Morning Motivator - Communicate Powerfully and Say Nothing

"Do not speak unless you can improve the silence"
- Proverb

Occasionally, I have been accused of speaking my mind too much.  Subsequently, I have been actively working on observing more and speaking less.  It is an interesting exercise for anyone that is "vocal."

If you are a "vocal leader," next time you are in a meeting, sit there.  Say nothing and watch.  You may have a similar experience to the ones I have.

First, you may find people looking at you awaiting your input.  I am unsure if it is out of habit or if they really want to know what is on your mind.  Second, you may find that the "obvious" point does not seem to be drawn upon.  Sure that sounds arrogant, but it amazes me how often people talk without recognizing the real issues.  Lastly, you may experience the group failing to meet an "actionable item" from their discussion.

This may not be true for everyone, but I believe it true for the "vocal leader."

The way I see it is like this:  If you are an outspoken leader in the community, regardless of size, you are expected to know your stuff or at least have a consistently credible position from which you stand.  Additionally, you are looked towards for assistance in the process of breaking down rhetoric to get to the facts.

Outspoken people do not always have the full idea, however, they do have the tenacity and focus to drive towards achieving it.  They are not always the smartest person at the table, but they do create a catalyst for engaging others to speak.

Again, the next time you are in a meeting, say nothing (or as little as possible).  If you want to see how powerful you are in your communications, say nothing and see what happens.  You will find where you stand very quickly... or may find that the people around you are better than you give them credit for.  (both are a "win!")



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Morning Motivator - JUST HAVE MORE FUN!

"Every time I need motivation.  I just read some Tim Ferriss."
- Zach Barker

Below is an excerpt from a recent Tim Ferriss email.  Yes, I hijacked it and yes it is worth it.  Moreover, if you are not following Tim, you should be.  Go to:

In the mid-nineties, a curious book came out in the States: Body, Mind, and Sport by John Douillard. Given its focus on endurance sports, an apparent dislike of hard training and beef, and heavy doses of New Age discussions of Ayurveda, it is unlikely that it was read by many of our intense weightlifting friends.

The book was dedicated to improving one's performance by reducing the effort to 50%, enjoying the process, and not focusing on the result. The author cited a University of Texas in Austin study of goal-oriented and process-oriented people in the workplace. Unexpectedly, it was not the hypercompetitive Type "A" people who were doing more for the company, making more money, getting more raises and promotions. It was the folks who were enjoying their job.

Ironically, not getting wrapped up in the result may deliver higher gains. I had heard that before. One of the best pistol shooters in the Russian armed forces made a breakthrough in his accuracy when a coach told him, "You know, you have the right to miss."

One of Douillard's techniques was practicing a competitive sport without keeping score. "Focusing on the score attaches you to the result. Focusing on the process lets you access your greatest skill and increases your fun." That rang true.

Zach:  It is amazing to think that having more FUN proved (in this study) to increase results and effectiveness.  Is it not true of your work?  When you are focused on a project you believe in and enjoy, you get huge results.  When you are at the end of a job or project you do not like, it seems to suck the life out of you and your ability to get results.

What can you do to have more fun at work?  Me... well, I am making training and 'hype' videos for my sports league.  Best use of time?  Not sure.  A way to have fun, educate and get my athletes involved?  Yes!  And THAT... makes it all worth it.



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Morning Motivator - Are You a 13 Year Old Girl?

"My job is not babysitting people; my job is focusing on making the best band I possibly can."
- Jerry Only

If you were not expected to be at work at a certain hour or stay until a predetermined time, how many hours would it take you to do your job?  Do you think you can accomplish all of your days work in less than 8 hours?  6 hours?  4 hours?  Less?  More?  If less, then why are you being paid to stay for 8 (or more hours)?

Because you are a 13 year old girl!  Well, not exactly, but you are being treated and managed on the same principal. 

Your job, which may include sales, management, reporting, measurement, administration and more, is defined by your job as a babysitter.  You are paid, not to produce in an effective and efficient manner, rather, you are paid to have your tail in a chair for 8 hours a day and make sure that your phone and computer do not get up and run away...

Management will be forced to change in the future.  Measurements and analytics have allowed us greater insight into the effectiveness of our efforts relative to our time.  Do you think there is a reason why Google requires people spend 1 day of their week working on "other projects"?

I suggest that the reason is because it provides a compressed time schedule, increased focus and a reward for effective work habits.  By giving less time and a greater reward for successful behaviors, Google is getting more out of their people in 4 days than most get in a week.  Additionally, they are encouraging creativity that lends to new, improved and successful projects that they can roll out to their clients.

Will managers stop asking people to come in at a certain time?  Maybe one day.  I do know this... the people that get things done and done well play by their own rules.  They work on their own schedule and on their own terms.  Don't believe me?  Watch your top sales person and see how many meetings they miss or if they are required to perform the same as the middle reps.

Start crushing it at work and they will see your value for what you accomplish, not how well you can babysit.



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Morning Motivator - Fine, Don’t Sell...

"There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it."
- Dale Carnegie

What if there were no sales people?  A world with no one to push towards decision making, drive better ways of doing business or press people to examine their existing businesses.  What if we did not have a world withy pushy people pushing us to push?

Personally, I have been in sales, the hard kind, since college.  My business goals were always driven around revenue generation or market share.  I have never known a world where there was not a goal to get someone to purchase at the end of the day.  Yet, many people never want to sell.  They don't want to think about the numbers.  They just want to do their job.

Fine, don't sell... no one says you have to.


If no one is selling, then there is no money to fund the people supporting.  No accounting department, no marketing, no HR, no admin assistants.  The business world stops when sales people quit.

As a business professional, you better realize you are ALWAYS selling.  Whether you are a sales rep who sells direct or an admin assistant who ensures that the sales people have what they need, you are a part of the process.  As a support person, your sole goal should be to find better ways to make more sales capacity and shorter cycles. 

Do not fight the sales person.  They are the ones that never get a day off (which is why they try to do as many non-work things when able) and never get to take a break.  They are always on... 

You do not have to sell, that is fine.  But you every one of us better realize that if you are not selling, you must make sure someone else is... your job depends on it!  Now go out and sell something!!



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Morning Motivator - Become a Hacker

"If you give a hacker a new toy, the first thing he'll do is take it apart to figure out how it works."
- Jamie Zawinski

Do you know what makes great salespeople, well, great?  They have "hacked" near every aspect of their clients business, mindset and apprehensions.  They know more about what their clients need than the clients are even able to see. 

Hackers are an amazing breed of professional (yes, I said professional).  Sure, the ones you hear about are the bad guys stealing credit card numbers or launching viruses, but what about the Hackers at Google which "engineered" a better algorithm allowing us faster and broader access to information.  What about the printing company that hacked the ideal formatting to maximize your exposure and effectiveness in their publications?  or the doctor that hacked a new vaccine for the flu?

Hackers are not all evil.  Matter of fact, most are just curious individuals "reverse engineering" their way to understanding the inner workings of a model.  They are the intellectuals seeking a better way, better understanding and greater control over end-results.

I often ask if you are spending time working "on" your business, not just in it.  Analyzing systems, processes, procedures, workflows and more.  Breaking down the decision pathways of a reluctant client to ensure you "know" what questions or hesitations will arise on the way to a successful integration. 

Take a few hours (if you cannot afford a full day) each week to "hack" a system you work in.  Look at it inside and out.  Tackle only one at a time.  Look for the nuances of its inner workings and functionality.  See if there is not a step that can be circumvented or streamlined.

Most often the greatest innovations are an improvement on a existing process or product, rarely a new creation.  Innovation is improvement and hacking your way through a problem to its root allows you the understanding and power to make innovative change!

Here is to becoming a hacker... the legal kind that is.



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Morning Motivator - Eat More with Smaller Bites

"It is not the horse that draws the cart, but the oats."
- Proverb

Everyone wants to land the huge deal!  Why not?  It takes the same amount of work and time to hit the big lick and it does to get a small one, right?  Well, maybe...

In managing a rapidly growing business, I am finding that we may be better served to take many more small bites, chew and digest effectively, rather than try to shove a whole meal in our mouth and force it to be swallowed.  We just cant chew fast enough to get it all down without choking.

Maybe it is the small deals that come in quick, simple succession that make more sense.  If you could add 1 new client for the next 24 months, would that be better or worse than adding 1 client 24 times as big 24 months from now?  You may just starve your business waiting to devour that big client.

Heavy hitting top producers will always say that you should go after the big guys.  They contend that the time and effort is equal whether the client be large or small.  They also are at a different point in their business...

How many top producers do you know of that only do 1 or 2 monster deals per year?  Most, if not all, do many deals per year.  Often, they have built a team and added support systems to handle the "smaller" deals so they can focus on the bigger ones. 

Top producing individuals have one of two things: (1) Enough small deals coming in weekly/monthly that are handled by their staff - or - (2) Enough prior income/revenue that they can afford to feed off their saving sin pursuit of the monster deal.  Both says work and both are successful.

The question becomes, "How do you get to that level?"  Small bites may get you there faster.



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Morning Motivator - OK, Impress Me!

"The most common trouble with advertising is that it tries too hard to impress people."
- James Randolph Adams

Under promise and over deliver. Interesting concept, huh? I always wondered why I struggled with this so much. I know many others do as well. Most people over assess their capability and under perform when called upon.

What if we change it to "promise and impress"? Take away the ability for someone to "under promise" which, to me, seems very easily achieved by lying or understating the truth. Change over deliver to "impress" as it seems impossible to "over" deliver as you either meet needs or do not.

I like the idea of confidently knowing what I am capable of (which is the most difficult aspect of this new theory) and then delivering with such high consistency people are impressed at your effectiveness. I would rather you think highly of me and let me prove it, than to have low expectations I am always seeking to overcome. Does that make any sense??

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Consider the people you trust most. Is it because you have such low expectations of them to do anything meaningful in your life that you are overwhelmed every time they "show up" for you? HELL NO!

The people you love and cherish are the ones that impress you with their capabilities. You are drawn to their personality, drive, creativity, passion, intelligence and much more. You know they will disappoint, but it is their impressive nature that keeps you connected.

What if your client were as drawn to your impressive nature as much as to the fact that you always send a report back within 24 hours? What if they were more impressed by your inference into the report and the ability to identify areas of improvement within that report that is consistently sent with 24 hours? Now we are talking...

Just delivering is like taking care of your children or going to work. You are not awarded for doing the things you are supposed to. It is when you do something - consistently - that impresses and captures others.

Stop trying to over deliver and start trying to IMPRESS! Do it consistently and you will find much comes to those who impress...



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Morning Motivator - Plant the Seed

"Just having the thought starts the success."
- Anonymous

When was the last time you planted the idea of your success? Do you even believe that you can control your success? Do you believe that it is something that results from lots of effort?

Much of innovation in our era is based off of creative imagination and belief in engineering. Creatives "plant the seed" that something can be manufactured, the someone with the "want" goes out and makes it happen.

The ability to create from concept is how success is manufactured.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Creative planning is not something that should be done in an annual planning session. It is something that should be an integral part of your weekly workload.

Consider Google. They do not jus encourage, but require, that employees spend 20% of their week (or 1 of their 5 workdays) working on personal creative projects. They WANT their people to plan for innovation and success beyond their "grind."

Are you spending time focusing on new innovation? Do you invest in planning future successes? As you planning on ways to plant the seed for new, better ways to do more for you and your business?

Maybe it is time...



Morning Motivator- Achievement is built

"Success is process, not a microwave dinner."
- Unknown

Special thanks to my good friend, Josh Anderson of Keller Williams real estate, in Nashville, TN. for todays MM.

Achievement is built on challenge. Achievement is built on setbacks and frustrations.

Achievement is built when conditions are difficult. Achievement is built when the direction of the economy is uncertain, and when there's no guarantee of success.

And achievement is indeed built, for it is not inevitable. Achievement happens because people choose to make it happen.

Achievement is built on meaningful intention, with devotion, persistent action and plain old hard work. Achievement is built on the desire to make a difference, and on the commitment to fulfill that desire no matter what.

Yes, of course there are obstacles, excuses, distractions, frustrations and disappointments that push back against achievement. Achievement is built anyway, and the world is a richer, more promising place because of it.

Achievement is built by giving the best of your focus and your efforts to each moment. And as you build it, achievement builds you.



Morning Motivator - Stop Discounting Yourself!

"Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it."
- M. Scott Peck

Do you ever wonder how some people seem to be in such great control of their schedule? It comes purely from the fact they respect their own time above all else.

Learning to respect your time, in greater measure than that of others, is a very challenging mindset to shift towards. Often, we are so focused on ensuring we respect and honor others time that we make sacrifices of our own in order to appease others. But wait... are they doing that for other people too?

What if we were all chasing other people for their time, never controlling our own and being dictated upon by those that we serve? At some point, someone would have to take control, otherwise, we would never get ahead.

Years ago I was taught that by controlling and respecting my time first, others would do the same. When I made myself available only in settings that were scheduled and controlled, I allowed myself the freedom and flexibility to meet with others during the open times.

More structure to create more flexibility? Sounds oxymoronic... yet, it is true!

By creating a systematic approach to how you manage your time, you will be better able to assess your ability to commit time, effort and attention to new projects. You will also be better able to serve your associates and clients as you will have controlled expectations of what can be delivered and how soon.

Sure, some people will see this as "stand off-ish," however, when they see how much time and attention you focus on them... they will forgive you. They may even start doing the same.




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Morning Motivator - Build and Support Your Competitors

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."
- Bill Gates

If we had our way, we would eliminate all of our competition, right? I mean, would it not be so much easier to be successful if there was not someone else out there stealing our clients, sending muddled messages and bottom feeding to get a deal? Then, only the BEST would be around and we would be a better society...

Well, that sounds fine and dandy, right?! Yet, what if there was never a bar to measure against? What is Apple never go into a tech war with Microsoft? What if banks did not fight for your loans and deposits?

The reality is that you NEED competitors! They make your business better, stronger and, frankly, are a great source of leads. (i.e. ever had a client show up on your doorstep because someone else screwed up?) Competition is what drives our ability to innovate, create and implement. It is what makes us do better - plain and simple!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Although we do like competition, we want to make sure that we are #1, correct? What if you had a way to build your competition in a manner that forced them to become allies, rather than opposition? What if your competitor became a partner instead?

One of the best ways to grow a business is through partnership. Additionally, by having people that provide services similar to yours, you are able to pre-qualify clients and better serve them. A best way to do this is by "training and supporting" your competition.

If you are able to create or lead a system or structure that allows you to serve as a leader within an organization, you are able to help shape the success of your competition, while building trusted relationships that will yield leads as a result.

There is never a time that one person or company can do everything. If you are positioned, by helping support your competition, so that you can benefit from the overflow or better yet, serve in a niche capacity within their business plan, you may find that your success is, in reality, DRIVEN by someone you viewed as "competition."



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Morning (well, in Hawai'i at least) Motivator -Better Late Than Never, Right?

"80% of success is showing up."
- Woody Allen

Ok, ok, ok. I know I am late on this one... Lets see if it was worth the wait.

I have been in one of my increased awareness modes lately. Watching, examining, questioning the ways things are done and why they are done that way. I have really been keyed in on timeliness (and yes, I am late, thus writing about it).

Interestingly enough, culture seems to be the strongest motivator for timeliness. In some areas of the country and just in lines of business, people EXPECT you not to be on time, but early. Others, however, are much more loose with their time, accepting when you are tardy, or even having you wait in the lobby while they run behind. What is wrong? Right? I don't know...

What I do know is that TIMELINESS, to me, is like dressing for an event. If you do not know what to wear to a party or gathering, out dress everyone (maybe not a tux, but you get the point). As a habit, with relation to time, if you do not have an awareness of the cultural value, err on the side of being early. (at least 15 minutes I suggest).

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Most of fall into the common time traps causing us to be late. Mis-prioritization, time wasting in non productive activities, failure to plan or delegate low level work. The list goes on and on and on... One of the biggest life suckers, er, I mean, time suckers, is "early morning email." just as a note, before we look at ways to solve your time issues, understand that an email sent overnight does not have a "reply by" time associated with it. Take your time, get focused and knock out the important stuff before you start the back-and-forth of morning emails.

Here are some great helpers for better balancing your schedule. Hope it helps...

1. Take responsibility for your time. If you do not respect your time - no one will!

2. Focus your schedule around your priorities. Not everything in our lives is equally important (you know that already.) Focus on solving this question - "What are my top 5 priorities today?" Complete them in order of importance, not convenience.

3. Eliminate time traps. Take a look at your daily schedule. Are there certain activities that zap your energy and keep you from reaching your goals? Hint: TV, Web surfing, too much Social media, Checking email too frequently, answering unimportant texts, Running errands every day

4. Be willing to decline tasks. Agree only to the tasks that are meaningful to you. It might sound selfish at first, but it really is not.

5. Plan only for 80% of your time. Did you ever have something unexpected happen to you during the day? Those unexpected things usually happen quite often and mess up your schedules completely. Allow 20% of your time be unscheduled and completely free.

6. Distinguish between urgent and important tasks. Important activities have an outcome that leads to the achievement of your goals. This gets you closer to keeping your life priorities in balance. Urgent activities demand immediate attention, and are often associated with the achievement of someone else's goals or satisfying your necessities

7. Keep your daily schedule organized. All of the tips mentioned above can be hard to digest and bring into your life. That is why using a daily planner will help you organize your schedule, declutter your tasks and avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Guess who is re-reading this MM as soon as it hits his email?? Well, at lunch... wink wink



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Morning Motivator - TIME TRAVEL

"When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened."
- John M. Richardson, Jr.

Have you ever thought about traveling back in time to alter something of the past or give yourself an advantage on an opportunity you missed? Have you watched enough movies to be scared of altering the space|time continuum? What if you could change the future through time travel?

People are always looking for a way to erase past mistakes or missed opportunities. Many are playing the "what if" game over and over every day. Some people are so frozen by a decision or action in the past, they cannot move forward today. What if you could change the future?

What if I told you that you can!?


No, I did not invent a time machine (yet). What I have discovered is that you are able to travel back to your prior errors mentally, learn from them and use them as leverage for future success. Yes, travel back through your experiences and use them to alter your future!!

Too often, people believe that one moment altered their entire future. I often say "all but one decision can be corrected and overcome," which means that you have the ability to blow an opportunity and still get it back!

You hold the key to your future. Seriously. No one else can dictate what you can and cannot achieve. You live in the United States where your government cannot hold you down. In a society that celebrates the underdog. In a world that grows flatter every day with the increased speed of technology and communication.

Learn from your past. Leverage it for your future. Stop wishing for a time machine to go back and create your success machine for the future!!



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Morning Motivator - A Message About War

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- Mahatma Gandhi

I try not to get too personal or too extreme in my MM writings, but I must say that today my ass is chapped! So hang on...

First, while a fiscal conservative, I am not a full fledged Republican. I am an American. Additionally, I am very appreciative that I get to live in a country where I am able to speak my mind, build my own success and choose my life's path. I am, however, extremely pissed off at all the people that bitch and moan about how bad the US is and how we need to keep ourselves out of the affairs of other countries.

I hear today, someone say, "I am not celebrating Veterans Day. We shouldn't even be fighting in these wars!" And yes, your buddy Zach, did say something. I told this obviously extremely liberal hippie, college kid that has no idea about liberty or sacrifice. He lives in a world where he can skip class and go to McDonalds to stand in line and bitch about affairs he knows nothing about. I told him, in other countries he would be shot for saying that! Funny... He said nothing in return.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Look, here is the deal... The liberties you have to Occupy Wall Street, start a business, even as far as having a child are provided by the many deaths of people sacrificing their time, safety and potentially their life so you can buy a new iPhone and complain about wars in a fancy coffee shoppe.

You may not like WAR - frankly, no one does -but it is a reality. It has been a part of human society since time began. It is not political, it is about survival. If you do not think that protecting your interests are important, then let someone come rob you or break into your home. Then see if you think protecting yourself is important.

Today is VETERANS DAY. Agree with war or not, you better go out and tell someone that has served THANK YOU. Give them a hand shake or a hug and let them know you appreciate their efforts to allow you to be free of tyranny, unfair taxation and torture. Lastly, if you think the US is really that bad. Try visiting another country other than any in the UK. Middle Africa, the Middle East or Eastern Europe are my suggestions. Good luck!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all our military and service people. I know I get to rant, because you made a choice to defend my right to do so. I hope I can honor you better one day soon.



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Morning Motivator - A Leadership Scapegoat

"Penn State has officially fired Joe Paterno."

Let me predicate this entire entry with the fact that what was done by the accused ex-coach of Penn State is deplorable and he should receive maximum punishment allowable by law. Let the lesson then begin...

Yesterday, coaching legend, Joe Paterno, of Penn State was fired for his "involvement" in a child sex scandal surrounding one of his former coaches. While I do not know the details intimately, I am aware that Mr. Paterno communicated "concerns" about his coach to his management, at which point, no action was taken. Sad, sad, sad...

As a result of the inaction of the administration, he is now being held liable in association with the acts that have been accused. So, what is the lesson?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Leadership is a responsibility to those you serve and those that serve you. As the leader of any organization, you will ALWAYS be held accountable for the actions of those you work with or the quality of work that they produce. Does that mean you should micro manage everyone and everything to ensure that nothing bad ever happens? No.

What you do need to be aware of is the quality of character you choose to associate with. No one likes to be judged. It is even worse to be judges by the actions of your worst associate. Your mom always said, "if you hang out with bad kids, you will be a bad kid too." Never has a greater truth been said.

Listen to mom. Listen to your gut. Pick your friends very wisely. Don't want to be a "sell out?" No one does, yet, no one wants to be held back by others. Personally, I like to hold myself to a very high level of standards and surround myself with people that I believe are better than me (or at least offer something of great value).

Choose not to heed that warning and you may just become the next Leadership Scapegoat!



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Morning Motivator - Sure, I’ll Pay 80% Taxes...

"Business is a trade of financial security for emotional security."
- Zachary Barker

Why is it that the "monday morning" politician always want to cut taxes - no matter what!? Do not get me wrong, I want to pay less taxes also. That is not from the fact that I think I pay too much in taxes... It is that I get too little in services!

The question we need to solve in our community is not HOW much we are paying, but what we are paying for. Are you getting excellent service when you go to the DMV? How about when you go to the parks... are they clean and well maintained? Are the streets being repaired in a timely fashion??

Would you complain less about taxes if you felt welcomed, appreciated and received exceptional service from your government??

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: When you look at your business and your government, do you see similarities? What would you do to fix your governments services? Are you doing those same things in your business??

Success in business is often about an increased awareness of needs in the marketplace. Once you are able to identify the needs of the people -private or public sector - you can then fill those needs and create opportunity for yourself. What if you could create a service that would circumvent the DMV? What if you could skip the TSA lines at the airport - every time!? What if your were able to figure out a way to better educate children... even if it cost more!?!

People will pay. People will GLADLY pay more for better. Find ways to solve issues - public and private - then watch the opportunities explode!!



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Morning Motivator - Lets Never Agree

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire

Admittedly, I love politics. Actually, I love the interaction of individuals with different perspectives on what success looks like, how to support it with the people that they lead and then watch them take action towards achieving those goals.

The most credible of these groups is often found amongst an active Board of Directors. With great diversity in age and background, it is the collection of people with a common vision and very different paths for getting there. So, what would the worst possible thing be?

Agreement. Plain, simple, group agreement.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Some people hate the idea of confrontation. Others seek to find consensus prior to proposals. Me, I like to throw out the "anti-idea" and see how it changes the discussion. In a sense, I am a trouble maker...

Think of it like this. You spend your time, energy, money and resources on serving with Board of Directors. You get emotionally involved in the success of the group and have a personal investment of reputation riding on its success. If you are putting so much INTO this... why would you just show up, have zero debate or discussion, vote and leave? Frankly, if we do not have a difference in opinion - I DO NOT NEED TO BE THERE!

My belief is that my time and intelligence is EXTREMELY VALUABLE. I also believe they are limited. Thus, if I am going to spend them on something, I want it to be valuable also. Not something that would move in the direction I think is best, whether I was there or not.

Warning: Do not be an a$$hole for the sake of being one. However, make sure if no on else is willing to have the difficult discussion (whether you are for or against it), that YOU start it!

Great leaders are worried when everyone agrees with them.



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Morning Motivator - Stop, Relax, Breathe, Go!

"Electricity is really just organized lightning."
- George Carlin

Feeling overwhelmed? Are you so "in demand" that you are having trouble balancing all the actions? Is the stress of being a top producer starting to grind on you?

It is OK! Better to be overwhelmed than underwhelmed, right? It happens to the best of us anyhow.

It is not uncommon for high producing individuals to find moments of overwhelming activity. It is the result of high inputs with a bottleneck existing in their output systems. A great example is that you can roll out 1,000 cookies, but if you can only bake 25 an hour, you are limited by your baking. You can bring in all the business you want, but are limited by the ability to "cook it up and serve it."

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: I continually discuss the nature of systems. The repeatable processes you define and work within continually in order to ensure quality and maximum productivity (ie. serving the best tasting cookies in the highest numbers).

Systems need analysis though. They require testing, sampling, stressing the workflow and continual tweaking. They require that you look at how effective it was last time and determine how it could be better this time.

In order to do so, you must stop, relax, breathe, then go! You must take the time to analyze, assess, implement and act. Simply put right? Simply done too!

Make sure you are dedicating the appropriate amount of time to working "on" your business (ie systems/processes) as you are "in" your business (ie sales and marketing). A good system will allow you the ability to achieve your role as an exceptional producer!



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Morning Motivator - Tackle One

"A good business spends 80% of its time up front making sure that it doesn't have to spend 100% of its time fixing stuff later."
- Anonymous

Have you ever noticed that the great businesses is seem to run on autopilot? What did they do to make sure that the business run so efficiently? Did they buy the fanciest systems or maybe it is just that they have the smartest people?

Commonly, the best businesses have spent a lot of time upfront working on their systems and processes. They use a great deal of their mental resources and time to make sure that they have things figured out the front.

The test for any business is when they become very busy or grow rapidly. It is under the stress that they find the weak points in their business. Alas, the good ones have thought out 80 percent of those problems... thus, they always appear to run very smooth.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Many russ are already knee deep in our businesses, making a very challenging to stop and create new and better systems today.

However, what if you spent one day per week focusing on bettering your system processes and solutions? Simplify it even further... What if you just focused on solving one new problem each week?

How much more could you get accomplished if you didn't have the current bottleneck that you're facing?

Take a sheet of paper and write down the 3 biggest bottlenecks facing your business right now. Pick one and make it youre focused to solve this week.

Simple approach... Huge benefits!



Morning Motivator - Still Letting Go

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
- Conrad Hilton

I just hung up the phone with my great friend, business partner and mentor, Philip Steen. I must admit I have learned more in the last 6 weeks than I have in the prior 6 months thanks to his pushing me to work smarter and start letting go. It is not easy for me...

My sales training has always been based on speed of execution and accessibility to solutions. I made my mark being "on call" all the time (and it works). Yet, it is taxing and exhausting. You are never "off" and can never let your guard down. Needless to say, I have committed myself to a life of high anxiety and stress as a result of this "speed belief."

Yet, if it works, why would anyone stop? If it is creating success and opportunity, are you just going to shut it down? The short answer is: yes...and no.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: At 33 years old, I am seeing how the ultra high performers that are always "on" reach a burnout point in their early 40s. Where others are enjoying the fruits of the their labors, it is the high performer, that is relentless in their self imposed goals, that never is able to celebrate a win or enjoy a night off, as they are always looking forward.

At what point, do you get to enjoy a great month? A great meeting? Or just as night at home with someone special?

Letting go is the most difficult thing to do for someone who has found success by controlling as many aspects of their life as possible. It is like putting your blind trust into a stranger when you have always been taught never to do so. It is placing faith into a system or process that you cannot control or watch inside and out. It is simply a very difficult reality to face as a control crackhead...

Yet, you have to let go. Keep letting go. And if you still have trouble, think of it this way...

How much more success could you achieve if you could OVERCOME the challenge of effectively letting go? Maybe it is not a concern, but a challenge to face and master. Take control of letting go... yeah, maybe that is how it should be.



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Morning Motivator - Achievement is built

"A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement."
- Bo Bennett

Special thanks (again) to one of my best friends and biggest supporters, Mr. Josh Anderson, of Keller Williams Nashville. Thanks dude - you are the best!!

Achievement is built on challenge. Achievement is built on setbacks and frustrations.

Achievement is built when conditions are difficult. Achievement is built when the direction of the economy is uncertain, and when there's no guarantee of success.

And achievement is indeed built, for it is not inevitable. Achievement happens because people choose to make it happen.

Achievement is built on meaningful intention, with devotion, persistent action and plain old hard work. Achievement is built on the desire to make a difference, and on the commitment to fulfill that desire no matter what.

Yes, of course there are obstacles, excuses, distractions, frustrations and disappointments that push back against achievement. Achievement is built anyway, and the world is a richer, more promising place because of it.

Achievement is built by giving the best of your focus and your efforts to each moment. And as you build it, achievement builds you.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Achievement is a result of the choices that you make every day. Choose work on the most productive tasks in your day and you will find that the greatest production is achieved. Delay work until later in lieu of things more "fun or easy," and you will find that you produce less with less meaningful results.

If you are not setting priorities in your work day, it is likely you are feeling exhausted and yet, unaccomplished. Take on the big tasks, the most meaningful and do not relent until completed. Yes, it may "suck" and be painful, but at the end of the day, it will be done and successfully impacting.

Choose to achieve and choose success. Choose focus and you will choose to achieve. So...What is your choice?



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Morning Motivator - Are You on the List?

"Confront your fears, list them, get to know them, and only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead."
- Jerry Gillies

Anyone that has received an email from me, has discovered I can only communicate in one of two ways - scrambled or concise. I do not have a nice balance, unfortunately. There is a reason why...

My mind believes does not work in "discussion," rather only in what needs to be done and what is just "chat." For me, the most effective way to communicate is by deriving a list or tasks that need accomplished. Whether that be in bullet points in an email or the lists I make on the back of junk mail envelopes daily.

I am a person that is "on the list" - like a crackhead, I am addicted to list making and executing tasks in a prioritized fashion. Total focus, everything has its time to focus on and a place to do it. (needless to say, I drive my wife, Nancy, absolutely BoNKeRs!)

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: There is something powerful about a list though. It serves a few purposes: a physical representation of the most important tasks that need completion or delegation a way to immediately measure progress, assess success and enjoy fulfillment the most effective way to free up "mental capacity" for creativity and focus on the task at hand, not the things that need to be done.

My unknowing mentor, Andy Bailey, always would say that "Stress is the byproduct of incomplete tasks." I agree and say, "It is much easier to complete what you can see, rather than what you are trying to remember!"

GET ON THE LIST! Start using them more effectively and feel free to use the blank backs of all that crap mail you get for "free list paper" delivered to you daily!



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Morning Motivator - The Critical Compliment

"We had some complaints, yet, all-in-all, we loved it!"
- Anonymous

Of what do all businesses wish they had more? How do businesses improve most effectively? What do companies spend thousands, up to hundreds of thousands of dollars trying so desperately aggregate?

FEEDBACK. Compliments, complaints, suggestions, insights... heck, anything that can help!

Why is it that so many companies struggle to get quality information? Does it not make sense that people would want to give their feedback and improve the services or products that they spend money to acquire?

DISINTEREST. Lack of desire to listen, learn, listen, implement, listen, examine, listen... and listen! (hint: most just do not listen)

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Companies will tell you that they do not get meaningful feedback. I might suggest that they do not have meaningful relationships or respond with meaningful questions.

When someone says, "Your product sucks. It does not do what I want," the question is, "what did you want it to do?" Maybe the user does not know how to do it properly or just needs a different version. The quality is still there - just unforeseen.

When someone says, "It is to expensive," the question is, "Why do you say that?" No need to defend value, no need to ask what they think it should cost. Seriously are you going to convince them it is worth the price or discount it to meet their suggested price? No. So, ask "WHY?" LISTEN to what they have to say, then give a response based on your expertise and experience.

If you do not ask questions that allow people to VENT - even if they are wrong - then you are not getting feedback. You must be willing to ask the difficult questions, LISTEN, admit if you are wrong, be willing to make changes (or explain why you will not), and allow your people to have an EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT in your business, by allowing them to have a voice that shapes it.

Even if you never plan to make a change -KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS AND LISTENING! You never know when someone's "bitching and moaning" (as some companies perceive it) will give you the competitive advantage of which you have been dreaming!



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Morning Motivator - Growing Pains

"From great pain and effort comes new life."
- Unknown

Overwhelmed? Tired? Felling a little out of control? If your business is growing, you are likely experiencing growing pains that come along with success.

As with anything, there are always two sides to a story. While success is grand and wonderful, it also taxes your systems, processes, faith and endurance. It tests you ability to serve effectively and efficiently without blowing up your "way of business." We have all experienced this before...

In times of rapid growth, we learn a great deal about oneself, our business, our clients and our systems. It is growth that will challenge your "way of business" and force you to grow, improve and enhance your leadership. You may also get humbled along the way...

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: What are the best ways to deal with the struggles associated with rapid success and growth?

1. Keep a focus on your end goal - By knowing what you are working for and trying to achieve, you are able to keep perspective on the "why" of the moment

2. Examine and tweak your systems accordingly -You will find out how well your "systems" work once they are placed under pressure. Some will break, some will flourish. Make notes, then act on them.

3. Listen to your people - With rapid growth comes frustration from your clients. Listen, appreciate and understand their perspective (hint: it is related to systems you need or need to improve)

4. Do What is Right - Mistakes happen. Things blow up. Its cool - don't freak out!! When it does (and it will), just remember that your clients come first. Even if it costs you money... Do what is right by the client. (That builds loyalty and trust!)

Every great business and business person will experience growing pains. Likely it will occur multiple times throughout your career. Know its coming - Own it - Stick to what you know - Do what is right. No one success was easy... (nor should it be)



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Morning Motivator - For the Love of God... LET GO!

"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar."
- Raymond Lindquist

What are your challenges as a leader and a business professional? One of my biggest is LETTING GO. By Letting Go, I am speaking about putting trust and confidence into someone else to take a direct role in managing your success, you clients and your future.

To improve, we should understand why are people hesitant to "let go?" Primarily, it is due to the belief that no one can do it as well as you. Additionally, it is a belief that YOU are the value of the whole system (ie it only works because you are in it). Also, some people believe that they cannot manage it if they are not touching it every day!

Whew! Sounds like a life stuck to a computer, iPhone, tablet, laptop, pager, smoke signal, driving in your car taking calls, returning voicemails while sending people to voicemail to call them back after you email the other guy that you just hung up with while six new emails came in.

Holy crap - kill me!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: This is another situation where I am not the best, but I am working on it...and working in it! I have recently hired an assistant. Additionally, I am looking to better systems/processes to make sure that I am able to continue a HIGH level of service and client contact. Oh yeah, it sucks - but its necessary!!

Here are some great ways to start LETTING GO in a manageable way:

1. Don't Wait For Responsibility to Be Taken: Many CEOs mention their frustration that staff members don't ask for more responsibility. Most staffers don't do this, because they're looking for a signal from you–the leader–that you think they're up to it. So don't wait for responsibility to be taken. Instead, distribute it.

2. Ban "I'll Just Do It Myself": When we start to delegate, we often find the work isn't up to our standards. If we take a sub-part assignment back and re-work it, we've missed an important learning opportunity, for both the staffer and the leader. So fight the urge to do the work yourself, and instead invest that time in coaching the pro into how they can turn their first draft into a piece of work that does the job.

3. Focus on the "What," Not the "How.": Real development can only occur when the staffer has true ownership of an assignment. So fight the urge to show them how to complete the assignment. Instead, articulate your vision of what the end result must be, and let them determine how to get there. You'll not only be encouraging enhanced assignment ownership, but laying the foundation for the employee to contribute on a higher level going forward.

4. Go For Completion, Not Perfection: Of course, I mean effective, quality completion. Perfection is simply an excuse to not allow someone else to own a project or an account. Accept that the person to whom you've delegated the assignment won't do the job "as good as I would." But remember that in the big picture, their "Very Good" job is actually better than your "Excellent" job, because it allows you to do you real job of creating the long-term agency strategy and growing the business.

5. Observe How They Do It Better Than You: One of the benefits of delegating–a project, an account, a group–is that the person to whom you've delegated to will bring a new set of eyes, skills and experience. While they might not do it as you would do it, they'll most likely improve it in some way. Be on the lookout for this. It will make you feel comfortable delegating even more to that staffer, and may open your eyes to other assignments in which they'll be particularly successful and bring even greater value to the agency and its clients.

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Morning Motivator - Piles Are Not Organization

"I know it looks like a mess, but I know where everything is."
- Anonymous

Recently, I have been on a mission of self examination. I am increasingly looking at my bad habits and how they affect the outputs of my production. One of the my biggest challenges is "organization." Not knowing where stuff is per se, rather, actually having it quickly at my fingertips.

Technology has solved many issues as anything that is not physical is cataloged and placed in its proper folder. The online "storage" companies love me! Alas, technology can only take you so far.

What about physical bills? (yes, believe it or not, some companies do not send e-invoices) What about forms, documents and other paper items? What about your clothes? What about your to-do lists? There is an increasing amount of information and with more tools to access it -you can become overwhelmed.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Maybe you should just SIMPLIFY. I am not going to give the lesson on how to organize as I am struggling with it, however, I did find this info that seems to make great sense and I am using to improve personally.

The 5S Process The five steps of 5S, and their approximate English translations are: seiri (sort), seiton (straighten), seiso (shine), seiketsu (systemize), and shitsuke (sustain). 1. Seiri (Sort): Get rid of anything in your work space that is not absolutely necessary for your work. 2. Seiton (Straighten): A place for everything, and everything in its place 3. Seiso (Shine): Clean up after yourself 4. Seiketsu (Systemize): Make it a habit 5. Shitsuke (Sustain): Prevention of backsliding View the article in full here:



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Morning Motivator - Wish Smarter!

"Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom."
~ Jim Rohn

I was looking for a spark when I found this quote and - BOOM - instant inspiration! Amazing huh?

More than anything, I have noticed myself "wishing" for more time, better organizational skills, and the right connections. Then, as I think about it more, I realized I am being a HUGE EXCUSE MONSTER. Wish?! Seriously? What the hell is a wish going to do?

What needs to happen here is ACTION. What needs to happen is problem solving at the highest levels. What needs to happen is a real face-to-face with myself about what needs to be done and who is best suited to get it done!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Interestingly, I know EXACTLY who needs to get it done. Someone else! Yes, I said someone in NOT ME. But why?

For me it is a simple answer. My skill set is optimized when I am focused on building relationships with social and political leaders, selling them my ideas and concepts for supportive action. WHOA! What the heck does that mean? It means I am very good at empowering groups to take actions. What I am not good at is paperwork, organizing files, detailed follow up of individual niche issues and other time eaters. I am best when I am able to make maximum impact with individuals that represent a larger number of people. So, why would I wish for more organizational skills when I should be out HIRING someone that is exceptional already.

The lesson I see here is that when we "wish" for something, IMMEDIATELY look at what you are wishing for, examine whether it is something you WANT to learn or do, if it is something you should be spending your time on and if you could easily "wish it away" by delegating.

At the end of the day (now I sound like a coach), I should be out selling, meeting and driving action. Then being wise enough to have someone help me do the rest...and I do not have to WISH for help when I can hire it.



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Morning Motivator - You Are Being Watched!

"We would like you to come in so we can chat."
- Anonymous

This past week, I was called into the proverbial "Principal's Office" for a comment I made on a public website regarding a group of which I am a member. The comment itself was innocent in nature, however, as an emerging leader in a new community, I found that I was being watched a little closer than I thought.

Without going into great detail, I made a comment regarding my thoughts of endorsing political candidates from a membership based organization. Little did I know, that membership organization was watching...or at least found it.

Oops! They felt slighted. Not that I spoke my mind and it did not agree with them. More that I went off the reservation without coming to them first to voice my opinion. Hmmm....

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: I did learn that this group and I agree on the function of the group, as well as the reasoning behind their drive to endorse candidates. For the RECORD, I am regretful and apologetic for not going to my group to inquire about the "why."

The lesson that I learned is that, as leaders in our communities, there are a great number of people watching what we say and what we do. It is our job, not to act scared, but to stay informed. It is out responsibility to the people we serve to be educated in all matters we speak upon. Additionally, it is the duty of organizational leaders to meet, discuss and create relationships such that we continually are educating and improving one another.

Should you censor yourself from speaking your mind? NEVER. Should you hesitate if you are in disagreement with policies or opinions? OF COURSE NOT. We must stand strong in our beliefs, yet be wise to understand we must continually learn, listen and then discuss to be exceptional leaders.



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Morning Motivator - #OccupyREALITY

"We are the 99%"

Have you ever wondered what would happen if all the "haves" gave all their wealth to the "have nots?" Do you dream of a world where everyone does not just have equal opportunity, but also equal wealth? What if we forced these big companies to give up all the earnings and give them back to the people??

NEWS FLASH: The people would give it right back.

Admittedly, I am not a political science PhD, nor am I studied in social economics. What I am is a business person that has gained advantages by watching people and looking for trends. The biggest trend I see in our business-political world today is a belief in "socialistic economics." I am not saying socialism per se, just a trend towards it.

Here is the deal...

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Government runs like any other business. Revenue (money in) MINUS costs (money out) equals profit or loss (money left over if any. (Note: When facing no money, profit is not such a bad word) If the "99%", which all to often are the people that pay the LEAST to the governments revenue (income), wants more stuff from Uncle Sam, then they will have to give more money. If the CORPORATIONS stop giving money (in the form of taxes derived from profits), then 99% of the money these people want to benefit from will be GONE. REPEAT -WILL BE GONE!

What can we learn from this? Is it that price gouging is good for corporations? No. That is not. Is it that we should hate banks for giving us loans we could not afford? Stop - read that last question again and think about who is to blame.

The lesson is simple. If you want more stuff, you must pay for it - not someone else. If you want to eliminate the burden of paying for too much stuff - use less! (this is why I drive a Nissan Frontier and not a Range Rover...which I would really like to have!)

Become part of the 99% that understands HOW business works. Increase income or decrease output, then seek balance. Do not look to your government, a social class or private companies to pay for your errors. Maybe it is time to #OCCUPYREALITY



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Morning Motivator - Believe in the Player

"Put your belief in players, not in plays."
- Al Davis, President, Oakland Raiders

When I worked for NationLink Wireless in Nashville, I had the unique opportunity to work within a group thats focus was on "fitting in" as much as being able and willing to do the job. The belief of success was based on the people, not the product, the service or system.

Often, we hear people say that their product or the way their company processes their service is not effective. It sounds like, "Well, I could crush it if..." Ugh! "If" sucks!

Is it possible that your company has hired or continued to employ someone that does not belong? Is it possible that you or your company has put belief in the wrong player? Is it possible YOU are the wrong player? (ouch)

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: I have been examining this consideration myself for the previous 6 months or so. I have been analyzing myself, those around me and those that work with me to help achieve our collective goals.

Amazingly, when you start to look for "players you can believe in," it becomes easy to see the superstars (whether they know it or not) and the ones that will continue to rely on being a part of a great system in which to hide. (double ouch)

Learning to believe in the right players is also about learning to find the right players in which to believe. Increasing your AWARENESS of talent, drive, ingenuity, entrepreneurial savvy, work ethic and, what I think is most important personally, true leadership (a willingness to be wrong and stir the pot to instigate positive change).

Awareness is key. Not sure how to do it? Just start thinking about it all the time. It is like buying a new card... as soon as you are aware it is out there, it seems EVERYONE has one! Player success is the same...



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Morning Motivator - Leading or Representing?

"I think people are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based suspicion about how our financial system works."
- President B. Obama on OccupyWallStreet Protests

In order to understand leadership, it is important to understand the difference between "representing" and "leading."

These terms are often confused or conjoined based on the idea that many of our political *cough cough* "leaders" are voted to "represent" us as constituents. Yet, being a leader is very different from being a representative.

Representing means you are the voice of the people - of THEIR opinions - not your own. You are a tool for them to provide their voice and interests on a bigger platform with focus. You DO NOT get an opinion, rather, you get to represent.

Leading is about taking all the opinions from the representation, analyzing them and then acting in the best interest of the whole, even if it means be UNPOPULAR in doing so. Leading is about doing what is right, rather than what is cool or desired from a small group of voters.

Are they similar? Yes. Are they the same? Not at all.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Being a leader is very challenging. It requires you to consider the alternatives to every situation. You do not get the luxury of just pushing information up to the higher levels, as a representative would. Your job is to create opportunity, mitigate risk and eliminate waste.

As a leader, you are expected to look out for all parties concerned and execute functions that serve their best interests. If the country needs revenues, you may have to change tax structure. Popular? No. Necessary? Possibly.

Lastly, as a leader, you must stay away from polarizing opinions and interests. Your job is not to be a Democrat or is to be a leader. Your job is to make sure that the special interests are heard but do not control, they are understood but not defining culture.

Remember, REPRESENTATIVES follow... LEADERS define the directional options.



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Morning Motivator - All The Good Things

"All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get."
-Morarji Desai

Why do entitlement programs not work? Why does top sharing creating animosity in bars? Why do pick up games fail and "pay for" leagues work?

The answer is very simple. Anytime something is "given" (by being taken from someone else) it is NOT APPRECIATED.

There is no doubt about it. Think about the last time you were given free tickets to something. If you did not go, how bad did you feel? You likely rationalized by saying, "eh, the were free anyhow." However, getting the tickets to the event you did not think you could get into or that which you paid a great deal would not miss for the world!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: True, we will live in a world where everyone wants FREE. We also live in a world where FREE has no value. Thus the easy things to attain and WORTHLESS.

Ever wonder why people who are generationally utilizing entitlement programs say they WANT a better life but do nothing for it? It is because that is difficult. Getting your free programs is easy - even though it is crap!

Do you recognize that giving away free time in your business or services is undercutting your value? STOP IT! No one buys from you because you gave them something free. Give them an easy out clause, never a free "in."

If you and your clients do not value the things that cost time, energy and expertise, then you will never create success. If you value it, yet your clients do not, then FIRE THEM! You are talking to the wrong clients...

All the good clients are the ones that were hard to get!



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Morning Motivator - Beat Talent!

"Hard work beats talent and talent does not work as hard."
- Tim Tebow (soundbite from Biggest Loser, TV show)

If you could only have one, would you rather have exceptional talent or exceptional work ethic? Would you rather have the gifts or the drive to go after what you want? To me, these seem to be very easy answers. For many though, not so much.

There is an interesting dynamic to talent - It is most commonly graced to a very few people. You will see these people on TV with beautiful singing voices, unbelievable athleticism or a cunning nature for business. You will also see many of these people on the streets of New Orleans performing for dollars, hustling basketball courts in Los Angeles or running scams in your own home town. Talent, albeit very helpful, is never a guarantee of success.

An exceptional work ethic, on the other hand, is something that almost always guarantees success. It is not given by the grace of God. It is not attributed to unique physical features. It is not something exclusive to those with wealth or education. Work ethic is available to any and every person! It is free although it does require the investment of time and some discomfort. Additionally, it is something that most people have available, but of which they will not take advantage!

So let us ask it again - Would you rather have exceptional talent or exceptional work ethic?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Work ethic is nothing more than taking action when action is what is required. It is the additional effort required to ensure that you get what needs to be done...done!

How can you help bolster your work ethic? I believe in one simple, yet very effective solution: The To-Do List! More specifically, the 5/1 Focus List.

This is the list of the Top 5 things that are on your To Do list for the day. You work relentlessly to see that #1 is completed. You do not start #2 until #1 is completed in its entirety or scheduled with very specific next steps if it cannot be completed immediately. Once you move beyond #1, your #2 no become your new #1 and you repeat the process. Your DEDICATION and DILIGENCE in seeing these things completed to their full extent will help you "see and feel" your work ethic.

Positive results are the byproduct of hard work. List your efforts, execute with obsession and reap your benefits. You will find a direct relationship to your work ethic and your positive outcomes.

For better results, work with greater specificity and focused planning. But never sacrifice the work ethic!!



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Morning Motivator - Do It For Your People

"Every great business is built on friendship."
- JC Penney

As leaders and business owners, what is your first thought when you are presented with a new opportunity? Is it "what is in it for me?" Is it "how much will this cost?" Or is it something different..?

What if your first thought was "How does this better my peoples situation or experience?" What if you sole focus was on how to make sure your clients or constituents walked away from any interaction with greater confidence, affection or loyalty based on your actions?

It is the great leaders and businesses that have shifted their mentality from a "me" focus, to a "them" focus...and have done it without question!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: My core business, Acadiana Sports Leagues (ASL), is focused on one thing - CREATING FUN EXPERIENCE FOR OUR ATHLETES. Yes, we want to make money and yes, we want to protect our brand. YET, those are the BYPRODUCTS of doing a good job...of creating fun experiences for our athletes.

What do we do different? Well, when we are asked to engage in an event or opportunity, the only question that arises is, "Will this be a fun experience for our athletes?" It may cost $2,000, but if it creates $2,001 of value and loyalty, which generates revenues as a result, then it seems an easy decision.

Business and leadership are challenging when the consideration is always on one self before that of others. Politicians, habitual self interest evaluators, are infamous for their unwillingness to sacrifice their self interest for the betterment and fair representation of those that elected them.

Business owners commonly tell a client why they CANNOT do something be cause of money or inconvenience, rather than ensure that the client has a wonderful experience, even if at a loss, which creates a feeling of mutual respect, generating loyalty.

It is not hard to run a good business with great clients. It is not hard to be a good leader with great constituents. It is not hard...when you do it for your people - the right way.



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Morning Motivator - Start Building Your Legacy Today

"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
- Steve Jobs, 1955 - 2011

Yesterday, a great innovator and business mastermind lost his battle to cancer. Mr. Steve Jobs did not change the world, he just made it more interesting and fun by creating simplicity in an industry that revels in complication.

I just recently became an "Apple person" buying an iPad and MacBook Pro. Since then, I get it. What I also get is that no matter how amazing you are in your life, there are a few truths that cannot be undone.

God does not spare those with genius. Often they appear to be given a shorter lifetime or face greater challenges. Money cannot buy health. $1 Billion cannot buy cancers mercy. Legacy is built in relationships. You are remembered for how you bettered the lives of others, rarely for the amount of wealth you have amassed.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: What will your legacy be? Where will you stand in life's Top 100 list of people who mattered?

You do not have to be Steve Jobs or Albert Einstein to make the list. I suggest to you that Oprah is not the worlds most influential person, nor is Brett Favre. They are watched by many but are not able to directly influence individuals in a meaningful way, such as you are.

Sometimes being "known and successful", as it is commonly defined, is nothing more than meaningless fame. A credit in a film that no one remembers or the winner of a sales award only 10 people care about.

What if you changed your community? What if you helped people LEARN to do more and be better? What if your legacy was one of meaningful inspiration and effective change?

Some may disagree that Steve Jobs was that...and I would suggest you look at the world around and see how many people design for use and simplicity in a complicated world.

Thank you Steve Jobs. Your technology has not changed the world, but the way you went about it just might.



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Morning Motivator - Flip the Script...

"A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power."
- Brian Tracy

What happens you hit the point that you feel you cannot get "that client" to pay attention? You know your product/service is better, yet, they are so ignorantly comfortable, they do not want to consider change. How can you get them to listen after all your efforts to talk to them?


Although I am not aware of where this phrase is derived, I do know what it means! It means turn the tables and create a reverse effect from what you were trying prior. Use leverage, in whatever manner you have available, to force them (or at least heavily influence them) to pay attention to what it is you have to say.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Commonly, a client does not want to change because they are "familiar" with what they are into now - like a guy that cannot break up with a girlfriend that he knows is not good for him. The client's pain point is not high enough to consider change.

What if, instead of attacking the pain point, you approached the pleasure point? (sounds dirty)

Maybe your client is looking for a better branding or wants to run a client appreciation event. They do not NEED it, but it sure would be awesome! Instead of explaining to them the 100 ways you are better, cheaper, faster, whatever; you offer to assist them in fulfilling this unneeded, yet very attractive event.

Think they would listen to you then? Maybe NOT right away...but I imagine after the event is a success, you can get whatever you want!

Be mindful of opportunities to flip the script and get a client to chase YOU. While the above is an extreme example, sometimes, just doing a sales training for a struggling staff or bringing in a massage therapist for CPAs during tax season is all that is needed to flip you from a pest to a partner!



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Morning Motivator - Monday Funday

"Monday is the key day of the week."
- Gaelic Proverb

What is the worst day of the week? Monday? Ah, what an easy scapegoat Monday can be. It is the break from your fun, from your "real life" and the beginning of being back to what you do not want to be doing. Dang, Monday must feel like an Ogre!

I contest that FRIDAY may be the worst day of the week for most people. What?! Friday?! Zach, we love Friday! (I can hear it already...)

Yes, Friday. Why? Because it is the day you are scrambling to do all the stuff you need to complete for the work week that you have put off until Friday. It is the day of deadlines and measurements. It is the day you should be turning it down, rather, you are scrambling to make that last appointment, finish that document or whatever else you did NOT do on Monday.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: On Monday, we RATIONALIZE that we have "all week" to get (blank) done. Alas, we do not...well, most of us do not.

What if you broke down the week into percentages? Seriously. What if you said, I will accomplish 25% of my weekly goal on Monday. Then, jut do it! Tuesday, 25%, Wednesday, 25%, Thursday, 25%, Friday, finish anything that was missed in the first 100% or do whatever the heck I want.

Maybe Monday should become the best day of the week. If you CHOOSE to focus on getting a jump start on the week and generating your success early, you will find Monday to be an easy day to win, plus open the doors to new opportunities later in the week when you are able to better focus on new opportunity, as opposed to cleaning up what you did not do earlier.

Its Monday - do something special! Impress yourself with you efforts



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Morning Motivator - Relax... You are Doing Fine!

"Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality."
- Ralph Martson

Success and achievement are interesting characters. They are evasive and keen. They understand ways to tease you and then hide. They are the ultimate players in a game of HIDE-N-SEEK.

How is it that some people find success so easily and others not so much? Why is it that one person can seem so in control and another frantically chases opportunities?

It is a matter of RELAXING. Being confident in your efforts and working towards your goals with laser focus.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: We all want to hyper accelerate our success! We want it now... we want it big! Yet, for many of us, we cannot create that over night.

Since you know it will take some time for you to become successful (if you even have that defined), why are you in such a rush to get there? What is at the end of the rainbow? Is there a better life? A better world? Luxury? Esteem?

The trip is the most enjoyable part. You must understand that once you attain your goal - you will have to set a new one. Once you reach your summit, you will seek for another. So RELAX! Enjoy the ride. Focus on what you want to achieve and experience...then go out and start doing it!



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Morning Motivator - Less Talk. More Walk

"The conductor of an orchestra doesn't make a sound."
- Ben Zander

Special thanks to my buddy, Aaron Smith, in Nashville, TN for this exceptional quote. You da man!!

When Aaron sent me this quote yesterday, I immediately thought back to when someone told me what my biggest problem was in serving on the Nashville Junior Chamber Board - I was all ideas and no follow through. OUCH!!

As we mature, I think we all see that we spent a lot of time being the "idea person" but never being the executioner of those ideas. That is the fallacy of youthful interjection.

Now, as a maturing professional, I find myself providing the same insight. How scary is that? Moreover, I find myself focused on execution of minimal ideas, limiting my efforts to the best ideas, while simply putting the "great ideas" in a file folder to review later.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: It is challenging to move from ideas to action for many people - especially if you are very creative by nature.

Yet, when you need something done, something serious, do you care about how creative or cool the idea is? If you needed cancer treatment, do you want what is creatively cool or what people know can be done effectively? If you need to lose weight, do you want a trainer that is applying the latest potato only diet or the one that knows how to apply diet with exercise effectively? Do you want a President that talks about what he is going to do, or one that just does it?

You get the point.

Change from being someone who offers ideas to becoming the one that gets it done! Become proficient at getting stuff done and you will find you have more time to get creative afterwards. First homework, then Nintendo games... Thanks mom!



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Morning Motivator - Running Out of Ideas?

"Business is the art of taking someone else's idea, making it better, then making it yours."
- Unknown

All good business people are filled with great ideas. They invent, implement, test and determine next actions. They continually seek new ways to do more, better, faster and more efficiently. Occasionally, you can run out of ideas...(yes, it happens)

It is not uncommon for a writer to hit a block or an athlete to hit a slump. It does not mean they are not on track or losing their edge. Sometimes, it just means they need a shot of creativity and enthusiasm!

Just like the above, a business professional, may also need a boost of creativity to get them to the next level. They need to stop, sit, think and find ways to get to where they seek to be.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: What we are really talking about is taking the time to work ON your business, not just IN your business. We are talking about creating dedicated time, focused solely on the goal of creating better or new opportunities (that use existing resources or easily accessible ones)! We are talking about the 20% of your week that should be dedicated to IMPROVING your business.

Do you spend 20% of your week working on bettering your business? Attending trainings? Reading books? Doing sales role plays? Testing marketing messages? Looking at outsource vs insource opportunities?

If your business is growing stale or your ideas are becoming fewer and fewer - try spending more time working on how to BETTER your business and less time sending emails. It is the "freshness" of a business that keeps clients excited...not the volume of fulfillment forms you are able to generate in a month. :)



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Morning Motivator - Need New Business? Take Small Bites!

"I might be interested, but I am happy with what I have."
- Common prospective client retort

Times are tough (still). All the "hope and change" of the past 3 years has not really changed anything, so we are still asking, "How can we do more with less?" GREAT QUESTION!!

My sales mentor, Justin Morrison, has always said, "take small bites" as you try to grow your business. I used to get so mad when he would say that to me. Lately, I have found myself giving the SAME ADVICE.

What does that mean?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Plainly put, it means do not try to gain everything in one leap.

If you want a new client, ask for ONE OPPORTUNITY, not to take over the whole account. If you want a new position in your company, ask to lead ONE PROJECT, not take over the whole department. If you want to be Mayor, try running for the Chamber of Commerce Board first.

Think about how YOU buy and try things. You rent a movie before you buy it - small bite. You test drive 5 cars before you buy one - small bite. You go out on a few dates before you get married - small bite.

So if you are apprehensive to just give away the keys to the castle, why would you expect anything different of anyone else?

Learn to use the way you think to OUTSMART the people you are trying to work with! They think just like you...use that to your ADVANTAGE!!

Give them a taste. Allow for a small bite. Then, once you know they like it - go in for the kill and get what you deserve. One small bite at a time. (Thanks Justin!)



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Morning Motivator - Good, Better, Best...

"Give people three options and they will most commonly pick the middle." Sales adage

Sales is as much a science as any other area of study in psychology. Maybe even more interesting than many as we are all affected daily by sales.

As consumers, we are continually weighing options. We are trying to find the best utility for the lowest possible investment. We are cheap but do not want cheap quality. Mostly, we want to feel as though we won or got the better end of any deal...every time!

Welcome to the world of GOOD, BETTER, BEST. This is the place where the sales person has taken control of your options and allowed you the ability to select your ideal circumstance based on their expert information and your final decision.

Why does this work so well? It is simple.


By a salesperson eliminating the vast array of options and only allowing you to focus on three, you are more attentive to the solutions without varied measures of options. At the point you are examining the "Good, Better, Best" scenario, you are already committed to a purchase. You have examined your varied options, whittled down to a specific type or product or service and are now weighing value and cost.

What if you were better at doing this for the people you worked with? You may say, "I am not in sales," but we all know you are negotiating time tables, commitments, and more. Thus, you are in sales.

Next time you are asked to do something, give the person three options. Narrow down their expectations into three categories YOU control and manage well. Let them pick from what YOU can fulfill...and leave no other options.

You may find that the three option tool solves many future problems for you!



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Morning Motivator - Get a Real Education...

"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When do we STOP learning? At what point are we as EDUCATED as can be? Why do we have such a FOCUS on continued learning?

As a learned society, we are always seeking ENHANCEMENT. Enhancement of self, status, finances and community. Yet, what is the GREATEST achievement of our education? It is the QUALITY of character we develop as a result of a greater understanding.

By improving our CHARACTER, we are able to more easily enhance ourselves and our surroundings. By furthering our EDUCATION, we are more able to enhance our CHARACTER...

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Education is NOT always a formal setting of attending a class or seminar. More commonly, the BEST education is achieved by SELF-EDUCATION.

By committing to reading a chapter per day of a book, you are able to EDUCATE yourself. In this manner you are able efficiently and effectively LEARN, such that in a year you will become more the expert than most people with a FORMAL education.

Make a list of the 30 best books you can read to become an EXPERT in your area of interest. Use your local library or purchase them as you go down the list. You will see a distinct impact in your EDUCATION and CHARACTER growing daily...

Cheers, Zach

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Morning Motivator - Eliminate the Plague

"If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business."
- Lee Kuan Yew

I just swung thorough Verizon Wireless in my small Louisiana town to pick up a charger when I overheard one of the best discussions recently.

The two gentlemen working behind the counter were discussing the "waste of time" they were spending by entering paperwork into their computer system when they should be chatting with clients or calling on businesses for new opportunities. HOLY SMOKES! Are you serious!? Even the young kids at Verizon get that they should be doing things that PRODUCE, not administrate.

How much of your day is DEDICATED to you growing your business or executing your primary job function? How much of it is wasted on emails, voicemail, snail mails, entering codes, updating databases, fixing forms? OMG!! Seriously, when does it end?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: The TOP PRODUCERS in any industry have figured out one thing that others cannot yet seem to soak up. They OUTSOURCE!

Not necessarily to India or China, sometimes just simply to an assistant, a business partner or even a neighborhood kid. They pay someone to eliminate a service that does not drive their primary function in their business. They find ways to FOCUS solely on what they are supposed to be doing...

What would it take for you to eliminate the wasted tasks in your day? How many would cripple your business if you just stopped doing them today? What if you set up an automated response or an online tool to collect info? What if the clients managed their own information?!

Get creative! Look for ways to ELIMINATE anything that is not a function of your role. Then seek opportunities to DELEGATE those tasks to someone that you trust and can compensate at a lower rate than what you generate during that time. (i.e. If you can close an extra $1,000 deal and pay someone $100 to do 2 hours of paperwork...well, seems smart huh?!)




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Morning Motivator - Better Business? How?

"You should join the Better Business Bureau."
-Concerned Patron

As many of you know, I frequently question the actions of businesses and their leaders. I believe that is how we make ourselves better. Next subject: Better Business Bureau (BBB).

What does the BBB do? How is that they create a "better business" environment? When people make complaints to the BBB, what happens? If you are like me, you have NO IDEA what the answers are to these questions...YET, everyone seems to think you should be a member. Hmmm...

I believe very deeply that business should be run better and also believe there is a group of people out there that is already in place to correct or eliminate businesses that are run poorly. Likely, you have met them before. Yep, clients (or customers as some call them).

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: The idea behind the BBB, as I understand it, it to create a common interest group of businesses committed to doing good business. HUH? Are all businesses not in the business of doing good business already?

When you walk in the door of a business, is their goal not to provide you a service or product at a price at which you are willing to buy? If the service is poor or the product is not a good fit, then you DO NOT BUY. Right? You SURELY do not go back!!

I am not calling for the banishment of the BBB, rather a new focus for business owners. When I see your BBB sign, I do not ASSUME you provide a great business experience. I wait until you impress or fail me before I pass that judgement...and will show it to you by whether I ever return!

Repeat clients. Now THAT is BETTER BUSINESS!



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