Morning Motivator – Making Your Resolutions Count!

"The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards; they will be dissipated, lost and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence."
~Marie Edgeworth

Do you know what the #1 killer of all well made plans is… EXECUTION!! More people plan "great changes" in their life and find themselves baffled by failure 2 months later with no idea of how the failure occurred. Answer: EXECUTION! The most critical part of any plan for achievement is the first step to success. What's that called again…? Oh yeah – EXECUTION! (recurring theme – please take note)

I am not above the "Failure to Execute" habit as I too fail to execute…often. Hence, this year's underlying theme in making resolutions is (drum roll)… EXECUTION! Here is a sample of the 5 MOST IMPORTANT things I resolve to accomplish this year:

1. Redefine my fitness and diet habits to achieve weight loss of 30lbs by my 30th birthday (July 21st) – complete plan by January 6th

2. Define my financial goals from 3 varying income streams (Dalcon, BarkLoud and Professional Speaking) by January 15th

3. Complete the discussion framework for initial presentation of my first speaking seminar series on "Overcoming Empty Success" by January 31st

4. Schedule time for my personal exploration and travel adventures (2 long weekends, 2 week long vacations – 1 per quarter) – complete 1st trip planning by February 15th

5a. Coordinate, Schedule and gain commitment for a monthly breakfast or lunch with my two mentors by February 28th

5b. Coordinate, Schedule and gain commitment for a monthly "guys night" with my great friends that I have not supported appropriately the last few years – complete by February 28th

* CRITICAL FOLLOW UP STEP - Reassess these resolutions and add to them on July 21st

What I have decided is not to change myself in manners that are EaRthShAkiNg, but rather in small doses with long term commitments. Easy to EXECUTE quickly and measure for success. Do not feel like you have to create these major life changing commitments. The LIFE CHANGING portion happens when you COMMIT to EXECUTING your actions.

SUCCESS STEP: It's a simple one – lay out your TOP 5 goals for 2008. Make them as specific and detailed as possible. Set measurements and time frame for accomplishment. DEFINE THE NEXT STEP TO EXECTUTION… and DO IT! If you focus on the #1 most important until its implemented – you will find your first BIG success! Then move to #2…

Have a safe New Years. I KNOW 2008 will be your best year yet… lets celebrate together the whole way!!


Morning Motivator – What are your plans?

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now"
~ Alan Lakein

Can you believe its December 27th already? The year has really blown by and I wonder – how many goals have been accomplished? I have a few that are remaining and I plan to knock out this weekend (very proactive, right?). The better question may be – how many goals will NOT be accomplished, simply because they were never planned for?

We all make resolutions. We all "commit" to becoming a better person – I will lose weight. I will make more money. I will spend more time with my family. Sound familiar? Its last until what… January 13th? Why? EASY ANSWER – you never planned the steps to be successful in those commitments! If you do not have a specific plan of action with details and measurements – then you have just voiced your imagination. Take ACTION! Formulate a SUCCESS plan! Define SPECIFIC actions and measurements! Give yourself a TIME FRAME to achieve! Define your REWARD! (Sounds S.M.A.R.T. again, huh?)

SUCCESS STEP: (this will sounds familiar… and yes ITS THAT IMPORTANT!)

A COMMON goal is: I want to get in shape. A SMART goal is best achieved when defined and made very specific with accountabilities in place. Follow the below S.M.A.R.T. strategy to make sure you are on point with your GOALS.

1. Specific – make sure your goal is defined in a specific manner (ex. I WILL run at Percy Warner Park)

2. Measurable – ensure accomplishment by defining a measurement (I will run 12 miles within 3 hours – 12 miles and 3 hours give 2. the goal structure)

3. Achievable – Make sure you are able to achieve the goal (if you know 12 miles will take 3 hours to run and you only have 2 hours to run – your goal may not be achievable and needs further evaluation)

4. Realistic – Ensure your goal is realistic (if you have not run in 8 months, running 12 miles your first time out may not be realistically achieved)

5. Time Bound – Set a time frame for SUCCESS and determine WHEN you will accomplish it by (ex. I WILL run 12 miles Tuesday afternoon from 5-8pm)

** Your NEW goal now looks like this – I WILL run 12 miles within 3 hours at Percy Warner Park on Tuesday from 5pm – 8pm. **

It will be very EASY to know if you accomplish this or not... welcome to accountability! Now DEFINE YOUR GOALS and take OWNERSHIP of the FUTURE you are entitled to!!


Morning Motivator – Thinking With Purpose/Setting SMART Goals

"To begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment."
-James Allen

To be effective, one must be decisive in their actions. To be decisive, one must know the goals they wish to achieve. To know your goals, one must think with PURPOSE. What does that mean? It's simple. Answer this question – What is my top life priority to achieve in the next 12 months? To be a better mother/father? Become a better business person? Enhancing my understanding of my faith?

Once you define your purpose, you will need to be specific on WHAT about that purpose you want to achieve – THIS IS YOUR GOAL for 2008. Once determined, you are able to drill down to the daily ACTIONS required to achieve it – THESE ARE YOUR SUCCESS (action) STEPS. Next, you are able to determine a TIME frame – THIS IS YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY. Finally, you are able to define a REWARD for your successful accomplishment – THIS IS YOUR MOTIVATION. If you THINK WITH PURPOSE to define your goals and follow the below success step, you will be half way to your SUCCESSES today!

A COMMON goal is: I want to get in shape. A SMART goal is best achieved when defined and made very specific with accountabilities in place. Follow the below S.M.A.R.T. strategy to make sure you are on point with your GOALS.

1. Specific – make sure your goal is defined in a specific manner (ex. I WILL run at Percy Warner Park)

2. Measurable – ensure accomplishment by defining a measurement (I will run 12 miles within 3 hours – 12 miles and 3 hours give 2. the goal structure)

3. Achievable – Make sure you are able to achieve the goal (if you know 12 miles will take 3 hours to run and you only have 2 hours to run – your goal may not be achievable and needs further evaluation)

4. Realistic – Ensure your goal is realistic (if you have not run in 8 months, running 12 miles your first time out may not be realistically achieved)

5. Time Bound – Set a time frame for SUCCESS and determine WHEN you will accomplish it by (ex. I WILL run 12 miles Tuesday afternoon from 5-8pm)

** Your NEW goal now looks like this – I WILL run 12 miles within 3 hours at Percy Warner Park on Tuesday from 5pm – 8pm. **

It will be very EASY to know if you accomplish this or not... welcome to accountability! Now DEFINE YOUR GOALS and take OWNERSHIP of the FUTURE you are entitled to!!


*Special thanks to Andy Bailey and Justin Morrison for instilling in my the mental focus of S.M.A.R.T. GOAL SETTING! This has POSITIVELY changed the way I look at every day. Thank you!

Morning Motivator – My Christmas Wonder

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
– John 3:16 (KJV)

Annually we celebrate traditional holidays with family, friends and the sharing of gifts. I most enjoy the opportunity to share in smiles with loved ones and finding happiness in a day (or days) where we find a pure acceptance of people as they are made – perfectly by GOD.

Yet, I wonder… what would the world be like ALL the time if we were TRUSTING, CARING, UNSELFISH, COOPERATIVE creatures?
I wonder… what if we pursued actions that SUPPORTED and DEVELOPED others more than ourselves?
I wonder… what if our daily passion was the discovery of IMPROVING others lives, rather than how many new ways to take advantage?
I wonder.

The Christmas holiday and holiday season of other faiths is one that increases our awareness of WHAT WE CAN BECOME AS A RACE if we make the conscious decision to do so. We are reminded that the world struggles and needs of others are GREATER than our self interests and personal lusts. We are focused on the sacrifices ONE man can make for many and how that act of LOVE can affect the world positively for all days to come. Are we focused on applying these GREAT messages? I wonder.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas holiday and hope that you find great JOY, PEACE and LOVE in your families and friends. And while enjoying these blessed days… consider what steps you can take to improve in the upcoming year. How great can we all become TOGETHER? I wonder.


For my good friend Alan – May today's quote be a motivation for you to share your message too. I welcome you to share your passions.

Morning Motivator – Why Were Brick Walls Made?

"Remember, the brick walls are there for a reason: to give us a chance to show how badly we want something… the brick walls are there to stop the people that don't want it badly enough – the OTHER people." (summarized)
~ Dr. Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon University Professor & Disney Imagineer

Do you have brick walls in your life? Do you feel limited in your ability to achieve? What things are you "sure" you will never be able to accomplish? Think about what you can accomplish and HAVE accomplished in your life thus far… it is pretty amazing huh? Now think about what else you can do – if you firmly DECIDE you WILL accomplish it.

I have been reviewing a speaking series on YouTube and following a series of videos from Dr. Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon University. He presents a session on "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" through a series called Last Lecture. I will not into great detail as I would like you to take a moment and view the lecture itself (best link is at -

The critical ideas I pulled from this series were that YOU are capable of achieving anything you DECIDE you want – even when facing difficult times. YOU are capable to becoming as SUCCESSFUL as you DECIDE to become. YOU are able to turn the worst situations or "failures" into the GREATEST accomplishments, when you DECIDE to learn and apply your knowledge. YOU have an UNLIMITED ability to ACCOMPLISH minor and major feats, once YOU DECIDE to apply your skills.



"Experience is what you get, when you didn't get what wanted."
- Dr. Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon Professor, Inspirational Leader

Morning Motivator – Finding “HAPPY” or Overcoming “EMPTY SUCCESS"

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."
~ Thomas Merton

I struggle daily with a difficult concept – AM I HAPPY? Better question may be - What is HAPPINESS? Ask anyone you know what they want in life and most people reply with "I want to be HAPPY". The challenge is… how do you define "happy"? What does happy look like? Taste like? Feel like? More importantly – how do you know when you have achieved it?

Thanks to the help of a trusted friend, I am developing a seminar on "Empty Success" (which you will understand entirely what that means if you have ever found yourself there). The concept is based around the idea of being HAPPY and how a BALANCED life model will drive you to success and "happiness".

Many of us are Rock Stars professionally or personally or spiritually or physically… yet how many of us are BALANCED in all areas. Do you feel SUCCESSFUL? Do you think you SHOULD feel successful? If you are like me, you may have an outward appearance of SUCCESS and ACHIEVEMENT, with a gnawing question… Why do I not FEEL what others perceive? I encourage you to explore this with me. Here is your first step...

1. Get a large piece of paper or white board.
2. Draw a large circle in the center and write "ME" in the middle.
3. Draw lines from the large circle to smaller circles in which you will put labels of the key areas of your life – work, family, recreation, religion, health, finances, friends, etc.
4. Label the smaller circles in GREEN ink for ones you are BALANCED in.
5. Label in RED ink the ones that you are UNBALANCED in.
6. FOCUS on only ONE of the UNBALANCED areas for the next week by writing down ideas of how you can achieve a greater balance.
7. Take these ideas and implement the ONE that will add the most value and work easiest into your system.
8. Spend 30 days on this and move onto the next UNBALANCED circle and repeat.

If you would like assistance in establishing this, please contact me –


Morning Motivator – Believing Your Way To Success

"As soon as you begin to believe in something, then you can no longer see anything else. The truth you believe in and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new."
-Pema Chödrön, The Wisdom of No Escape

BELIEVE THIS: YOU are the most powerful entity on this planet. Do you know why? YOU have the ability to change the world by yourself. How so? By believing in something so deeply that you are able to make others believe too.
Sounds kind of "hippie" huh? (well forgive me as I am from Southern California). I really want you to think about your ability to BELIEVE. When you truly believe in something – is anyone able to shake your confidence in the belief? Doubtful. When you believe is someone's character or ability – are others able to change your mind about the quality of that person? Unlikely. When you believe that YOU are fully capable of achieving a goal – do you fail? Rarely. So what does this all mean?

Simply put – the BELIEF and CONFIDENCE in yourself, your team and your loved ones is the most powerful of all human strengths. When your mind is laser focused on an achievement you BELIEVE you will accomplish – you accomplish it BETTER, FASTER and with more JOY. So what do you believe? Do you believe you are a SUPERSTAR? Do you believe you are deserving and destined for SUCCESS? Do you believe that you are intended for GREATNESS? If not, why?

Evaluate your belief system in respect to your personal talents. Take out a stack of post it notes and write down the skills you have that are above average. Write as many as you believe you have (do not be modest). Then from that stack of post its – pull out the 3 things you do BEST. These are your CORE attributes that add the MOST VALUE to others around you. Find any and all ways to apply these skills in your business and personal life. Once you have identified the STRENGTHS your BELIEVE most in… you WILL find the drivers of your SUCCESS.

I BELIEVE in you… make today a HUGE success!!


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Morning Motivator – Relaxing Your Way to Success

"Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer."
- William S. Burroughs

Deadlines. Sales goals. Quotas. Meetings. Slow responses. Are these the things causing you stress? Have you ever considered how well you perform when under stress, being rushed to complete a task? Most people UNDERPERFORM when they are stressed and respond in REACTIVE manners. So how do you enhance your success ability?

Simple answer: RELAX. Take a deep breath and focus on the IMPORTANT areas of success in your business and/or life. You are at your BEST when you are relaxed and able to focus on high level, strategic applications of your best talents. When you are focused on just "getting through" something, your goal becomes completion, not quality. So what are things you can do to relax?

Try something, then try the opposite – come in earlier to work, come in later, take lots of notes, take few notes, spend more time at home, spend less time, make more cold calls, make fewer. Interestingly, you will find that certain things will work wonders for you and others will be quickly dismissed. Also – keep in mind that YOUR WAY IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST WAY FOR OTHERS. This is a challenging concept for business owners, managers, and investors. Keep focused of what is IMPORTANT to your success… and help your teams achieve that goal (in their own ways).

Make this week a great week… RELAX – it will be!!


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Morning Motivator - Finding Power in Obstacles

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."

Honestly, are you challenging yourself daily? Are you seeking ways to grow yourself in a proactive manner? What are the 3 things you keep struggling with and what are you doing to over come them? Here's a couple of personal obstacles: diet/fitness, time management, and personal relationship development.

You have heard that nothing worth having is easy, right? So by that rationale, no challenge that is easy is really an accomplishment and in order to truly benefit from an obstacle, a bit of parody should be expected. Its ok to be challenged and even to fail. Failure is simply an education not found in a book.

First, identify that "nagging" obstacle you have been seeking to overcome all year long (it sounds like - "I REALLY need to...).
Next, make a note of what 3 things you can do today to begin the process of overcoming that obstacle.
Last, pick the one "easiest" (yes, I said easiest) and start it today...

It will be the EASIEST step to overcoming your most DIFFICULT challenge. Try it - you will like yourself better for it!!

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life... Take control of it and make it the best ride possible!


Morning Motivator – Expect Something for Your Help

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Question: Is it wrong to EXPECT something from someone when you help them?

Answer: No – you SHOULD expect something from your help!

Let me explain.

When an individual "helps" another (even in the most innocent and pure terms) there is, in fact, an exchange of VALUE. You may ask - how so? Truth of the matter is you ALWAYS receive something by helping others, such as a financial perk through the close of a business opportunity, increased trust and loyalty in a relationship, maybe even a release of stress. In many cases, you receive (and expect) a feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT and PRIDE. Repeated – You WILL (and expect to) receive something of value for your help… and that's OK!

Consider these examples: You help a co-worker with a project - expect they will be able to help you on one at a later date. You help a buddy out of a tough spot - expect to feel accomplished as a "good friend." Help a new business acquaintance meet someone in town - expect the initial formation of a strategic alliance. Support your wife or husband through a difficult time - expect a deep strengthening of trust and loyalty in that relationship. It is ABSOLUTLEY acceptable to expect something from your help. If you do not receive value for your help – EXPECT that relationship to fizzle and cease. Make sure you are investing into your relationships (and expect to invest back when YOU are helped)!

Take 10 minutes and jot down THREE (3) items of VALUE that you expect or desire from providing assistance to another person. Rank them in importance to YOU as an individual. Define which one will provide the most long term value to your personal SUCCESS plan. While working today – identify which of the top values you received by providing help. Ask yourself – which one gives me the most in return? Verify you ARE getting a return (as this will help prevent burnout of a relationship).

My example: What do I expect when I help someone? (in ranking order)
1. To solidify a trusted relationship
2. A feeling of pride and accomplishment
3. The opportunity to ask for assistance at a later date

Which provides the most value to me?
- Solidifying TRUSTED relationships. (it is nice to know you have trusted people to help you when you need – this will be how I build my SUCCESS TEAMS)


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Morning Motivator – The Importance of Asking Questions

"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever."
-Chinese Proverb

We are all guided by fear and pride – more than other by fear. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily – it prevents us from danger, poor decision making and long term detriment. However, a fear. of asking questions may be a cause of all the above! Are you afraid to ask questions of people – your supervisor, your colleagues, your loved ones or authority?

The one distinctive trait that allows humans a slightly superiority over other animals is the ability to educate ourselves to higher levels of logic. Now how do you get there? Read a book – ok. Listen to a tape – sure. How about go ask someone that already knows what you want? How about questioning something that is good, in an effort to make it great? Yes, I am that annoying guy that asks questions all the time (and sometimes just to get a different point of view). Asking questions is a critical key to your success – unless you ask YOURSELF questions, you will never know the answers you are seeking internally. Do you ASK yourself QUESTIONS? Do you know WHERE you are GOING?

Should your gut tell you to ASK A QUESTION about information you are receiving (or not) – ASK IT! Don't be afraid… there is no harm in asking questions and the person you are communicating with WILL appreciate you desire to be accurate! (wow – this one was simple, eh?)


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Morning Motivator – Choosing Your Success

"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them."
-Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

How many times has your gut been "right" about a situation? How many times did you "know" what would happen before you started? We are not psychic (at least I think we aren't) – so how are we able to "know" so much about things before we get started?

The reason is: YOU HAVE CHOSEN YOUR END RESULT BEFORE YOU STARTED. Yes, you have made a clear decision in your mind whether a task can be completed, a goal can be accomplished or a challenge overcome. You are so powerful that you have the ability to influence the entire outcome of any situation. Do you wonder how "successful" people have become "SUCCESSFUL"? They CHOSE it! They decided long ago that they would achieve (fill in the blank) and that is their passionate pursuit.

In order to achieve the CHOICE of SUCCESS – you must be clear on what SUCCESS is to you. Write down ONE thing that would signify success to you. Now, write next to it what NEXT STEP is needed to begin towards that accomplishment. If it requires the help of someone else – call them TODAY. If it requires time to plan out something – schedule it TODAY. You are not expected to accomplish your goal in ONE DAY – you are able to accomplish one small step towards it daily. Take the FIRST STEP and enjoy the successes tomorrow will bring you!


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Morning Motivator – Preparing for Success and Happiness

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."
-Alexander Graham Bell

As I was winding down late last night, I flipped over to a financial news broadcast. The speaker was discussing how much planning goes into ones financial future. He mentioned that more planning goes into a family summer vacation than into their financial future. I can believe it and thought to myself – how much planning do people put into their personal success and happiness?

A lot of people will say they are "well prepared" because they have a LIST where they write down the things to be done – call a client, read a book, and start a business. I contest that most people don't plan out their next day, month, or year effectively and have likely never looked at planning the rest of their life. Have you considered if you are moving in the right direction? How would you know? Do you have a plan on where you are going in the next 3 years? Do you know what the first step is to get there? I would say it's OK if you don't… it's not though. GREAT NEWS - You can CHANGE that today!

Begin your Success and Happiness Preparation Planning - Spend 1 hour tonight and create a rough sketch of your 3 year success vision (i.e. where do I want to be and what does it look like). Then number the items that you generate from most important to least (at this time). Pull out the TOP FIVE (5) items on your list and write them down on a SEPARATE piece of paper. THESE ARE YOUR 5 TASKS TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS. Write down the first step required to begin the achievement of these goals. You will FOCUS on the first one ONLY, until it is complete. Then you will FOCUS on number two (2). Repeat until you have completed* all five (5).

* Some "goals" will be the beginning of a process and unable to realistically accomplish in 90 days. If so, drill down to the "most achievable task" that can be completed within 90 days. That will be your GOAL.

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Morning Motivator – The Hard Truth of Honesty

"Each time you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure."
-Joseph Sugarman

What is the hardest thing about being TRULY honest in your thoughts and actions? I believe it's the FEAR of rejection. When someone is being wholly honest they are, in a sense, making themselves very vulnerable for rejection. When you are honest, nothing is sugar coated and the results are never known to be positive or negative – there can be a lot of anxiety and fear. At the root of it all - No one likes to be rejected and more over no one likes to be vulnerable. Yet, how many successful people have never been rejected? (sound familiar?)

Consider this though – if you are not truthful with someone, how can the results of any actions or discussion be positive? If your ability to ENHANCE a relationship – business, personal or spiritual – is based on half-truths, then what is the FOUNDATION for success? One must understand that success bred from a false beginning will result in EMPTY SUCCESS. You will likely achieve the outward shell of what others think is success – but you will know the truth.

Here is your SUCCESS (action) step – Examine the "SUCCESSES" you have achieved in your life – car, house, money, boats, etc – and write down what about those possessions makes you SUCCESSFUL. Then write down what you define your PERSONAL SUCCESS – business and relationships – looks like and should be. Make sure they align. Next, take any and all steps to secure the BEST fits while quickly disposing of the WORST fits. This will be your first step towards an HONEST feeling of COMPLETE SUCCESS.

Your ability to achieve your dreams is more powerful than your understanding – confidently move forward and enjoy the rewards. Make this weekend a great one!

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Morning Motivator – Giving Advice with ACTION

"He that gives good advice builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example builds with both."
-Francis Bacon
Admittedly, I sometimes feel like an advice columnist in writing the MM.  Most interestingly, guess who is disciplined in providing counsel yet fails to listen to the advice?  Yes… me.
I enjoyed a discussion last night with someone who's opinion I highly value and I revealed that the core motivations of the Morning Motivator are to motivate my most valued relationships … and myself.  Why myself?  Simply put – I am like everyone else and need an occasional "pick me up" and need help to get motivated.  Most importantly – I (like you) MUST take ACTION to be successful and achieve my dreams!! 
I sincerely hope that each of you gain an intrinsic value from this daily emotional supplement and through my passion you are driven to take ACTION STEPS to be successful.  You will notice that every MM has a driver towards ACTION – "Take the first step; try it for 15 minutes; make that call; etc."    Know and understand that talk without action is noise, action without talk is still ACTION!
Today your ACTION STEP is this – identify the ways in which you counsel trusted colleagues, loved ones, associates, etc. and make sure that have a specific action steps DETAILED for them.  If you plan to email advice, make a special section for "Advised Action";  if in a discussion,  ask the person "what is your next step?" – always be mindful that if someone asks YOU for advice, it's because you ARE the perceived EXPERT.  They value your thoughts and more over want to learn from your experience – help them by advising and providing specific examples of action.   You are not crippling or bailing them out – you are EMPOWERING them by providing direction.
Provide feedback or submit your own MM for publication –

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Morning Motivator –Making the Right Sacrifices

"You must be willing to do the things today others don't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have."
-Les Brown, Live Your Dreams
Sacrifice (noun)-  the surrender of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher.  Lets break this down a bit.  What is PRIZED/VALUED?  Time, money, convenience, comfort, happiness.  What could be considered HIGHER value?  Freedom, wealth, ownership, relaxation, joy
Do you ever consider what you are holding onto so tightly today that may be better to let go so you can reap rewards later?  How many strategic sacrifices are you making daily, weekly, annually for the betterment of yourself or others?  I am not one to preach at people and surely am not a saint – I do want you to consider the path you are on.  Is your path paved in challenge and growth?  Does it include many uneasy and comfortable moments knowing you will achieve your dreams at the end?  If not… its OK!  You can change that.
Sit today at lunch, tonight at home or sometime this week and spend 20 powerful minutes clarifying your vision for the next year.  Where do you want to be?  What do you want to accomplish?  Who needs to be a part of that vision?  The spend 10 empowering minutes writing out the SINGLE next step.  :: Do not layout the entire process ::  Focus ONLY on the FIRST step and what actions need to be taken.  This will allow you to begin your journey to FREEDOM, WEALTH, OWNERSHIP, RELAXATION and JOY!
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Morning Motivator – The Gift of Difficulty

"Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy, for it means pushing back a boundary-line and adding to one's liberty."
-Henri Frederic Amiel

Every day we are faced with difficult situations. Some we are unaware of and some we know of the day before they happen. Difficulty make include a stressful meeting, a tough sales call or even having let someone go. All very challenging situations to the mind, body and spirit. However, ask yourself this… What was the last situation that I grew most from? (time to think provided) OK – so? Probably not an easy situation, eh? My best growth has always come from what I thought were the "worst" situations.

So you are facing a tough day … relish in it! This is a great day for YOU to GROW. Take the challenge head on and do not accept defeat as an option. If you are struggling with an associate – talk to them, a project – schedule time to complete and see it through, a personal situation – identify how you overcome it and take the first step forward! I had someone recently advise me by saying, "Don't be afraid to take action. Just take a step. Even if it is in the wrong direction, at least it IS a direction." (very wise)

Don't be afraid to take that step. ACTION is the most vital key to battling through difficulty and uncovering the JOY of accomplishment and overcoming fears. Push your limits and know that you can always take a step in a different direction, as long as you have some direction to begin.


Morning Motivator – Living Through Your Imagination

"Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory."
-Les Brown

For sports fans, we often hear an announcer say – "that player needs to have a short memory." What this implies is the ability for a high performing athlete to forget a previous play where he/she may not have performed at top level and FOCUS on achieving their goal in the next opportunity. Question: Do you have a short memory or live out of your memory?

As professionals, we are often judged by our past and the actions that have occurred prior to this days opportunity. Admittedly, I agree the past is a good indicator of future behavior, however, I also KNOW that YOU have control of YOUR future. You own your ability to take the ACTION to live out of your imagination – be anything, do anything and achieve everything. It is your mind's eye that holds the limitations of your abilities and also holds the key to the REAL dreams you hope to accomplish.

You have been blessed with many great talents, most of which no other person can duplicate! Live through your greatest attributes, focus on your life visions and achieve the goals you KNOW you can… while you show everyone you are able to be EXACTLY what you always KNEW you could! Make this week a week of imaginative success and accomplishment. Cheers to your SUCCESSES!

- Zach

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Morning Motivator - The Power of Clarity

"Clarity of the mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what he loves."
- Blaise Pascal

Do you know what you need to accomplish to achieve "happiness"? Are you clear that you have the "right fits" in your life? Career, significant other, living situation, health, etc... If you are unsure if you are even going in the right direction... listen up!

I had a discussion yesterday about something great that happened to me earlier this year. I had a BFO - Blinding Flash of the Obvious. I was "successful" by societal standards and no idea if I was "happy". Thankfully, I have great people around me that were supportive as I sought after the answer. After finding that I was not able to even determine my happiness - I took steps to define "happiness" in my life and help gain CLARITY to make decisive steps towards it.

Once defined, I took action. Some decisions have been very hard, some very easy, some good, some bad and some are yet to be made. I DO know that I achieved CLARITY and am making the FOCUSED efforts to achieve my goals through calculated decisions. I have defined my "happiness" and feel confident I know what needs to happen to get there... and stay there!

I hope you have already achieved CLARITY, however if you are seeking this CLARITY in your life, let me know - I will gladly assist you in the ways I am able. Make today a day of accomplishment and this weekend a time of relaxing.


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Morning Motivator - Take that First Step

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing."
- Elbert Hubbard

No one likes to be judged or critiqued AND everyone wants to be successful. How can one be successful without criticisms?

I, like many, desire to be liked all the time. I do not want people to be frustrated, disappointed or upset with me...ever. What I do know is that in order to GROW - there will be growing pains, so let's accept them.

I challenge you to find a successful person - personally and professionally - that has not failed, been criticized or disappointed others. Now, I challenge you to subside your fears of rejection, disappointment and failure in lieu of ACTION. Make your move and do it confidently... You will be surprised how good it feels and the rewards you reap!



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Morning Motivator – The Greatest Thing to Happen to Me

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out."
- John Wooden

I have always appreciated the "Power of Positive Thinking" and the idea that nothing in your life is ever "bad", rather a new opportunity to GROW - LEARN – LEAD. How many people do you know that had "terrible" things happen and come out a stronger, more complete person? I bet you know at least ONE… it may be yourself.

As many know, I suffered a serious leg injury almost 5 years ago. Playing basketball, I broke my lower right leg in 3 places, literally breaking my shin in half. I underwent major surgery to repair the broken limb and endured 12 months of rehab from the injury – nearly 4 months in which I was not able to even stand on it. At that time, if asked, I may have told you it was the WORST thing to ever happen to me… later did I realize it was the GREATEST!

How could shattering a leg and not walking for 4 months be so GREAT? Simply put, it gave me time to think. Think about who I am and want to become. Think about what makes me happy and what I need to do to grow my happiness. Think about what SUCCESS is to me and what actions I need to take to attain my dreams. Very few people are given the gift of 4 months off work to THINK about their life and how it should be shaped. For this I say - it was the BEST time ever spent in my life.

You must know that no matter what challenges you are facing, you have the ability to make greatness arise from it. You can choose to make a "terrible" situation… a GREAT one. Your tasks are to always maintain a positive focus, follow your dreams and trust that situations happening in your life (good or bad) are exactly what is supposed to be.


My hope is for others to share their dreams, passions and motivations. If interested, share your insights with other Morning Motivator readers – send yours to

Fridays will be dedicated to sharing YOUR thoughts with others.

Morning Motivator – The Power of Hope

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
-Dale Carnegie

Have you had a rough day or week recently? Are you feeling painted into the corner personally or professionally? We ALL get there… you are not alone!

Do you know what the most exciting thing about HOPE is? Hope is ALWAYS there. Hope is the light that guides your passions. Hope is the fuel that powers your motivations. Hope is present even when you think it is not.

Think on this - What is your greatest achievement? Did you have to overcome "the odds" to accomplish it? Did you even think it was possible when you started? The HOPE and FAITH you hold in yourself and your abilities is the driver that will lead you down a path of success, fulfillment and enrichment.

You ARE in CONTROL of YOUR life! You make a choice everyday what to do with it. Embrace your hopes and take action towards fulfilling your dreams… and remember to share that passion with the people you love around you.


If you have someone that would like to share in the Morning Motivator, have them email a sharing request to

Morning Motivator – What is Fear?

"When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation -- it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams."
-Les Brown

What are you afraid of? This is a tough question that most of us do not want to answer. We fear the question itself as it tells us we have a weakness, insecurity or a flaw…

Why are you afraid? Fear is most often generated by a lack of knowledge and experience.

I am fearful of many things. Often I am fearful of what I THINK the situation is and carry my personal emotional security too close to let go and explore the opportunity in front of me. Have you ever missed out on something great because you were too scared to take the first step?

Today is your day to be bold and courageous! Do not let fear dictate your life. Educate yourself so that you can overcome your fear and remember that often the best educator is EXPERIENCE. Take your most simple fear today and attack it – you will find pride and a sense of accomplishment on the other side!

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Morning Motivator – Thankfulness & Appreciation

"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and new."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thankfulness is one of the most attractive characteristics of people. When you meet someone that is truly appreciative of you and your insights – how do you feel? When you meet someone that is always humble and thankful for their blessings – what do you think of them? When a stranger tells you thank you for the smallest gesture you make – do you realize why you made the gesture?

Thankfulness and appreciation for your blessings should be a daily exercise. As we approach Thanksgiving and focus on the past years thanks with family and friends, consider how very fortunate you are and how THANKFUL you really should be! Tell the people around you how much they mean to you, how much you benefit from their involvement in your life and how much you look forward to your future growth together.

Make everyday a "Thanksgiving" – an exercise in the expression of appreciation. Be sure that the people you care about are aware as you are never quite sure you will have a chance to tell them twice.

On a personal note – I want to thank everyone that receives this Morning Motivator and let you know that I appreciate the opportunity to help add a little motivation and inspiration to your life. This is the first step towards a bigger dream for me and your support is what is driving me towards it. THANK YOU!! =)



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Morning Motivator – Patience

"Beware of undertaking too much at the start. Be content with quite a little. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own."
-Arnold Bennett

I share a fatal trait with many over achievers just like you – I want it all…right now! I am not a patient person when it comes to things I want and often find that I over pursue things in an effort to make a quick change to bigger challenge. Do you find yourself doing that?

I am slowly learning (through trial and error) that PATIENCE is a key attribute to success. Sometimes the best action is to take an extra moment, fully analyze the situation and then take ACTION. Do not confuse patience with procrastination though … you need to take ACTION as quickly as possible when appropriate. I know I will always err on the side of action and will likely continue to have minor challenges with patience. Just remember that "good things take time."

Today push and press to be your best. If you hit a roadblock… be patient. Stay your course and focus on the end goal – you WILL achieve your dreams!

* If you are taking tomorrow off – I want to thank you for your support and wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and those that make you the great person that you are!


To contribute to the Morning Motivator – email

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Morning Motivator - Building Others

"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle."
-Father James Keller

The beauty of our American culture is that we are encouraged to be creative, entrepreneurial and aggressive in the pursuit of our dreams. The challenge of our culture is that is also one that breeds greed and mistrust. Are you guided by assisting others to achieve success or by withholding from them to ensure your own?

I would suggest to you that the only way to truly ensure your long term success is by assisting others in achieving theirs. Many "Top Producers" are fearful of sharing their success strategies, their special insights and learned experiences. Do not be fearful of sharing your success strategies – by sharing you create LOYAL and CONFIDENT strategic partners. Never worry about someone you train stealing your clients… if they leave you to work with someone else, they were never yours to begin with.

The greatest achievements one can accomplish are found in the building up of others. Be confident in yourself – share your visions and find that others will follow your leadership! Begin today in building your team by sharing your life goals, your long term vision and your short term strategy – this will ENSURE your SUCCESS!

To share your visions with others via the Morning Motivator, email

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Morning Motivator – Good Communication

"Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift From The Sea

Occasionally we are graced with what I term a "pure moment".  A pure moment is that one-time experience where you know this is the exact person you are supposed to meet at that precise moment and engage in that particular discussion.  It's when you are walking out the door to go home and end up staying to chat for another 2 hours.  The "purity" of this moment is the encompassing of good communication.

We all would like to be known as a good communicator and we have the ability to become just that, agree?  We must be aware that talking AT others is not a good form of communication, rather we want to communicate WITH others.  We must LISTEN… think… reply… pause… LISTEN… think… reply (repeat).    Often, we overlook the value of what the other person has to say and more often just "wait for our turn to talk again."  

Your point WILL be heard, You WILL be respected and you WILL have plenty of time to counter if you listen well and your points are well thought out.  You don't have to "win the discussion" to "win over" the other person.  Stay focused on what is trying to be communicated and you will be granted the opportunity to make any counterpoints.  Remember, Your DOG is a GOOD COMMUNICATOR… and it can't speak!!  

Have a great weekend and embrace the opportunity to enjoy a "pure moment" of good communication!

If you are interested in submitting to the Morning Motivator, please email

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Morning Motivator - Expertise

"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be made, in a very narrow field."
-Neils Bohr

As we each strive for the next level of success and professionalism, we must choose a platform to drive that growth. Many of us focus on "client service" – yet what is that? Is that calling back within an hour? Is it meeting late at night or on a weekend? Those ARE good examples of client service, yet when you meet with someone to consult on your needs - what do you care about most? Be honest...The answer is EXPERTISE!

Most would agree that you will decidedly go out of your way to an inconvenient location, work with a less than enjoyable personality or pay a higher rate for any service if you are working with an EXPERT. Think about a great physician, attorney, mechanic, marketing consultant, real estate professional, or banker. If they are not an expert- you WILL be affected in your day to day business and personal life. If you do work with an expert – you WILL discover an immediate enhancement in the quality of your business and life.

So what do you want to be? The person that makes calls on Sunday nights as a form of "service" or the person that is passionately sought after, required scheduling weeks in advance and paid premium rates for being an EXPERT in your field? Seek a mentor, take a class, do your homework, spend time training and growing your skills… when you are ready to be successful and achieve your life dreams, simply decide to BECOME AN EXPERT!

If you are interested in contributing to the Morning Motivator, please send submissions to

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Morning Motivator - Being Your Best

"Good, better, best - never let it rest - till your good is better - and your better best."
-John Furphy, Inscription on the end castings of the "Furphy Farm Water Cart"

Great news!! You have a unrestricted ability to define and redefine who you are and what your value is daily. You have the choice every morning to say and live the ideal that …"today I will be my best!"

Be very clear that YOU are in control of the daily outcomes that relate to YOUR life. As individuals, we make choices daily to "get by" and do "just enough" OR to be the "best" and "do more" than what is expected. How do you face your days? Are you "getting by on the minimum" or are you making the most of your opportunities? Are you doing things that are good? Do you do them better than before? Or are you the BEST in the business?

Today you are in control to be the best. What happened before today cannot be changed, your past is just that – the past. Make a commitment to yourself, then tell those you love and trust about your new commitment and become the BEST version of yourself that you can be! Own it, Live it, Love it – today is your day to be GREAT!

If you are interested in submitting quotes to the Morning Motivator, please submit to

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Morning Motivator - Importance of Attitude

'It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice'
- Unknown
It is safe to say we all relish in a state of feeling important, whether it be through recognition or being sought after for leadership. Note that without having the right attitude your level and feelings of importance can be destroyed.

Attitude (by definition) is a position of the body or manner of carrying oneself; A state of mind or a feeling; disposition. To me attitude starts with the individual! YOU alone set your tone for the day by merely saying to yourself, 'today is going to be a GREAT day!'. When someone asks you 'how are you?', instead of saying 'OK', instead reply 'OUTSTANDING' and guess what? You will feel just as you say. By composing your positive attitude, you can help others set the tone for their day by being NICE to them.

Create an aura about yourself that people will want to associate with and be drawn to. I challenge you to be OUTSTANDING everyday, and watch for yourself how it works!

Special thanks for today's submission to the Morning Motivator by:
Ben Prom | Sales Manager
Renaissance Nashville Hotel

To submit your motivational quote and editorial to the MM, email

- Zach

Morning Motivator - Progress

"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be."
-Kahlil Gibran, "A Handful of Sand on the Shore"
As human beings we are always seeking the next great opportunity – the chance to grow, the chance to succeed and the chance to excel.  We ALL share this passion, yet not all share the motivation to make it happen!
The key to growth is identifying that you are on a pathway in which YOU choose YOUR own destiny.  No one controls you, your thoughts, your abilities.  No defines your success or failure.  You are in total control of your life and your ability to create happiness, clarity and fulfillment.  It is YOUR responsibility to define your life goals and advance towards that future.
Take ACTION in your life and work today towards defining who you are seeking to become.  Take 30 minutes and detail what your life would look like if you were at your "Happiest" – write down the ideas on a piece of paper, draw/collect pictures that visually define those dreams and play music to put a theme song to your life.   Once completed – make your daily decisions around this happiness chart you have defined and you will find the clarity to make positive decision and the success you so greatly desire.
If you need assistance with this or would like a better idea on how best to do this, please let me know and I will work actively to see you find the information you need.  Make the most of today and progress towards your happiness!
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Morning Motivator - One Degree Better

"At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And with steam, you can power a train".

We all are seeking to improve and grow.  Most people believe that growth requires major change.  That only dramatic alterations to behavior will alter your reality... I disagree.

The theory of the 212th degree proves that the smallest enhancement can create the power and momentum to change your life.  Don't concern yourself with making MAJOR growth improvements... Just make a 1% improvement everyday. (That would be a 365% improvement of self each year!!)

Make a 1% improvement and enjoy the lifelong benefits.  What will you do to improve yourself 1% today??

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

Morning Motivator - No Regrets

"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."
- Victoria Holt, writer

What do you regret?  I have a theory that we only regret the things that caused to miss a growth opportunity.  I have two (ask me and I will share then).

We all face tough decisions and trying times.  Always pursue the growth opportunity and you will never feel regret as you will know your choice is in pursuit of your greater goals.

Be honest with yourself, pursue your dreams led by your heart and always focus on growth - from this you will have NO REGRETS!!

Make today awesome and know I am here to help in anyway possible.

** Special Thanks to Josh Anderson (my Realtor®) for this great quote and all his support in my dreams.

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

Morning Motivator – Generosity

"Sometimes we hold on to our possessions because we fear we might run out - life seems scarce. But when we believe that giving is the way to live, we will produce more in the future - life seems abundant."
-John C. Maxwell

We live in a culture that does not want for much.  Even those of us that have struggles or are struggling are still quite fortunate.

I ask that you be generous with your gifts.  You have been blessed with special talents that allow you success. Share your talents with others, help grow their success and you will find the peace you are seeking along with the physical gifts you pursue.  Ensure your future by developing those around ... Today is the day to start!

'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime".  - Chinese Proverb

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

Morning Motivator – Thought

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts."
-Benjamin Disraeli

Everyday you have an opportunity - to grow – to learn – to lead.  How does one best take best advantage of these opportunities?  By thinking about them prior them occurring.

We all know the phrase "no one plans to fail – just fail to plan" and this is a precise application of that mantra.  If you do not prepare your mind for the activities you will take on daily, such as work, love, social interactions, etc… you will not be ready to take advantage when your opportunity is presented. 

Today's message is simple: Take a moment to think – then act!  Think about what might happen, what you want to happen and how you will handle the alternatives.  If you THINK about what you are doing daily, you will always be prepared – not reactionary to the world around.

Have a great weekend and THINK about the greatness you possess… then have some fun!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Belief

"As soon as you begin to believe in something, then you can no longer see anything else. The truth you believe in and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new."
-Pema Chödrön, The Wisdom of No Escape

Our group performed an activity recently called "The Number Game".  It is an application testing your belief system.  There are 60 numbers (1-60) plotted randomly all across a piece of paper.  The goal – draw lines from 1 to 60 in 60 seconds (ie 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and so on).  On the first attempt – I was able to get to 25.  Then we were told to work in a team – we got to 40.  Then we were told there is a pattern – we got to 45.  Then we looked further and found an additional pattern – we got to 60 with 5 seconds remaining!  What does this mean?

It's a practical application of BELIEF.  When I first looked at the sheet I thought "Ha, no way!"  Then as we tried different solutions – I started to believe.  After 15 minutes, we not only overcame our disbelief, we accomplished our goal with time to spare.  The lesson is this:  YOU can do anything, accomplish any goal, achieve any accolade IF you BELIEVE in yourself.  Your confidence is the most important tool in your personal and professional life. 

Today is your day to BELIEVE in yourself – your brilliance, your talents, your ability to accomplish your dreams.  If you are not carrying that confidence and self belief – make an effort to change this today!  If you need assistance finding a way to gain this edge, please call me and I can help get you to the right people.  Today is YOUR day… I BELIEVE it!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Resilience

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

I, like many others, am guilty of having a perfection complex.  I want to be perfect, everyday on every task, all the time.  The challenge is that often my pursuit of being a "perfectionist" causes delays in processes, missed opportunities and a number of non-perfect results.  More interestingly, I try to be perfect and control areas of our life that I have no control over.  How can one be perfect if you cannot control all the aspects of the situation?  Is this not a setup for consistent disappointment?

If you are challenged as I am, then I propose this – be RESILIANT!  Engage your self-confidence and knowingly accept you inability to be perfect everyday at every moment.  By the grace of God – you are internally a complete and perfect person as you are today.  Your external pursuit is to relate that confidence and grace into an accepting and resilient person.  Resilience is simply the pursuit of perfection and the unwillingness to accept defeat.   I believe I would rather be resilient than perfect… this allows one to be better equipped for managing the moments when "life happens".

Today – do not measure your success by your accomplishments from your first efforts, rather measure your accomplishments derived from your resilience to pursue the second, third and fourth efforts.  If you get kicked in the teeth in a situation, get up, stand up and stick your head right back in there!  This is the true test of character and your ability to achieve success.  Be the champion of your future…be RESILIENT!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – Creating Your Life

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing."
- Michael E. Gerber

How often do you hear people say "I wish I could (insert activity or goal)"?  Now – how many of those people are taking an active role in their life to make the appropriate changes to achieve that "wish"?  NEWS FLASH - very very few.

The next time you hear someone say "I wish I could…" – Challenge them!  Ask them why the are "unable".  Ask them what they have done to make it better or make it happen.  Ask them who or what or why they are being held back.  And don't be afraid if you determine the person you need to ask is YOURSELF!

You are a brilliant creature with the capacity to achieve whatever your mind can conceptualize and your disciplined efforts will work hard towards.  You can achieve anything you want – lose weight, go to Grad school, start a successful business, be President of the USA.  It is up to you to determine how far you want to go and how hard you want to work to create the life you deserve.  Go out and take an active role in YOUR life today by creating the opportunities you are seeking for happiness.  If you need help determining what "happiness" is and what you need to do to get there – let me know.  I am happy to introduce you to people that can assist and provide you activities to help give you clarity.

Today is your day to create the rest of your life – be great and enjoy the rewards!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – The Future

"The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Do you know what the greatest thing about today is?  It will end and there WILL be a tomorrow.  Sometimes we become overwhelmed about the errors we have made, the opportunities we missed and the challenges we have faced.  No worries– there will be a tomorrow! 

You may have flubbed a deal, upset a client or missed a great chance to grow – and tomorrow you will have all those opportunities again.  Focus on what you can do to fix it and capitalize tomorrow.  I had a very special person in my life that used to always say "that happened before today, we can't change it – let's move on."   What a great philosophy!

Forgive and forget, accept and move on, remember the lesson learned and apply it in the next opportunity.  You ARE a PERFECT person today and should your actions not reflect that person for some reason – just try again tomorrow.  Your future is very bright and everyone around you wants you to be successful.  Share your success with others and help to shape their future as well… the best way to ensure your future is by ensuring that of others.

Make this a great week… your future is awaiting you!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Pride

"Never look down on anybody unless you helping him up."
-Jesse Jackson

The element of human pride is one of our greatest strengths and most crippling weaknesses.  Pride is beneficial when it is an internal reflection of a job well done, much like you see from a child hitting a baseball for the first time, a college grad landing their first big job or you being awarded stock options in your company for being a top performer!

Pride can also be detrimental when it is the "line in the sand" that makes us unwilling to move forward on a project, speak to someone we have been challenges with or simply deny opportunity to someone in any capacity.  This is often where you will see someone saying … "Im proving my point here!"

Use your BEST attributes and SPECIAL talents daily to help others find their successes – personal and professional.  Be PROUD of accomplishments that aid in the betterment of others.  Always focus on the best ways you can continue to grow into a better person.  The pride you find from these activities will be the type you wear on you sleeve … and by which your legacy is made!

Have a great weekend and anyone enjoying Halloween early – please be safe.

To view past Morning Motivators, go to 

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – Identity

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell."

The majority of stress felt in life is a result of leaving tasks open-ended out of fear, confusion or lack of motivation.  The biggest battles we wage daily are the ones against ourselves.  We must learn that our identity is not based on what we accomplish or how much we make or what we drive.  Rather it is who you are at the root of your soul defined by the passions that you possess and brilliants abilities you have to share with others.

The point to this Morning Motivator is that once you accept who you are and are able to define yourself by your dreams, passions and relationships you will be able to overcome all the fears, confusion and lacking motivation.  Conquer your personal identity – define who YOU are and your purpose.  This identity will liberate your mind, body and spirit.

About 5 months ago – a professional business coach worked me through a life exercise that has provided me with a profound sense of identity and clarity in my life.  If you are interested in knowing more about this – please let me know and I will be happy to share this story with you.  Make today a great day and spend 15 minutes focusing on WHO YOU ARE… and what YOUR identity really is!  You are the best person you know… you may just not know it yet.

To view past Morning Motivators, go to 

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – Potential

"Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast...and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. "

What is the scariest word in the world?  POTENTIAL.  Why?  Potential is a definition of the ability you posses and a measurement of your inability to take action and maximize it.  For those who know me well, you know that I become very fearful and anxious when someone says "you have such great potential to…"  To me, this is someone kindly saying I am impressed with who you might become and can't wait to see it.

Success is found by pressing your talents, working hard and not resting on your high levels of natural talent.  Most of us have always been successful without having to try very hard.  Consider how successful you WILL be when you apply yourself fully?  Give yourself completely to what you do… your rewards are in direct proportion to the effort you put into it.

Make to today the day you cast aside your potential and place it into ACTION!! 

To view past Morning Motivators – go to

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Revolution

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past."
-Fidel Castro, Speech on the 2nd anniversary of Revolution, Havana, January, 1961

WOW, quite a quote!  Here's what I want you to consider…  If a revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past then YOU are in the midst of a personal revolution.  You are battling between the person you are and the person you want to become. 

No revolution is easy and many sacrifices will have to be made to overcome your internal barriers to break through to the person you seek to become.  Be a revolutionary!  Be a leader of your self and your community by battling through your past and growing yourself into your future as you define it.  Keep in mind all the greatest changes in our world and our society have come from great revolutionaries – George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr, Christopher Columbus, Malcolm X, Jesus Christ.

Take this day to be a revolutionary!  Be bold and make your commitment to revolt against the person you are and force your growth into the person you are destined to become!!  Make today a great day… and let me know if I can help you with your personal revolution!

To view past Morning Motivators – go to

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Genius

"Genius is present in every age, but the men (or women) carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth."
-Denis Diderot

Genius by definition is "natural ability or capacity; strong inclination".  Notice this definition is applicable to you today? To me, genius is the display of special talent you out forth that makes others say WOW and stand in awe.

We all have special abilities that are unique and greater than those around us.  You may be a creative thinker, have an unparalleled flair for words, possess the innate ability to motivate others or be much disciplined in the completion of any task placed in front of you.  Think about what people say about you… "He/She is so good at (fill in the blank)".  This is the mark of your genius.

Still unsure where your genius level abilities lie?  Ask a friend, a co worker or a family member.  It is your responsibility to yourself and all those around to uncover your ability and to showcase your genius on a daily basis.  Discover it, leverage it, relish it and share it with those around you.  It is YOUR genius that will help others unleash THEIRS.

Make this week a great week… you genius!!

To view past Morning Motivators, go to –

If you are interested in being a contributor to the Morning Motivator, please contact me to share your passion and genius!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Discovery

"The essence of living is discovering indeed, it is the joy of discovery that makes life worth the effort."
-Vijay Krishna

Growing up I loved the Indiana Jones movies.  I was so enthralled by the adventure of discovering buried treasures.  Have you ever thought about the treasures that are buried within yourself?

Think about the last time you accomplished a feat others said you could not - the meeting you nailed with a new client, the weight loss goal you worked so hard for, or the person you thought you never impress that I your new best friend.

You are full of magic and special gifts that need to be shared with the world.  First - YOU must discover them!!  Take this weekend to think about the special talents you have been blesses with and the best ways to share them.  And am I always here to help if needed.

Have a GREAT weekend of Discovery!!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

Morning Motivator – Simplicity

"Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art. They seem to be the purpose of God for his whole creation."
-Richard Holloway

The scientific theory, Occam's razor, states "the simplest explanation is the best one."   This is also applicable to your business and your life.  One of the keys to your ability to achieve success and personal goals is found in the simplicity of your systems.

We all become overwhelmed and frustrated at times.  When things become too much for me – I simplify.  Whether its work, athletics, personal relationships, Junior Chamber, family…any of it.  What I do is take a step back, draw in a deep breath and focus on ways I can simplify my processes, limit unneeded drama and temper stress.

If you begin feeling overwhelmed today in a part of your life - take a moment and simplify!  Write your challenges down on a piece of paper… walk away for a few hours… come back and focus on SIMPLIFYING!  Once you make things simple and easy on yourself – you will find the world will open up to you (as you will be ready to receive it).

Have a great day… Keep it simple and make sure to smile!  =)

If you are interested in reading past Morning Motivators – go to

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – Determination

"Every failure, obstacle or hardship is an opportunity in disguise. Success in many cases is failure turned inside out. The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything. Replace 'if I can, I hope, maybe' with 'I can, I will, I must.'"   -Mary Kay Ash

Yesterday, we talked about GROWTH and a part of growth is the DETERMINATION to achieve your dreams.  Embrace every opportunity to grow, appreciate every failure knowing it's a closer step to success and keep an attitude of determination to drive your passions and see your successes.

I was speaking with yesterday with my very good friend, Josh Anderson, when he made one of the best comments I have heard in a long time.  He said, "I love it when someone tells me what I can't do or why something can't be completed.  It just makes me want to do it more to show that I CAN do it… and when I accomplish it I am going to come back and tell you about it!"  If you don't believe his success is derived from this attitude – you are mistaken.

Take an ATTITUDE of success – Do not let anyone tell what YOUR happiness is – Drive yourself to ACHIEVE your dreams on your terms.  If someone gets in your way… call me, I will call Josh and the 3 of us will go tell them about your success once you accomplish that goal!  Make today your greatest success…

To view past blogs – go to

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – Growth

"The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher."
-Thomas Henry Huxley

Are you a better, wiser and stronger person today than what you were yesterday?  I hope so. 

We often hear people say "you never stop learning", which is true.  The question is: "Are you actively seeking knowledge or just letting life and learning happen to you?"  If you are not actively seeking personal growth opportunities, you may be missing out on the best parts of your life.

My GROWTH STRATEGY is simple: make myself uncomfortable daily.  Sound silly?  I thought so too – however, now I focus daily on doing something that makes me push outside my comfort zone.  I make the call I don't want to make, I do the activity I am hesitant to do and I commit to opportunities I am not sure I will like.  So, what has it provided me?

I have been a 4.0 Business student, a Marketing Manager, a "Rookie of the Year", a small business owner, a Member of the Year, an incoming President of the Nashville Junior Chamber, a great boyfriend (and a bad one at times), a mentor, a motivator, a friend, a life coach, a big brother and a good son.  At 29 – I am not yet pleased with where I am at… although I would say my growth strategy of "making myself uncomfortable" has been a good start.  Think about yourself… you have accomplished many great things so far… how many more are you capable of?

Don't be fearful of GROWTH… you are the most powerful person you know.  Make yourself uncomfortable… try something that you know will GROW your mind, body and spirit.  Have a great day!

"When a bonsai stops growing, you know it's dead."  -Japanese Proverb

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Taking Risk

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt, speech before the Hamilton Club, Chicago, April 10, 1899

Risk (–noun); exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance: It's not worth the risk.

Risk (– the practical definition); the fear of a perceived loss.  The limiting factor in most of our mental capacities.

Most people think of RISK as a bad word.  Entrepreneurs and successful business people view risk as their competitive advantage.  Are the things you do daily in your business easy to duplicate?  SURE.  Are others willing to do those things to be successful? LIKELY NOT.  They believe some of those things to be to RISKY to attempt (and we thank them for that)!

Capture the risks you can today – the risk of failing to set a visit with a client you are fearful to call, the risk of contacting that person you have been putting off to touch base with, the risk of being successful by stepping outside of the box and trying a new way of doing something better.

Don't fear RISK ... Take it head on and you will find the "real" risk is in not taking action!  Make it a great week.

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Talent

"Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent."
-Sophia Loren

Sometimes you look around at the people you see having great success and you may internalize saying "how did they get so far?  They aren't even really that good!"  First – stop saying that and start looking to that person for what they are doing right.  Second – consider the quote above…

How many people do you know that have laser focus and get whatever they want simply by the fact that they are relentless and persistent with their efforts (ie the use their BEST talents)?  I would be inclined to say that most "successful" people are not the most talented, rather they are the ones that maximize their talents best.  Why do I say that?  Because typically the naturally talented person thinks they can get by on talent alone (its called a "sense of entitlement".

Do this: Focus on you're your BEST talents, put the hard work in to back them up and help others utilize their best talents to support yours… you (and those around you) will find the success and rewards you seek!!

Have a great weekend… and use your talents for good… help someone you know move from "potential" to "powerful!"

* If you would like to read any of my previous motivations – you can access them at

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Decisions

"Make up your mind and act decidedly.  No good is ever done in this world by hesitation."
- Thomas Henry Huxley

Have you ever known someone that seemed to know exactly what they and exactly how to get there?  I did and I spoke with him about how he was so decided.

He said to me, "Zach, you can't sit around waiting for the decision to be obvious that is right.  By that time, someone has beat you to it.  Just decide what you are doing and do it.  At least if you are wrong, you did more than the other guy."  I appreciated his candor and message...

The lesson I took from it is this:
Mistakes are made daily and the correct decisions are hard to know.  The only way to gain the advantage is to be the one that decides "I'm doing this because I think its what is best!"

Take action, cast aside fear and enjoy your rewards for making the DECISION to be excellent!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 
Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention..."
-Rachel Naomi Remen

If you were to poll 100 people, I believe the great majority would consider themselves to be a "Great Listener".  How about you?  When you meet someone, do you listen to what they have to say or just wait for your turn to talk?  It's ok… I do it too. 

Recently, I have been more focused in my efforts to listen effectively.  Here is a method I have been using:

1. Ask a pointed question
2. Allow the other person to think about reply
3. Listen carefully and take notes (very critical to my success or failure)
4. Pause and consider their response
5. Reply accordingly
6. Repeat 1-5

The sooner you grow comfortable with silence – the sooner you will become a top notch listener.  Your reward will be a better understanding of the needs of others (clients, colleagues, loved ones, etc).  Personally, I have found the best way to ensure I "listen" properly is by taking detailed notes around a conversation.  If you do not carry a pen/paper or a BlackBerry device – consider the advantages you may have in doing so and implement this tool …immediately!  (I happen to know a great BlackBerryGuy too)

Side note: Thank you to everyone who sent me an email the last two days inquiring – "where is the morning motivator?"  For all you with the sniffles and coughs – you understand.  I do appreciate each of you for your concern.

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

Morning Motivator - Friendship

"A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends."
-Chinese Proverb

*Mushy emotion alert (you have been warned)*

Todays motivator is a Thank you to you, my friend.  My personal relationships mean everything to me.  I often will sacrifice personal time/attention/resources for the betterment of a friend and do so with no regrets as I know I am a better person for knowing you. For my old friends, this is not news, to my new friends... You will see soon enough!

I know that when I reflect on my life and I am thinking on the things I accomplished - I want to know I did my best to help my friends and family. I sincerely hope that you feel my appreciation for your support and friendship for me personally and professionally.

When I have the opportunity to help - please contact me.  That's what I love to do...

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

Morning Motivator - Persistence

"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it."
-Alexander Graham Bell

Persistence is displayed when one says – "I will give and do anything to make this happen!"  I love this quote as it really defines how people operate.  When you decide you want to make something happen at work – you drive and push and see that it DOES happen.  When you decide you want to meet someone or go somewhere – its flat out AMAZING how creative you become to see that you achieve your goal.

What is the blood, sweat and tears we put into our passions?

What is the fuel of our creativity?

What is the driver of our laser focus?

The answer is PERSISTENCE.  

I know that you have the ability to achieve your dreams every day and I am confident that with persistence you will be able to share you dreams with me one day.  If you ever need a motivation regarding persistence... just read a few of these emails.  I am VERY persistent in sending these.

View past blogs at <

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator - Overcoming

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly.

- Nike ad

Flat out... I love this quote!  As a "once upon a time athlete" I was always pushed and motivated by what coaches and opponents said about my abilities and the areas to improve.  Now as a professional, I am again driven by what people say I cannot do.  You tell me I can't meet "that" person…ill do it.  You say I can't meet a goal…I'll exceed it.  You tell me I'm not smart enough, detailed enough, focused enough…. Ill still achieve what I need to!

You are the most powerful person you know – you can achieve more than you can ever dream – you have the ability to sole ability to change your entire world and that of those around you … all you have to do is believe and take action!  Do not let someone tell you what is right for you, what you are capable of or where you are limited.  Go out and show them why you are so damn special!

Make today the beginning of the life you want and deserve!  Achieve your dreams and if I can help you get there… share it with me, I will gladly give you the push you need.

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

Morning Motivator – Courage

"Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all."
- unknown

I admit I AM a fearful person.  Whether it is in making cold calls, confronting someone on a touchy matter, asking a girl out, or even just saying hi to a new contact.   I also admit that I AM usually surprised how easy it was to overcome… after I take the first steps.

I had a friend recently tell me – "Have the courage to do what you fear for 10 minutes, if you are still afraid – stop.  If not, keep going!"   I will withhold my personal experiences thus far with this approach and allow you to experience this yourself.  Try it today!  BE COURAGEOUS… take 10 minutes to discover how powerful you really are.

I appreciate all of you that support this daily dose of motivation and encourage you to share any experiences/quotes/motivations you have.  Have a COURAGEOUS day! 

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

Feel like your carrier is charging too much?  Request a professional Bill Audit.

:: past morning motivators ::