that TODAY is the day you can become a great leader. Dig your feet into the ground and stand BOLDLY for what you believe in. You will not be judged harshly for what you BELIEVE as long as you show STRENGTH and COMMITMENT to your position.

Be bold, be strong... Be a GREAT leader!


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Morning Motivator - Free Your Mind

"Emanicipate yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds."
- Bob Marley

As you may have realized, I have a personal PASSION for psychology and how one's thought processes affect their SUCCESS potentials. The more I research, the more I BELIEVE that the attitudes carried in the mind are the DIFFERENCE between achievement and limited success.

I am continually AMAZED at the very slight differences between the person that achieves at a very high level and the one that does well, yet never breaks through. Rarely are the differences - INTELLIGENCE, PRIVLEDGE, POLITICAL CONNECTIONS, or UNIQUE ABILITY. Most commonly, the variations are - CONFIDENCE, FOCUS, RESILIANCE and LEADERSHIP.

Interestingly, it seems to be ones ability to CHOOSE, FOCUS and EXECUTE success patterns that makes them achieve. It is their FOCUS that allows them to break the mental barriers of self limiting thoughts and allow for their dreams to have substance that they act upon. Are you FREEING YOUR MIND to accept your desired success?

If you agree that its a MENTAL ADVANTAGE that most high achievers have, the you must answer the following question:

What are the BEST ways to create an positive, productive, success-oriented mind set?

Things to consider are, what actions can I take to:
- Improve my confidence (body, intellect, reputation)
- Enhance my connectivity (leadership, networking)
- Create clarity in my goals (define purpose, passions and vision)
- Empower those around me (delegation, support, coaching)

Seek opportunities to ENHANCE your "self" and create a FREE MIND - by letting go of what you "believe" you CANNOT do... You will see that you CAN do ANYTHING!


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Morning Motivator - Succeeding Through Others

"Whether you realize it or not, you have the power to be successful by helping others succeed."
- David Cottrell

The POWER to improve the life of someone else is AMAZING. Consider your FAVORITE teacher in grade school or college... What made them so IMPACTFUL?

Often, it is the PASSION to help others succeed that provides the medium for others to MAXIMIZE their potential into action. It was your teachers DESIRE to see you become a better person than they are capable of that provided you the FOUNDATION to be successful, in addition to a measurement of THEIR success.

What are you doing to ESTABLISH your success legacy? How are you BUILDING up others to show them the pathway to ACHIEVEMENT? Have you taken ACTIONS steps to see that us success is tied directly into the talents and abilities of others?

Personal achievement is DIFFICULT to accomplish when you are alone in your efforts.

Listen to any LEADER speak about success and they will ALL describe the effort, value and appreciation of the people that work so hard to directly affect the OVERALL accomplishment.

BUILD up others - find ways to SHOWCASE success opportunities - INSPIRE action to around you.... This is TRULY your best path to success!


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Morning Motivator - The Biggest and Best Change

"The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance."
- Nathaniel Braden

Special thanks to Sonny and Christy for inspiring this Morning Motivator. I appreciate your confidences and support!

In a political and economic time where we are hearing a continuous emphasis on "CHANGE," one must wonder what is the BEST change available to us as individuals. In an effort to better understand what we want to change, we must first IDENTIFY what areas of our life need changing...

In many discussions, I hear people often PROCLAIM what they want from life... big house, fancy car, lots of money, etc. Within this discussion there are 2 key elements - 1. WHY do you want those things? 2. WHAT is keeping you from them now?

Most commonly, people DREAM about what they want without a FOUNDATION of awareness of what they need. I would suggest starting here. WHY do you work in your chosen career? WHAT is the VALUE you bring to the table and what value is given in return? WHY do you SEEK certain goals, possessions or accomplishments? WHAT actions are PREVENTING you from ACHIEVING them?

Once you are AWARE of the "WHY" in your actions, you can ACCEPT the results of those actions and then make POSITIVE change by correcting or enhancing them. If you want to make more money so you can spend more QUALITY time with someone you LOVE, then identify what actions must be taken to achieve the end goal and GET TO WORK!

In the past 3 years, I have grown more as a man, a professional and a caring human being than any other time in my life. What happened? I finally DECIDED that my life would be MY LIFE!

I began to reflect internally and see what made me happy, sad, frustrated, joyful, etc... Once I was AWARE of WHAT made me tick - it was easy to see WHY I did things a certain way. Once I knew what needed to be done, I ACCEPTED myself as a PERFECT (yet imperfect) person and began playing to the JOYS of my life. It has affected my job, my personal relationships, my family and myself perception.

Some actions HURT, some feel GREAT and some are just the RISKS you must take to see what you are made of... but at the end of the day, when you know what you want and finally have the AWARENESS to pursue it - you find the people around SUPPORT you, your CONFIDENCE increases and the HAPPINESS you are seeking was always there.

Don't be AFRAID of change in YOUR life... just make sure you know WHY you want to change - then DO IT! Have a great weekend!


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Morning Motivator - Your Words Worth

"When you sacrifice your integrity, you erode your most precious leadership possession."
- David Cottrell

In a given day you are faced with many CRITICAL decisions - most of which you may overlook as SIMPLE.

Decisions, such as, whether or not to tell a client that your product or service will not FULLY meet their needs. The option to lead a potential competitor in the WRONG direction about a contact's info. Even, sharing your long term INTENTIONS with an organization making decisions that will affect you and them.

At the core your decisions are made around your INTEGRITY. This is your commitment to be HONEST and FORTHRIGHT with others about the information that is CRITICAL to their future success. This IS your most important character trait... ABOVE all others!

When DETERMINING the "proper" decision in any situation, always consider the long term implications of your choice. This is similar to the ETHICS classes you took in high school or college.

If the info you share (or withhold) will cause CONFLICT as a result, then make sure to be up front... Even if it causes you to:
- Lose a deal
- Miss an opportunity
- Bypass a job opportunity

By PROTECTING your INTEGRITY, you can expect increased RESPECT, OPPORTUNITIES and TRUST from the people that make the best impact in your life!


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Morning Motivator - Lead With a Vengeance

"Leaders make a ruckus"
- Seth Godin

The funny thing about being a LEADER is how common you are looked to as the person with all the POWER in a group. Do you know who RUNS a non-profit organization? Are you FAMILIAR with who executes action in a company?

RARELY does the power of a group NOT lie with the people who make it up. Commonly, the President of a group "leads" a Board, yet it is the Board members that have decision making power. It is not the SALES MANAGER that generates revenues, rather its the reps. So, what does this mean?

As a LEADER, we must act upon a clear vision of what our people NEED to improve and grow. We must EXECUTE on their best interests, even if it results in a less than admirable perception of ourselves. We SACRIFICE our selfish intentions to allow INDIVIDUALS to develop into their full potential.

Often, as leaders, we are asked to make decisions that affect the lives of our people. We are tasked with the ultimate responsibility of overseeing their growth and success opportunities.
We must LEAD with best intentions always and EXECUTE with integrity. When you seek to do the right thing, you may "ruffle some feathers" and charge forward without great support.

But think about it... What GREAT leader ever made their mark on the world by just "going along with the crowd."

Stand strong, make noise and lead with a VENGEANCE!


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Morning Motivator - Two to One

"More often we are paralyzed by a lack of information and clarity of what to do next than by what we know as fear."
- Zachary Barker

* A special THANK YOU to Josh Anderson of Keller Williams Realty for this Morning Motivator submission. Thanks for the support JA!

There's a job that must be done. Will you get busy and do it or will you just sit there and avoid taking action?

The way you prevent yourself from taking action is to have a set of reasonable and believable excuses. The way to get the work done is to replace those excuses with clear and meaningful reasons that are far more compelling.

Every delay is a wasted opportunity. For time is a most
precious and irreplaceable resource.

Each time you think of an excuse for not taking action,
overpower it. For each single excuse, quickly come up with two good, solid believable reasons for moving forward.

Yes, if you choose you can talk yourself out of doing what must be done. Fortunately, you are just as empowered to talk yourself into taking any necessary action.

Decide to blast away every excuse with two good reasons for going ahead and moving forward. And the odds are two to one that you will indeed reach whatever goal you choose.


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