Morning Motivator – Better Make ‘Em Count

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
- Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Today is the BIG day!  The FINAL day of all the old ways and the beginning of your new, better habits.  HA!  Let's be serious…

It will take us all about 3 weeks to break every single "resolution" we make.  You know it, I know it and the gym knows it… that is why you get all the specials in January for your "year-long commitment."

Here is the thing about it all.  If You REALLY want it, you WILL do it.  If you want to lose weight – you will.  If you want to quit smoking – you will.  If you want to make more money – you will!

It is just a matter of how much PAIN you are willing to go through or eliminate to get there.  Here is my more friendly suggestion…

Make SPECIFIC, detailed resolutions and include TIME TABLES for achieving them.  You might surprise yourself.

Most resolutions are too VAGUE and ARBITRARY.  Lose Weight, be a Better Friend, etc.  What the HELL do those mean?

Lose 10 pounds in the month of January by working out Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 11:30am-12:30am, while drinking a protein shake instead of eating out to lunch.  Now THAT is a resolution!!  Specific, detailed, time bound and measurable - I LOVE IT!!

If you want to really, MAKE 'EM COUNT this year – get dirty with the details.  Script out, on paper, what the "nuts and bolts" of SUCCESS achievement will entail.  THEN (and only then) take action!!  

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  Let us all make this one REALLY count…


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Morning Motivator – I AM LISTENING…

"Your ego will want to keep you from listening.  Combat it.  When it is most difficult to listen is when it is most important."
- Zach Barker

I have to brag one of my best friends, Philip Steen, owner of Nashville Sports Leagues.  Over the past years, we have been good buddies and recently decided to go into business together.  It was this decision that made me REALIZE what a genius and great friend he really is.

Phil has a GIFT.  He is an analytical intellectual.  Since he owns a sports league, you may NOT think him to be the scholarly type, however, I know he READS more and is better INFORMED on the applications of social media, social integration and operational application than anyone that comes to mind, including Seth Godin.  Here is where it gets cool…

I want to be a process driven, organizational expert.  Alas, I am not.  It is not in my DNA.  I am truly a "Barker" (look up its original meaning).  My gift is creating buzz, driving action from groups and maximizing the benefits of interpersonal relationships.  If only I had Phil's gift too…

… and I DO.

As resources to one another, much like a co-worker, a mentor or a friend, I have access to Phil MASTERFUL knowledge base and he to mine.  His skill sets COMPLIMENT mine and between the two we have the ability to bring in large volumes of opportunity, while having the proper workflows and procedural measures to MANAGE the exponential crush.

The key is… I AM LISTENING to him.  Even when he goes a bit over my head or I am not as versed as he in a subject.  Still, I AM LISTENING.  Taking notes and working hard to keep up.  I AM LISTENING.

Every so often, you will be given a gift in a relationship.  You will be CHALLENGED to work harder to maximize its benefit.  Yet, if you LISTEN, you may just find that all the benefit is worth all the EFFORT required.


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Morning Motivator – Are You Ready?

"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious."
- Sun Tzu

The most CHALLENGING year in our lifetime is looming near.  As we prepare for a continued STALL in our economy, political UNREST and personal CHALLENGES greater than known by prior generations, we must ANALYZE our preparedness.

The question is: "are you ready?"  If you response is "for what?", you may be in danger.  You still have time to PREPARE!

CHALLENGES are overcome by preparedness.  Whether that means having a rainy day savings fund or creating ALLIANCES that will allow you opportunity should you have a professional challenge.  Most of the FALL POINTS people experience are not unforeseen as much as simply unprepared.

It is time to get VERY SERIOUS about your success.  If you do not have 2011 Goals WRITTEN DOWN, repeat WRITTEN DOWN, make sure that is done by tomorrow at lunch.

Your goals should focus on two (2) elements – START DOING and STOP DOING.  As you are well aware, a good habit cannot be created without the elimination of a bad one.  If all you had were GOOD HABITS, you would not have a need to make New Years' Resolutions, right?


If you are not thinking about those things now and PREPARING for your success in each, then how will you ever expect to DEFEAT someone who is?


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Morning Motivator - Difficult is Not Impossible

"Difficult takes a day.  Impossible takes a week."
- Jay-Z, Grammy Award Winning Rap Musician

Thank you again to my good friend and supporter, Josh Anderson of Josh Anderson Real Estate in Nashville.  This is another EXCEPTIONAL submission!!

Difficult is not the same as impossible. Indeed, the very fact that something is difficult confirms that it is possible.

Whatever is difficult to achieve, can be achieved. Whatever is difficult to reach, can be reached with effort, with time, with commitment and persistence.

Difficulty does not stand in the way of achievement.  Difficulty in fact provides a path to that achievement.

In addition, difficulty gives real value to achievement.  Those goals that are the most difficult and time-consuming to reach are also the most desirable and rewarding to reach.

Giving up because the task is too difficult is like quitting a job because you're being paid too much. When you're on to something that's difficult and demanding, you're on to something with great potential.

Be willing to embrace what is difficult. And you'll open your life to the best of what is possible.


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Morning Motivator – Silence the Noise

"It's not that I am not listening.  I cannot hear you."
- Anonymous

On this Monday morning, I am driving into Nashville from my mother's house to meet some of my BEST buddies for breakfast.  While the drive is not "lengthy" by any means, it does take approximately 40 minutes to get to my destination.  This morning, I did something very ODD…

The drive was completely SILENT.  No radio, no iPod, no phone, nothing.  Just my thoughts and me….

Have you RECENTLY spent 30 or more minutes in SILENCE?  Have you taken the time to DISCOVER what you were really thinking?  There is a lot of CREATIVITY to be unleashed when your mind is CLEAR of noise!

This week will be FULL of new ideas and half-commitments to IMPROVING the upcoming year.  We will have GRANDIOSE thoughts of new success and action plans for fulfilling life's dreams.   Our CHALLENGE is, as always, IMPLEMENTATION.

My advice:  Silence the Noise around you.

SCHEDULE and execute the spending of ONE HOUR weekly on creative thought.  No motive, no goal - just open-minded creative thinking about what interests you.  You may DISCOVER, as I have, that recurring themes dominate your thought processes. 

Maybe the things you think about MOST often, when you are not being force to think about everything else, is TRULY what you should be focused on; for it is the subconscious mind that drives our BEHAVIORS and FUELS our true desires.


Morning Motivator – A Merry Merry MM

"I wish you all a wonderful, merry Christmas with family, friends and loved ones!"
- Zachary Barker

Please enjoy the below poem and have a wonderful Christmas holiday.  I appreciate all of your support and continued contributions to the Morning Motivator.  Have a GREAT holiday!!

Christmas Is a Time for Love and Fun 

Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to reshape souls and roots and skies,
A time to give your heart to everyone 
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun,
Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs
Show need of such a time for love and fun. 

For children first, whose pain is never done,
Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies,
It's time to give your heart to every one, 

That not one angel fall, to hatred won
For lack of ears to listen to her cries,
Or arms to carry him towards love and fun, 

Or friends to care what happens on the run
To adult life, where joy or sadness lies.
It's time to give your heart to everyone, 

For God loves all, and turns His back on none,
Good or twisted, ignorant or wise.
Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to give your heart to everyone. 


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Morning Motivator – Buy Your Self a Gift

"The best gift you can give is the gift of learning."
- Unknown

It is the time of the year for giving gifts throughout the world.  Jews, Christians and all the others are in the spirit of giving to one another.

Since you are out spending (mindlessly); why not get YOURSELF something meaningful?  Why not INVEST a small gift for towards your success and achievement in the upcoming year.  Why not buy yourself a BOOK!

A book, also known as KNOWLEDGE, is a gift that gives in compounding fashion.  It will allow you new INSIGHTS, thought processes and spawn CREATIVITY you may not have been able to access prior.  Short or long, a book will help ENSURE you the future success you are seeking…

The call to ACTION here is simple… go buy a book!  Don't know what to buy?  Let me give you a few suggestions on some good SUCCESS focused books:
- The Four-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
- The Four-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu (I am reading this one now!)
- Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish
- Linchpin by Seth Godin
- The e-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
- Walking Through Illusion by Betty Otter Thompson
- Traction by Gino Wickman
- QBQ: Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller

I am also told the Harry Potter books are good…  and frankly, they inspire creative though, so I wont snub my nose at them.

Spend $25.00 on something that will better your life.  Or do like me and order it on, used, for $1.56 + shipping (i.e. Art of War).


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Morning Motivator – A 3 Day Lesson in Productivity

"I am not able to chat right now.  I have to finish this project by Wednesday at lunch since we are off the rest of the week."
- Anonymous

I LOVE short weeks.  They PROVE everything I believe about what the "new workweek" will become.  They show your ability to meet and exceed expectations when you choose to be LASER FOCUSED.

Nothing CREATES a better model for success than a TIME CRUNCH.  When you are put into an environment that FORCES you to eliminate all wasted activities, you find that you have AMAZING capabilities to excel.  This is the all-too-often case of "pre-vacation" work weeks.

Anytime there is a short workweek, you eliminate the FaceBook time, the idle chat around the office, even the extra 30 minutes at lunch.  You FOCUS solely on what needs to be accomplished – nothing more, nothing less.  AMAZING!

I wonder... if business owners would be ENCOURAGED to test the idea that a shorter workweek creates higher PRODUCTIVITY.  One that REWARDS efficiency and effectiveness, as opposed to measuring 40 hours as an acceptably arbitrary value of work hours.

I admit, this does not likely work in retails, more in work roles that are project based or production based, HOWEVER, what if you measured individuals ability to achieve AHEAD of schedule with a set tolerance for errors.

Quite possibly, business owners might find that they would get more, in LESS TIME, if they allowed workers to "leave" once the works goals were done.  For those that struggle, let them work Monday through Friday for 70 hours.  The rest of us will be out SPURRING the economy!


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Morning Motivator – Boo Hoo, Get Over It

"We don't have a choice in this.  If they tell us to play in the parking lot… we have to show up."
- Jay Cutler, Chicago Bears NFL Quarterback

If you are not a football fan, you are missing a good learning lesson in DEDICATION.  On Monday, the Minnesota Vikings and Chicago Bears are expected to play in an OUTDOOR game in frigid Minnesota.

Understand that players are COMPLAINING about the cold and conditions of the field.  The many players before them played on for years and years without alternatives these same conditions.  Yet, they complain.

We all work in CONDITIONS we do not prefer – agree?

Business people have been working in TERRIBLE conditions for the past 3 to 4 years, as our economy has "appeared to slow" and business owners; put their checkbooks away ceasing to purchase many new goods and services.  Yet, business people have TRUDGED forward…

As a PROFESSIONAL, you are asked to make many sacrifices.  Often, these SACRIFICES cause discomfort, insecurity or even risk, yet we push forward.

I agree that no one wants NFL players to be injured in the course of a game, but seriously, aren't football players the toughest guys around?  Are they not paid MILLIONS of dollars to play a game for a few hours each week (actually on for ½ the year)?

I say, "suck it up!"  If you are that concerned about the cold and conditions, give up your game check and take the day off… that's what REAL professionals have to do in the business world, so should you!


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Morning Motivator – You Better Get Creative

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
- Steve Jobs

Let's face it – things rarely work out EXACTLY as we hoped.  Often, we are "mostly there" with some minor glitch that seems to create a major counter-effect of anxiety.  Kind of like when you show up for a presentation without your note cards… ugh!

The DIFFERENCE between people that achieve and those that fail often comes down to CREATIVITY during these times of "just off" plans.  YOUR ability to be dynamic and flexible while maintaining composure and consistency will ELEVATE you to the next level.

How will you REACT when things don't go EXACTLY your way?

You can solve most challenges quickly and effectively if you are WELL CONNECTED and STAY COOL under pressure.

First, ASSESS your situation and determine what you need at a MINIMUM to accomplish your goal.

Once you IDENTIFY the minimum need, determine if someone can AID you with that need and delegate if so.  If not, it is on you… you better get to work quickly.  Crib notes, a detailed description instead of a sample, or even taking a "field trip" to get where you need to be (taking others with you) – all are FEASIBLE ways of "faking it 'till you make" through your challenge.

Lastly, remember that most things are able to be easily FIXED.  Whether by apology, delay, or my favorite, just "winging it", you have the ability to get through your challenge… if you can just tap into a little bit of your CREATIVITY!


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Morning Motivator – It’s NOT Who You Know…

"Position yourself as a center of influence - the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you'll soon become what you project."
- Bob Burg

EDUCATION is one of my favorite topics.  Moreover, the FAILURE of education to arm our youth with any of the real skills required to achieve success in the world.  While teachers work very hard to teach and help students become critical thinkers, the systems by which they are taught to teach are FLAWED.

We have all heard the adage, "It is not what you know, rather who you know."  A valid comment made when you consider how success is achieved – through relationships.  I CONTEST the idea that WHO you know is the MOST IMPORTANT facet though.  I believe if you take it one-step further, then you find the REAL KEY to achievement.

Be very CLEAR – It is NOT who you know…

… In fact, it is who knows YOU!  And for what.

To know many people does NOT make you an INFLUENCER in the community.  To know many people does not make you RESPECTED by the people that make decisions.  To know many people does not ENSURE that you will be given opportunity when opportunity arises.

WHO knows you and HOW they know you IS the power behind the success you are seeking.

When the RIGHT people know you, they begin to SEEK you out for information and/or connectivity.  When the RIGHT people know you, they call upon with opportunities to ask for your help or from whom they should attain services.

When the RIGHT people know you in the right ways, you CONTROL your own success!  Now, how do you make them know you??


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Morning Motivator – Remember, Just Start Small…

"Start simple.  Deliver a solid experience and everything else will come."
- Philip Steen, President/Owner, Nashville Sports Leagues

Like many other "alpha personalities," I tend to be one that thinks about what to do when I am at full capacity prior to starting a project.  I FOCUS on making sure we can grow to a POSITIVE end-result by worrying about the experience from the beginning.  There is only one issue with that – you are NOT there yet!

My good friend and business partner, Philip Steen, is kind enough to CONTINUALLY keep me grounded and focused around the idea that we just need to start with a SIMPLE, SOLID product and build off of that positive experience.  (Easy for him to say, he has built a business we would all envy.)

Here is the thing about his WISDOM… He is RIGHT! 

Any good business started small, simple and delivered an offering that was UNMATCHED by others.  That is the fundamental element of POSITIVE, EXPONENTIAL growth.  This is a growth out of PASSIONATE appreciation and desire to use one's service or product.

What if you were so good (and a little exclusive) to the point that people we ASKING you to spend their money with you?  Sounds like a good CHALLENGE to overcome.

By creating a SMALL, SIMPLE offering, you create a demand that extends beyond those who are using it, into others that WISH they could too!  Maybe you put a CAP on how many people can  EXPERIENCE your offering to start – only the first to act get to enjoy.  Then, PERFECT the delivery… and let the blow wide open!  (Thank Phil.  I am listening…)


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Morning Motivator – A Message from MY Realtor

"It is no wonder Drew Brees is so good.  He runs through every play, every way in every practice."
- Unknown sports announcer

Special thank to my GREAT friend and long time supporter, Josh Anderson.  He is my personal Realtor and a long time friend.  If you need a great contact in Nashville, call me and I will get you with Josh!
Champions Have an Immense Capacity for Sustained Concentration

Champions are famous for concentrating their energy and efforts on what they want and blocking out anything or anyone who threatens that focus. While average people haphazardly pursue loosely defined goals, champions concentrate on the attainment of a singular purpose with an intensity that borders on obsession.

World-class performers invest an inordinate amount of time and energy in selecting their major goals. While the masses consider making changes every New Year's Eve, the goal setting and planning process is an everyday habit of champions. When the goals are set, champions put mental blinders on and move forward with dogged persistence and ferocious tenacity. World-class performers create such an intense level of concentration to overcome challenges and achieve goals that it is the last thing they think about before they fall asleep, and the first thing that hits them when they wake up. The great ones dream about their goals so frequently that they often keep pen and paper on the nightstand so they can quickly record any ideas or solutions that come to them in the middle of the night. While average people see world-class performers' successes as a matter of intelligence or luck, champions know sustained concentration of thought and action is usually the true key to their success.

Action Step for Today (2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP:)
Write down the single most important goal you want to achieve in the next twelve months and make a commitment to concentrate on achieving it — no matter what.

Thank Again Josh – you "da man!"


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Morning Motivator – Fueling Your Success Machine

"You would not put regular fuel in a F1 Racing Machine.  Why would I put regular fuel in my body?"
- Georges St. Pierre, MMA Fighter

Last night I found myself ABSORBED into a fight promotion program.  One of the fighters, Georges St. Pierre, discussing his workout regimen and the types of food he consumes.  He made the above comment and my mind was ABLAZE with ideas about today's Morning Motivator.

What is it you are putting into your body?  Your business?  Your mind?  Are you putting in the fuel of "regular people" or are you putting in the highest quality fuels possible?

In considering how SUCCESS is "developed" and not just handed to individuals, we also RECOGNIZE that SUCCESS is a process of consumption and digestion generating varying production results.  Put low QUALITY inputs into your system and generate low quality outputs… make sense huh??

As we seek to become (or enhance) ourselves as TOP PRODUCERS and ACHIEVERS, we must discriminate the types of fuel we put into our system.

If you read garbage magazines, silly blog sites as opposed to challenging periodicals and thought stimulating books, then you should not EXPECT to generate high quality, fresh ideas.  If you eat Twinkies and hot dogs, you probably should not expect six-pack abs.  If you hang out with people that are of low CHARACTER, you should not fully expect that you will be sought after in a community/political setting.

Be VERY SELECTIVE about what fuels you are consuming… CHOOSE better and find better results.  Settle for less and do not be SURPRISED if you breakdown prior to achieving your success goals!


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Morning Motivator – Ask Your Way to the Top!

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever."
-Chinese Proverbs

I must admit, SIMILAR to when I moved from San Diego to Nashville many years ago, this move top Lafayette has helped me take the next LEAP to success.  Let me explain how you can do it without UPROOTING yourself to get there.

The funny thing about moving is that when you get where you are going, you know NO ONE and NOTHING about the community.  Thus, you are FORCED to ask questions.  From who is Mayor to how do I get to the coolest bar in town?  You are REQUIRED to ask question after question to LEARN about your surroundings.

SUCCESS is the result of asking more questions and getting better answers.  When you are FORCED into a situation that the only manner of survival is in questioning everyone and everything, you find that you are more informed, better connected and well-liked within your new community.

What if you could meet the leaders of your community?  What if you had relationships with the business leaders in your local area?  What could you do?

Here is my secret: "Ask questions about the stuff you REALLY want.  Don't ask about anything else."

It seems silly to say that, but many people are INDIRECT in their requests for opportunity and/or information. 

If you want to be a LEADER in your political community, go to the top of the ladder (as you know it) and ask to be involved.  If you want to meet business leaders, go to the person or group that ORGANIZES these leaders and ask to serve on a committee.  If you want people to LIKE you, ask their name. 

ASKING QUESTIONS is easy to do.  Getting over the FEAR of being judged is not.  When you HESITATE to ask the next question, ask yourself this one first, "Would I treat this person poorly if they asked the same question of me?"


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Morning Motivator – Bringing Your “B” Game

"I am just not feeling it today.  I know I have things to do, but how well?"
- Anonymous

I have been thinking this morning about being on TOP of your game and what happens when you are not.  Sure, we all want to bring our "A Game" everyday.  Reality says that is just not possible.

Have you ever been in a meeting with someone that was OBVIOUSLY having a rough day?  Whether from being tired, distracted, unfocused or whatever, they just are not as SHARP as usual.  What are your thoughts during that meeting? 

Now consider it is your FIRST time to meet someone.  You have your "B Game" in hand, knowingly struggling to deliver your best.  What to do?  Do you suck it up and try to bring a rock SOLID proposal?  Would you ever consider RESCHEDULING with the person?  Look to the paragraph above… wouldn't you hope that person would have rescheduled with you?!

No one wants to ADMIT not being an 800-pound bulletproof monster.  We all like to ACT as though we are bringing our best every day.  Yet, we ALL have those days when we are not.  It is those days that get us in the most TROUBLE too.

When you know you are off your game, consider rescheduling or finding an ALTERNATIVE person to fill your role for that activity.  Be UPFRONT with yourself about your ability to deliver at the level you seek.  If you KNOW you are not able to do so, why not have someone else do it or just find another time.

For me, personally, I would much rather someone reschedule with me as opposed to WASTING my time with a half-hearted effort.  It is like going to the gym only to drink a few sips of water and leave.  Frankly, that was much WORSE than going in the morning and cranking out an extra 15 minutes on the treadmill.  Agree?


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Morning Motivator – Stay Away From My FaceBook!

"We are blocking FaceBook and other personal sites to improve productivity."
- Corporate Policy

You have to LOVE corporate policy.  You know, the idea that a company somehow benefits from the single-minded OPINION of someone that the rules do not apply to anyhow.

Do you think FaceBook is just a FAD?  Do you believe that social media is a TOY for a new generation of computer users?  Have you been ENGAGING in the "new world" enough to notice that entire businesses and strategic marketing campaigns run EFFECTIVELY through FaceBook?

While this is only my personal opinion, I feel that FaceBook and other web based media platforms are an ADVANTAGE that corporations should seek to exploit, rather than block out.

A true PROFESSIONAL will quickly tell you that business is made based on RELATIONSHIPS.  The people at FaceBook will tell you that the 'book is a collection of social relationships in a single source.  It would then seem that a social aggregation tool, such as FaceBook, would be an ADVANTAGE for business that is based on relationships.  Are you listening Mr. CEO??

Secondarily, let us be REALISTIC.  When was the last time you witnessed anyone put in eight totally PRODUCTIVE hours of work?  Uh, Never!  People need breaks.  We will ALLOW a smoker to go shorten their life span for ten minutes five or more times a day, but get pissed off when someone spends their lunch hour on FaceBook.  (News Flash – FaceBook has not been proven to give you cancer).

Maybe it is time we ACCEPT the world as it is – social media and all.  We EMBRACE the new ways in which we can leverage our RELATIONSHIPS to better our business and personal life.  Or maybe just take a CHILL PILL and realize that a little time on the 'book isn't going to kill anyone.

Be my friend on FaceBook –



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Morning Motivator – Pen, Paper and MY Great Idea

"I had this great idea last night… but I forgot it after I slept."
- Anonymous author of the Morning Motivator

At approximately 2:00am overnight, I awoke with a wonderful idea for a Morning Motivator.  It was HUMOROUS and ENLIGHTENING (at least in my mind).  I sat up to make a quick note, but did not find a pen and paper (nor did I just make a note in my phone).  I thought it was so GOOD that I would REMEMBER it overnight.

At 6:35am, I rose from the bed, still PONDERING the humor of my overnight idea.  The only ISSUE – I could not remember any of the details.  (Damnit!)

What GREAT ideas are we losing because we are simply NOT prepared??

PREPARATION is an underlying element of sustained success.  An individual that has the foresight and makes the EFFORT initially to be prepared often finds that their "LUCK" is much greater than that of others.

What is a great idea WORTH?  It depends.  It may be worth a day of INSPIRATION to someone that needs it, it may be the FOCUS you need to push beyond a roadblock in your way or it may even be the idea that makes you a MILLIONAIRE! 

Do you think a pen and paper near the bed, along with a little more PREPAREDNESS in the other areas of your life are worth whatever little extra effort needed to CAPTURE your greatness?  Now if I could only remember where I keep the pens…


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Morning Motivator – Don’t Let Money Cloud Your Judgment

"Sorry, I don't do charity.  If you are paying, call me."
- Anonymous

Boy oh boy, do I have a story today!!  This weekend, I am running a Kickball Tournament as a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana.  In doing so, we need all the usual things – balls, fields, scoreboards… and UMPIRES.

Being a CHARITY event, I have asked people to VOLUNTEER to assist.  In a call to action from interested parties, I received the above quoted response.  While I am not one do to work that should be PAID for freely, for charity and community, I make EXCEPTIONS. 

What I find most INTERESTING is that the person followed up the email to explain how excited he was to be involved in sports and refereeing future games.  I noted that persons GIVING of their time will receive priority for paying opportunities in the future… and apparently the 3 hours I was asking just didn't make sense.  HMMMM…

Money often CLOUDS our judgment.  It PREVENTS us from seeing a long term gain or a short term benefit. 

What if a real estate company ONLY met with pre-paying clients?  What if you were REQUIRED to pay for ice cream samples in a sweets shoppe?  How many clients do you think each would have?  Or Retain?

Sometime you have to GIVE a little bit of time – freely – in order to experience what you are getting into.  Additionally, by allowing yourself or others to "sample" the service or product, you make it much easier to gain LONG TERM commitment from the user.

Seriously, are 3 hours of your time worth an opportunity to be part of something HUGE?


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Morning Motivator – Those Damn Dirty Details…

"We think in generalities, but we live in detail"
- Alfred North Whitehead

I must CONFESS that for years I have hidden behind the shroud of being a "big picture guy."  Now, like it or not, I am starting to MATURE in the manner I would have hoped for years prior.  Although my personality is that of an "expressive driver," I am beginning to understand that the DETAILS of work are what create REPLICABLE success patterns.

Sure, anyone that has a BULL mentality, like I do, can push their way through to success in varying manners.  We have the ability to PERSUADE, OVERWHELM, and FORCE ACTION from more passive individuals.  Yet, when it comes to REPLICATING that success, we STRUGGLE unless focused on the details of execution.

What is it about the DIRTY DETAILS of a process, project, proposal, event, etc that are so CHALLENGING to work through? 


Sounds simplistic huh?  It is.  It is the same reason people don't go to the gym, read books, eat properly, call their families, and all the other things we SHOULD do.  It APPEARS to take too much time and effort.

What if you INVESTED a lot of time and effort UP FRONT to learn how to work through all the details?  What if you could go through the MAJORITY of your pain initially, so you could cruise later on?  Would you spend the time and make the effort?

Seems like we have a SOLUTION, huh?  Now earmark the time… and dive deep into the nasty, dirty details you hate so much.  They are waiting on you to find them (and the success secrets that follow them around).


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Morning Motivator – Patience is the Hardest Thing

"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience."

What is the MOST challenging task of a professional?  While there are many, I suggest that you consider PATIENCE near the top of your list.

The challenge with EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE is the baggage that joins these traits in the form of IMPATIENCE.  As we start to see trends in behavior, purchasing, development, and conflict resolution, we LUST to jump to the end conclusion we "know" is imminent.

We seek to SOLVE the problems before questions are asked.  In a vacuum, this is ACCEPTABLE.  When considering the DEVELOPMENT of a team or individual around you, this is not.  You may do more HARM than good if you are not able, as you grow more seasoned, to master PATIENCE as your top skill.

I have found a FOOL PROOF way to learn patience that I want to share with you… SHUT UP AND TAKE NOTES!

The less you talk and the more you take notes, the more you will listen and learn.  YOUR way may have worked 1000 times prior, but maybe a better way is here.  By NOTE TAKING, you are able to collect all information prior to speaking, analyze the SOUGHT AFTER eng goal and then advise accordingly.

RUSHING to a solution is a form of laziness that often results in disaster from "cut corners."  Ask yourself – what is more IMPORTANT?  Doing things RIGHT or doing them YOUR way? 

Right takes PATIENCE… did you take notes?!


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Morning Motivator – A Good Lesson… Again

"We are better at collecting data, than doing anything with it."
- Paco Underhill

What is the VALUE of education and experience? It is obtaining the INFORMATION needed to attain your goals... Kind of.

Having the INFO needed to achieve your goals is on the first step. The CRITICAL step to success is taking ACTION with that information. Being AWARE of the correct behaviors and IMPLEMENTING them are two VERY different things...

If you know that going to the gym is HOW you lose weight, but you NEVER go... what good is the information? If you DISCOVERED the cure to AIDS, yet never shared it with a pharmaceutical company... who would BENEFIT? If you have the phone number of a hot prospect client and you CHOOSE not to make the call... how will the client ever be HELPED?

Make a very special note that the ONLY way to attain your goals is through ACTION! Education and experience are INVALUABLE tools in the process of achievement. When coupled with FOCUSED ACTION - your success is a near CERTAINTY!

Don't be AFRAID to "fail" on your way to success... those stumbles are indicators that you are on the right path - the path of ACTION!


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Morning Motivator – Admitting I Was Lazy

"People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals / that is, goals that do not inspire them."
- Anthony Robbins

This weekend I witnessed something truly AMAZING.  My wife had her basketball jersey retired at her high school.  A three-time All State Player and a Louisiana State MVP, she was recognized for her multiple state championships and contributions to her school.  Oh yeah, she is a medical doctor too.

While I know she is not one that likes ATTENTION (I hope writing about her goes over well), she did accept graciously… and REMINDED me on what I missed out.

I was athletically talented myself.  I had one problem – I was LAZY.  I didn't want to practice.  I didn't want to spend the summer training in the gym.  I didn't want to run in the off season.  I was good "enough" to play without all those things.

What I didn't know is that "good enough" only gets you to where you are TODAY.

While I say I was LAZY, I think it is more likely that I lacked FOCUS and GOALS.  I didn't REALIZE nor seek to understand what the bigger goal was – serious college ball.  I never THOUGHT far enough ahead to consider the great opportunities that may come my way.

LAZINESS is not a character trait as much as it is a SYMPTOM of something much deeper.  When one LACKS goals and focus, they tend to wallow around, flip flop from opportunity to opportunity.  Laziness is more the swan song of a MISGUIDED soul, than a condition.

Are you setting CLEAR goals?  Do you have LASER focus?  Now is the time… otherwise, it may be 14 years later, when someone special SHOWS you what you could have been – with the right ATTITUDE.



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Morning Motivator – Happy Thanksgiving!

Today's Morning Motivator is a simple poem I found awhile back.  I want to wish you all a blessed holiday, much joy with your families and loved ones, and a big piece of pumpkin pie (with extra whipped cream).

Giving Thanks
For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
For the cunning and strength of the workingman's hand,
For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
For the friendship that hope and affection have brought --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
For our country extending from sea unto sea;
The land that is known as the "Land of the Free" --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
Author Unknown



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Morning Motivator – Confucius Say…

"No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance."
- Confucius

I could not RESIST a good fortune cookie Morning Motivator.  Confucius say, "READ Morning Motivator daily for good humor and business focus…" (Maybe not, but Zach say).

In my short lifetime, I have LEARNED many important things.  Some of which I wish I would have had the MATURITY to understand when I was in high school or even college.  One of the MOST PROLIFIC is the idea of SELF-CHOSEN IGNORANCE.  I must WARN you that the next comments may be difficult to agree with… initially.

SELF-CHOSEN IGNORANCE is the intentional rejection of information, education or skill development.  My job, as a marketing and sales professional, is to CREATE new opportunity, not execute the operational details.  For me, IGNORANCE regarding the technical processes required for fulfillment of business is REQUIRED.  IF I become too detailed in the process, it will PREVENT my ability to create new opportunity quickly!  For technical people – flip it!

I agree with Confucius that we must CARVE OUT time DAILY for reading.  That reading should be to ENHANCE your best skills – not learning (in detail) the processes that you spend less than 10% of your time working in.

Consider an athlete.  If the said athlete is a very fast runner, but not able to bench press 300 lbs like their much larger counterparts, should they focus on finding ways to lift that weight or maximize their speed?  Should you ENHANCE your pre-existing advantage or try to be "Mr. /Mrs. EVERYTHING"?

Use READING to better enhance your natural talents, maximize your effective correction of marginal talents and forego working on your natural weaknesses.  You will never overcome your worst WEAKNESSES – so delegate those to someone else – then be a SUPERSTAR where you already are good!

Confucius say, "you may disagree, but not until you try."

"Confucius Zach"

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Morning Motivator – C’Mon Vince!

"Success is not to be pursued, rather attracted by the person you become."
- Jim Rohn

Is it LUCK that certain people become great leaders and others struggle?  Do you believe that God picks out a few people to be GREAT leaders? 

For those of you that know me personally, you know I have a deep DISDAIN for Vince Young, quarterback of the Tennessee Titans NFL team.  While I will openly recognize his INCREDIBLE physical gifts, it is his IMMATURITY and INABILITY to serve as a leader that draws my dislike.

Should you have watched the Tennessee game or viewed any sports shows this morning, you will have heard about his ANTICS, as he was benched, then STORMED out of the locker room in a childish temper tantrum.  Here is the CHALLENGE…

As a professional quarterback, you are EXPECTED to serve as a leader on your team.  As a parent, business manager, etc, you TOO are expected to lead.

When you BAIL on your team (work or play), you VACATE the role of leader and UNDERMINE your ability to attain the respect required to FURTHER your mutual successes.

MENTAL strength in challenging times is the most difficult STRENGTH to maintain.  Nevertheless, what is the alternative?  Throwing your pads in to the stands, kicking a computer a work, starting a fight with a client? 

LEADERS find ways to battle through… the rest just need to follow!  Are you READY to lead?



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Morning Motivator – Hard Work is Smart Work

"The way out is the way through"
- L. Ron Hubbard

What do you WANT in life - Money, prestige, family, celebrity, notoriety?  What are you WILLING to do to get it?  Not the nasty stuff… I am talking about the HARD WORK it takes to achieve your goals.

Most people SAY they are willing to do anything to attain their dreams.  YET, when it comes down to spending the EXTRA hours working in the trenches or forcing yourself to make that AWKWARD introduction, we balk.  We let FEAR (or laziness) overcome us.  We TALK a good game, but ACTION is how success is created.

If you were asked to work from 8pm to 1am tonight to BETTER your business, would you?  If you were asked to BLINDLY introduce yourself to strangers in an effort to attain your end goals and dreams, could you?

While we all like to publicly EXPRESS ourselves as willing to make the NECESSARY sacrifices to be successful, when we are left on our own, we cower.  We allow our inner psyche to PARALYZE us into stalling.  We allow the vision of FEAR to overtake the vision of ACHIEVEMENT.

What is it going to take?  When will we LEARN that HARD WORK is smart work.  That creating UNCOMFORTABLE situations is the most effective way of attaining our goals.

Meet a stranger, call on a pissed off client, go to the event that you know you SHOULD be at even though you don't want to.  Then, when you have worked hard enough, THROUGH the pain and discomfort, SUCCESS will find you!



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Morning Motivator – I’ll Do It Tomorrow…

"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'."
- Martin Luther

Best friends become "old friends" and lifelong dreams become "fantasies" of a youthful mind grown old.  WHY? 

PROCRASTINATION is the worst enemy of all GREAT ideas.  A new business, a fun night out, maintaining the friendships that are no longer "convenient."  Sure, we are all hesitant to COMMIT to things months in advance or are BOGGED DOWN by the idea of having sketch out all the details, but, it is our PROCRASTINATION of taking ANY action that is the nail in the coffin.

You want to start a new business?  Set a date!  Start working towards it today.  If you achieve it or not does not matter.  It is the fact you have STARTED to take action that will determine your success.

Trips, business ideas, even a session in the gym – all are KILLED daily by the "do it later" gremlin. 

There is no MAGIC REMEDY for solving procrastination.  It is a BEHAVIORAL condition, commonly driven by a FEAR of failure, not as much laziness.

Want to start OVERCOMING your bad behavior?  Think of one thing you have been putting off and GO DO IT TODAY!!  Just start it, in whatever form, and when you get as far as you can – put the next step in your calendar and repeat.  Do it NOW! 



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Morning Motivator – A Mini-Revolution

"Every generation needs a new revolution."
-Thomas Jefferson

Are you happy with the same old, same old of everyday life?  What happened to the DREAMS you had as a kid and in college of the ways you would change the world?  Have you been BEATEN DOWN by the establishment in such a way that you believe success in now achieved by moving up the CORPORATE ladder?

Maybe you can do something DRASTIC… like start a MINI-REVOLUTION.

I am NOT suggesting government coup or overthrowing your boss in a hostile takeover.  I AM suggesting stirring the pot with some similarly valued people, motivating them to TAKE ACTION on something meaningful.  What is MEANINGFUL?  That is a question YOU have to answer…

A REVOLUTION is a change to the traditional way of doing things.  A revolution can be ANYTHING you want that makes you happy, improves your lifestyle or creates betterment for those you care for.

Are you an ATHLETE?  Consider starting a sports club.  Are you an INTELLECTUAL?  What if you started a professional development group for specific professionals?  Are you a PARTY animal?  What about starting a "beer club" where you meet monthly at a local spot to sample the tasty beverages?

There are PLENTY of ways to CHANGE your surroundings and better your SITUATION.  What is MISSING most often?  A LEADER.  If YOU want change, you must be the one to INSTIGATE it!

Be a REVOLUTIONARY… take the LEADERSHIP role you are destined to own!



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Morning Motivator – What’s It Gonna Take?

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable."
- Denis Waitley

Work sucks.  I need to lose weight.  I cannot find the right guy/girl.  I am tired of being broke.  How often do you hear THESE complaints?  SERIOUSLY… WHAT'S IT GONNA TAKE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES?

CHANGE is the most difficult of all SELF IMPROVEMENT activities.  It is easy to read a book, buy new gym clothes, or go to a bar.  It is CHALLENGING to IMPLEMENT from that book, actually get your tail in the gym and work, or TALK to new people at the bar.  The ACTION step is where most people fail…

Why do we HESITATE to make change?  The most likely answer is that we are LAZY creatures.  We would rather stay COMFORTABLE in a lesser position, than experience the PAIN associated with bettering ourselves.

Welfare, obesity, loneliness, substance abuse and more are EXAMPLES of "settling" for your current situation as a way to AVOID the pain of change.

Often, the phrase, "hitting rock bottom", is used in substance abuse cases, however, it is APPLICABLE to all scenarios where change is involved.  You don't hit the gym until your favorite pants no longer fit or someone asks you if you are pregnant (especially awful as a guy).  You FINALLY cannot take anymore…

Do not wait to BOTTOM OUT… Make the positive change you need today.  COMMIT to 30 days of change.  Gym, cold calls, joining a new social group, whatever it takes!  If you FULLY COMMIT to one month of change and do not see positive results – call me – I will personally and publicly tell you that I am sorry!



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Morning Motivator - Putting ACES in their PLACES

"The hierarchy here is based on performance."
- Jared Doise, Owner, Legend's Bar

Last night, I was invited to speak to the team of a friend here in Lafayette.  I was SURPRISED by the excellence found in a bar...

The team spoke about some usual service industry items - greeting clients, knowing the products, helping there team.  They focused on the importance of doing LITTLE THINGS right... The first time!

Then, I was amazed as they discussed how to the SCHEDULE is made.  The quote of the week then came about... "We put aces in their places!"  Simply said, the TOP PERFORMERS were provided the critical shifts, the best money making opportunities and such.  Why?  Because they EARN it week in and week out.

This was not a group that REWARDED longevity.  If you have been there for 3 years, but the new person is kicking your tail - then you move to the back of the line!  Then, the best part of the ENTIRE meeting happened...  A TEST!

How do you CREATE aces?  You BUILD them by training them to perform with EXCELLENCE.

Before we left the meeting, the entire team had to take a TEST.  Yes, a test for part time employees working in a bar environment.  I cannot reveal the details of the test out of respect for their business model, but, I can PROMISE you that everything you WISH YOU GOT from a service industry environment from Ruth's Chris to McDonald's is addressed in a manner on this test.

SO IMPRESSIVE!  Want to be an ACE?  Want to find YOUR place?  Maybe it is time to learn from a successful bar in Lafayette, La... FOCUS on the little things and BUILD your way to success!


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Morning Motivator – Don’t Learn from Your Microwave

"We live in a microwave world.  It is all done so fast now, you almost forget how to do it the old fashioned way."
- Anonymous

I realized the other night when I heard the above quote, that I have ALLOWED my microwave to become a teacher.  It has taught me to expect SHORTCUTS to the end goal; ACCEPT lower quality of results and be able to "FIX" anything in a matter of moments.  DAMN ME for being so naïve…

Look at the most SUCCESSFUL businesses in your community… how long have they been WORKING towards their success?  Look at an ATTORNEY or PHYSICIAN, how many years of school are REQUIRED in order to attain their credentials?  Look at the people you know that STRUGGLE in life and business… are they living in a MICROWAVE world??

Hard work sucks… that is why it is HARD.  A good home-cooked meal is HARD WORK, but it tastes so good!  A home "NUKED" meal is quick and easy, but rarely holds up to mom's yams and turkey.

SUCCESS is a PROCESS.  It requires more than 3 steps and 90-seconds on HIGH.

If you want to ACHIEVE long term, SUSTAINABLE success, you are going to have to learn how to cook it up, just like momma used to do.  Stop thinking that a good marketing campaign will ZAP your sales success or a new manager will help you QUICKLY get organized.

BEHAVIOR is difficult to change and your microwave is hard to throw away.  If you want to improve QUALITY and SUSTAINABILITY, seek TRADITIONAL avenues of success – hard work, relationships, education and perseverance.  Otherwise, you better hope everyone else starts doing things the microwave way – cheap, quick and low quality.



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Morning Motivator – Because Most Won’t Do It…

"I always say thanks to people in military and police/fire.  Mostly because I know that I wouldn't want to do their job."
- Anonymous

Do you know what the HARDEST job in the world is?  The one you DO NOT want to do.  Say THANK YOU to your military (and first responders).

Time and time again, I hear people COMPLAIN about wars that the United States is involved in.  They moan about how we SHOULD NOT be involved in this and that, often not having 1% of an understanding of the IMPLICATIONS of the battle itself.  Moreover, these same people HIDE behind a false cloak of LIBERAL superiority, often stating, "I would never serve in a war that has such evil purpose."

WAR is ugly.  No one wants to be involved in it.  Yet, a few, stand up and SACRIFICE their safety for US – the people sitting back home in our warm beds with our loved ones enjoying Monday Night Football, complaining about Judy at work talks too much with her mom on the phone.  YOU better damn well say THANK YOU to everyone of those selfless leaders that serve to provide us safety.

I am not a military guy, never have been.  I CHOSE not to serve my country in that capacity and one day hope that I am able to serve my country in an equally meaningful way (if that is even possible).

Understand that LEADERSHIP is about SACRIFICE - the sacrifice of one's comfort and selfish tendencies for the BETTERMENT of the many around you.  Our MILITARY, agree with what they do or not, ENSURES that we have the rights and ability to complain about our government, stand up for injustices of our civil liberties, and protect us against tyranny of government (foreign and domestic).

If I was called upon – YES, I would serve with pride and honor in my heart.  Until then, I know that I owe my life, my livelihood and all my support to the men and women that SERVE on my behalf to allow me the opportunity to write this Morning Motivator and express myself openly in the ways I see fit.




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Morning Motivator – Make It Easy For Your Client

"I don't understand.  What am I supposed to do?"
- Your Future Clients

When you meet with a client, how EASY is it for them to do business with you?  Is it clear what you want them to do?  If not, WHY NOT?

SIMPLIFYING the process for interaction is one of the BEST KEPT SECRETS of top producers.  Do you think that NETFLIX made their millions because their DVD's are better than Blockbuster?  No – they made it EASIER to get a hold of the DVD is all.

How could you make your business offering EASIER for people to get?  The OBVIOUS ideas are through the internet and direct delivery… that is if you sell a PRODUCT.  What if you sell SERVICES or information?  Is it easier to buy a book or download to your Kindle?  Hmmm…

Unless you sell a product – which is made easier through simplified access (delivery, download, etc) – you must DETERMINE what it is people are REALLY buying.

In IT Services, people are buying response time and efficient repair of computer systems.  If it is difficult to reach your help desk, or receive validation that the issue is being resolved (and by when), then you are HURTING your service offering.

If you offer something that is based of MEMBERSHIP, then wouldn't it make sense to create the most SIMPLIFIED sign up possible… and eliminate any fees?  Why make it more DIFFICULT by adding multiple layers of complication to create a MEMBERSHIP?

THINK about what you can do to make it EASIER for your clients – then do it!  If you don't need a full client profile to help them, don't get it.  If your client needs to talk through details, don't email them.

SIMPLY your way to success… your future clients will APPRECIATE it!



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Morning Motivator – Commit to the Idea, Not Details

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now"
- Alan Lakein

From a vacation to your financial future, PLANNING is a critical key in success.  If you do not have an IDEA of where you want to end up, it will be very difficult to get where you want… (duh, right?)

The reality is that MOST people put more thought in a week in to what to do on a Friday night, than any PRODUCTIVE future planning.  Most common complaint, "It is too difficult to make all those plans and then try to manage them along the way."  AGREED!

I would contest that the most common FALLACY in planning psychology is the idea that there is a SYSTEMATIC master plan that must be drawn out and then closely followed in order to attain success.

Think about when you were a kid.  You said you wanted to be a police officer (or something of the sorts).  Never did you say, "I want to be a major case crimes detective in the 3rd precinct of the Chicago police department."

The PLAN was just to be a cop.  No more, no less.  The details would be determined later as your HONED your likings and FOCUSED on your desires.

PLANNING is a process, from general to specific.  Start with BROAD strokes, a general target of what you want to achieve, then, as you get closer to the target make your SPECIFICS.  You will find keeping FOCUSED is much easier… and SUCCESS is simplified!



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Morning Motivator – Break In From the Inside

"If you want better clients… become one yourself."
- Zachary Barker

The MOST COMMON problem that marketing professionals have, is that they believe they know exactly what people want from a product or service.  The MOST COMMON cause of this flawed thinking comes from the fact that they are not clients of the product or service themselves.

Do you think that if a financial planner had THEIR OWN financial planner they would look at the business in a different manner?  They may UNDERSTAND the fears, frustrations and concerns a bit more if they were not managing their own portfolio.

What if a dentist went to someone the DID NOT know (and did not tell them they were a dentist) to have a root canal?  Do you think they may have a better gauge of what the client REALLY WANTS after that experience?

Try BECOMING a client of someone that provides your service or product.

Do all the things that would be expected and do NOT tell them what you do.  Go to someone you do not know for this experiment.  Ask them to help you and TRULY become a client.

Once you are able to BECOME a client, you will better be able to understand and effectively communicate to others what you offer that helps them become a client MORE EASILY.

Additionally, if you can become a client within a GROUP of people… well, it would seem that you will have a good opportunity to gain some NEW (BETTER) clients from your personal affiliations after awhile as well.  People ALWAYS like to work with people they know… and know well!


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Morning Motivator – Pushing Your Patience

"Slow and steady wins the race."

Do you remember being a small child?  What day seemed like it took the most time to finally arrive?  For me it was Christmas.  December would start and it would seem like DECADES passed before Christmas finally arrived…

Nowadays, the next big deal is my "Christmas effect."  I cannot wait for others to FINALLY understand the opportunity that I see clear as I day.  It feels like it takes FOREVER for others to understand that advantages they will gain from being involved in the things I believe in.  People just never react as QUICKLY as I wish they would.

The question becomes, "Do I stay patient and wait for them to come around OR push them a little bit and force a reaction?"

More PASSIVE people will tell you to wait, allow the people you seek to come to you in their own time on their own terms.  AGGRESSIVE natured people will say PUSH…PUSH…PUSH… then push some more until you get a decision, a reaction or any type of action whatsoever.

I am UNCLEAR yet which is more effective.  I am an AGGRESSIVE natured person, so I find that I am a bit more "pressing" than others are naturally.  With this understanding, my wonderment then becomes if I "PUSH" people, am I pushing too hard because I am already so aggressive?

A wise business woman Saturday with me a few nights ago and said that her best advice was this: "Go with your gut.  All the research and reports will tell you things you may need to know, but when it matters most, go with your gut!"

Maybe there is no lesson today… just a question and a gut check.  How would you handle it?



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Morning Motivator – Real Change is Opportunity

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."
-  Plato

Last night, I had the great pleasure of making the acquaintance of Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory.  In our chat, we had a wonderful discussion about the "self-sacrificing" nature required of GREAT leaders.

LEADERSHIP, as noted in the most recent Morning Motivator's, is an honor given to an individual to REPRESENT his or her people.  More interesting is the AWARENESS that the individual must possess to understand that their "bubble" is not exclusive and that their actions do have REAL effects upon others.

As younger leaders begin to accept true LEADERSHIP roles, we must continually remind them that REAL CHANGE comes from an understanding of the community and its people.  We must provide OPPORTUNITY for each to take personal responsibility for their actions, as well as be accountable for poor decisions.

As leaders, we must continually focus on ways to provide MORE access to success and allow people to choose that path.  The continuation of "support programs" will continue to cause apathy amongst the communities regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.

Sure, the playing field probably is not always level.  The OPPORTUNITY can be though. 

I cannot say I grew up "privileged" or "well to do", however, through a continual focus on SELF-EDUCATION and PERSONAL BETTERMENT, I have found OPPORTUNITIES through others to better my situation.

Seriously, I befriended a Senator solely because I was not afraid to approach and talk to him… now how DIFFICULT was that?!



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Morning Motivator – Now the Next Steps…

"As soon as the boss decides he wants his workers to do something, he has two problems: making them do it and monitoring what they do."
-  Robert Krulwich

WELL DONE to any of you that voted yesterday...  For those that did NOT, shame on you for not taking the opportunity to influence the government that DOES have major influence into how YOU define success.   Sorry if you feel that is harsh, but we must take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for our leadership.

Now that the votes are in and the decisions are made, it is the OBLIGATION of us, as constituents, to MONITOR and hold ACCOUNTABLE our leadership.  As the quote above states, our challenge, as the people that "hired' our representation, is to see that these EMPLOYEES of the people, do as they were elected to do.

Do you agree that our POLITICAL EMPLOYEES owe us that much?

LEADERSHIP is an HONOR bestowed upon individuals that have the SKILL to separate personal agenda for community representation.  In politics, we find that "leaders" often sell us on HOW they will represent our interests, only to achieve office and then drive personal agendas.

This type of leadership can only be QUENCHED by a society of active individuals who are VOCAL and INVOLVED in their representation.

We must find and elect LEADERS that understand their role is as a REPRESENTATIVE, not of themselves, but of the people that chose them.  Their personal interests are SECONDARY, much like a parent and their children. 

Remember, in two years, YOU will be asked to take leadership of your vote, cast it and choose wisely the people that REPRESENT you…  choose wisely indeed, then hold them ACCOUNTABLE along the way!



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Morning Motivator – Don’t Complain If…

"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote."
-  William E. Simon

I am going to keep today's Morning Motivator very short and simple so I don't take your TIME from what you MUST do today.

Voting is the RIGHT of citizens to elect their representation that makes decisions on their behalf.  You DO NOT live in a democracy.  You live in a democratic republic.  You elect people to speak on YOUR behalf.  WHO you put there is VERY important!

My only DIRECT comment to you is this…

If you DO NOT vote, you DO NOT get to complain.  Take CONTROL of your government by electing the people that best represent YOUR interests.  Failure to act is a death sentence to those that SHARE your values.

Today's GOAL:  GO VOTE!

Don't be SILENT.  Make NOISE.  Vote your TAIL off!



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Morning Motivator – Just Do It… Right!

"The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was."
- Walt West

Deep down, we all seek PERFECTION.  As human beings, we are walking case studies of OCD.  We seek to CONTROL everything in our world as much as we possibly can.  This is why we stay in bad relationships, are fearful to take that new job, or will not move because we are so "comfortable" where we are.

As you read the paragraph above, you may notice that "perfection" and the examples given are far from being one in the same.  The UNDERLYING element is the word "CONTROL".

We are often willing to SACRIFICE doing things the "right way" in an effort to continue doing them the "comfortable way". 

You KNOW that you could perform better than you do now if you could "just build up the courage to try it a different way," right?  BULLSPIT!  (ha ha – check the spelling again)

Making EXCUSES for your actions is self-enabling, much like a cowardly friend does with a drug addict.  If you REALLY want to create positive change, DO IT and DO IT RIGHT!

Going through the motions of negative (or neutral benefit) actions is simple PERPETUATING your ineffectiveness.  It is also INCREASING your frustration and weakening your confidences. 

Just do the RIGHT thing.  Yes, it will be difficult. Yes, it will be awkward.  Yes, you will likely feel very UNCOMFORTABLE.  And YES – ALL THAT WILL GO AWAY!

Success is found in the discomfort of doing the right things.  What is more IMPORTANT… being successful or being comfy?



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Morning Motivator – Spread Your Virus

"A good idea is talked about.  A great idea spreads like a virus."
- Unknown

Have you ever been to see a speaker that you KNOW ate, slept and drank about what they spoke?  I am talking about the person that is so ENTHUSIASTIC about their idea, product or service that you also find yourself FIRED UP!

I have found that PASSION and ENTHUSIASM are viruses.  They are CONTAGIOUS in ways that no amount of marketing or sales savvy can compete with.  No amount of commercials, posters, promotions or any other "stuff" can compete with the VIRAL effect that an individual can place on others when they are inspired to talk about you.

When you are speaking to potential CLIENTS, FRIENDS or just random STRANGERS about your business, do you find that you are able to CAPTURE them with your enthusiasm or motivate with your PASSION?  Do you find that they are not only ABLE to understand what it is you do, but WANT to help you be successful?

The MISCONCEPTION often perceived by individuals here is that you must be a dynamic, charismatic, outgoing speaker.  This is UNTRUE. 

The loudest, most entertaining speakers are not always the best.  Sure, public speakers do not often shy from spotlight, but that has more to do with their PASSION to share their message, than to do with being a media whore.

Alternatively, your key approach may be to speak to small groups or individuals that are highly INFLUENTIAL.  You do not have to be Anthony Robbins or Dale Carnegie.  You can just be Jason Denenberg… a calm, cool, collected person that speaks when necessary, but with GREAT passion.

The MOST impactful speakers are not the most outgoing, rather the most SINCERE.  Be genuine and do NOT be shy.  Share your message when appropriate and let the VIRUS spread…



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Morning Motivator – Why Dorks Become Superstars

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill

I must warn you that if you were a DORK in high school, you may take offense to this Morning Motivator.  You have been warned…

I have been thinking about all the GOOFBALLS that I see with hot girls, nice cars, great jobs and by all accounts "success."  I am always AMAZED at how often "Most Likely To Succeed" is a failure, "Most Attractive" is anything but and so on… Yet the BIGGEST DORKS seem to have made it in adult life!

Why?  They have years of EXCEPTIONAL training for the "real world" (no, not that lame MTV show).

In high school and likely earlier, the goofy kids have been "FAILING" at social acceptance, relationships and achieving the prestige they so sought after from their peers.

The cool thing is that school only lasts so long, then, we all become OUTCASTS in our workplace.  Whether we are the new person, the one that has the least experience, or just DO NOT know the politics of how "things work."

We all become the GOOFBALL – like it or not.  The difference being that the "loser" from school already know how to NAVIGATE these seas, while the cool kids flounder, constantly reliving their successes of past days.  (Being cool kind of sucks huh?)

FAILURE is really an ACCOMPLISHMENT.  It builds resilience, creativity and for those that are well skilled at it, it builds EXPERTISE in overcoming.   SUCCESS is the achieved by being able to fail over and over until you ATTAIN your goals.  If you have never lost… how can you really WIN?



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Morning Motivator – The American Dream (in jeans)

"My dream is to make money and wear jeans every day."
- Anonymous

I just had a tremendously PRODUCTIVE meeting with a local business owner.  Most interesting, even beyond I was able to secure even more than I asked for, was his comment that his "American Dream" was to make good money and wear jeans doing it.  Hmmm…

He noted that he wrote his MBA conclusion paper on this idea and received a C.  Oh yeah, he owns 5 businesses now.

When I CONSIDER what the "American Dream" is, I think about what we are TOLD.  Owning a home, going to college, having kids that go to private schools, blah blah blah.

The REAL American Dream is what YOU dream!  Do you have your dream DEFINED enough to know what it is?

SUCCESS begins with the ability to VISUALIZE what success looks like.  You should be able to know how to smell it, taste it, touch it and more.  You need to DEFINE your dream to achieve it.

Society will TELL us what we should do to be happy, and yet, when we do it, we find we are not.  Rather, let us begin doing what WE want.  Make ourselves HAPPY and stop having society or our government define what happiness and success are for us.

Do you know what your DREAM is?  If you don't, how do you know what you are doing today is right..?



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Morning Motivator – Do What You Want To DO!

"Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of."
- Geri Weitzman

What if your company used a BETTER marketing campaign?  What if they PAID your way to go to the events and trade shows you thought were BEST?  What if you could use the PROMOTIONS you think will make your job more effective?

If you BELIEVE in the projects… Do what you want to do!

What do I mean?

Simply put, if you feel so PASSIONATELY that a project or trade show is a good fit for your company, do it!  Take a CHANCE with your own money and execute the plan as you see fit.  Rarely, will a company tell you NOT to do something.  They may say they do not have the BUDGET, but they will not stop you from doing something.

EXCUSES are for LOSERS!   Winners take action, risk (albeit calculated) and ALWAYS bet on themselves!

If you want a certain PROMOTION run – do it.  Take a cut of your commission or budget to do it.  Start small and use a test sample to determine VIABILITY.

If you want to ATTEND or DEMO at a certain trade show – pay for it!  If it works, ask your company to pay you back… which they will.  If it does not, then move on to the NEXT great idea. 

Bet on your own CREATIVITY and SUCCESS.  If necessary, take a risk with your own finances and time.  If you are WAITING for someone else to give you the green light for your SUCCESS, get comfy… it is a very long wait!  Instead, go make it happen for YOU!



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Morning Motivator – Beat Your Enemy

"We have met the enemy and it is us."
- Walt Kelly, Cartoonist

Have you ACHIEVED the goals you sought out this year?  Are you NEARING some of the targets you have set for yourself professionally, personally, financially or other?  What FACTORS are keeping you from attaining your goals?

There are many factors in SUCCESS - hard work, luck, connectivity, flexibility.  There also many ROADBLOCKS on the way – motivation, market conditions, competitors and more.  Identifying the most DIFFICULT roadblocks to overcome is key.

::: NEWS FLASH ::: 
Almost any "market condition or competitor" can be OVERCOME.  The most frequent SABOTEUR of your success is YOU!

I love a good reality check.  This is a BIG ONE:  The reason you have not met your WEIGHT GOALS is you.  The reason you have not met your FINANCIAL GOALS is you.  The reason you have not yet got back into SCHOOL is you. 

It is YOU… YOU … YOU!

You CONTROL all of YOUR actions.  Should you choose to eat the extra piece of cake, EXPECT to gain weight.  HESITANT to make the calls to new business prospects, EXPECT to miss your financial goals.  Go to bed ANGRY at your lover, EXPECT to have relational challenges.

YOU are your own WORST enemy!  Know it, own it, act on it… because you can overcome yourself!



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Morning Motivator – What is Your Plan B?

"Plans change."
- Common phrase

The simplest phrase has created a SPAWN of new thought for me today.  "Plans change."  I agree.

When was the last time your "prefect plan" went according to plan?  Have you found that more often than not, the best solution was one you NEVER saw coming?  If PLAN A crashed and burned today… what would you do to ENSURE your success?

While NO ONE plans for failure, the most SUCCESSFUL people do plan for change.  They often have a PRIMARY and SECONDARY approach to success.  The FLEXIBILITY exhibited allows them to seek the path of least resistance and be nimble with their decision-making ability.  Think SMALL business vs. BIG business… A small business has multiple ways to skin a cat.  The big company has very few as the BUREAUCRACY associated with change is overwhelming.

When planning your success, ACCEPT the fact that your "ideal plan" may never be accepted or implementable.

By RETAINING focus on END GOAL success, you will allow yourself to maintain creativity and flexibility in the path to achieving your goal.  By allowing yourself to have alternate pathways to achievement, you will provide yourself with AWARENESS that most others are not able to attain.

Lastly, by ACCEPTING a flexible approach to success, you will be able to MAINTAIN a positive mindset and focused strategy as "hiccups" are found along the way.  Attitude is CRITICAL to success.  Yours is the only attitude that matters in YOUR success.

Stay flexible.  No one cares how you got there… they just recognize it when you ACHIEVE!



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Morning Motivator – Go Meet a Stranger!

"It is not what you know, but who you know."
- Common business saying

A buddy of mine asked me about MEETING strangers the other day and what the best strategy was.  First, CONGRATULATIONS for being willing to go meet new people...  You are ahead of the game already!

In an age of technology and "invisible networks", meeting new people SHOULD be easy.  Yet, our social filters and general skepticism towards people keeps us from making POSITIVE connections more often than not.

"They must WANT something", we think.  "I don't know this guy.  Who is he to call me randomly", we note pompously (as if we were a King or Queen).  "It is probably a waste of time", we contemplate as we spend an hour on FaceBook learning about a friend that bought their dog a sweater.

DAMNIT PEOPLE… go meet someone NEW! (this especially goes for me).

How MANY people did you know when you were born?  How did you meet your BEST friend?  How did you find your JOB, your BEST client even your SPOUSE?

I would contend to say that MOSTLY it was by meeting someone NEW.  Connections are critical to interpersonal success as well as business.  Look at SUCCESSFUL people and you will find they have a MULTITUDE of quality connections (other than their 4 friends from high school).

These people work DILIGENTLY to make new acquaintances.  They attend meetings, support philanthropic causes, they volunteer.  Sure, they get a lot of people that WANT SOMETHING from them, but BUCK UP… you are an adult.  You CAN say no to a salesperson if what they offer is not a good fit.

Take a RISK.  Meet someone NEW.  The next person that asks to meet – AGREE.  Tell them you will let them take you to coffee (or a brew).  See what happens… it may even be FUN!



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Morning Motivator – Accept the Challenge

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
- Bernice Johnson Reagon

The best challenges are the ones you NEVER saw coming.  They are the result of an idea you had that went a completely DIFFERENT direction, yet left with the opportunity to still be GREAT!

CHALLENGES are NEVER problems.  They are tests that you are given to SHARPEN your skills and prove your worth.  They are your "on the job" training you never asked for, but DESPERATLY need. 

When facing a challenge, what is your INTITIAL reaction?  DO you freak out?  Do you pause to think about what happened?  Do you spring into ACTION?

When FACING a challenge – ACCEPT IT!  Never back down from an opportunity to showcase your RESILSINCE, GRIT and NIMBLE nature. 

Here are a few quick steps on reacting to unforeseen challenges:
1.  Breathe Deep – things rarely go as planned, so plan on them being altered from the beginning
2.  Assess Your Situation – are in a position of power or weakness, how do you ensure power?
3.  Seek Support – immediately contact and align yourself with strategic partners.  Seek people in the most powerful positions to assist (and mutually gain)
4.  Don't Wait! – action will always yield results.  If you are unsure of which option to choose, go with your gut.  It rarely steers you wrong.
5.  Follow Up – never close the door on a failed opportunity.  The new challenge may be a matter of bad timing, so leave your options open.



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Morning Motivator – Taking On One More Thing…

"It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted."
- Mary O'Connor

Technology is SUPPOSED to save us time, right?  Since we can microwave dinner, we can spend an extra hour DOING something more important.  With email on my phone, I won't have to work as MUCH.

Be HONEST.  You don't DO more because you have more time… you just take on more.

Effective EXECUTION is more important than volume of work. 

If you had the choice between doing ONE thing all day long at which you could be EXCEPTIONAL versus doing MULTIPLE things at which you do PRETTY GOOD, which would you choose?

Most people WANT to be excellent.  Very few have the AWARENESS to understand that "pleasing everyone" is not the way to go about doing it. 

Rather than say NO to a new project, many people VALIDATE their self by the volume of work they have taken on and the level of "busy" at which they maintain.  But what does that ACHIEVE?

If you KNOW you are at CAPACITY already with family, work, social and church… why would you start a business?  Why would you captain a team?  Why would chair a fundraiser?

People RESPECT effective execution.  The GUISE of "busy" will soon be discovered to be false. 

Keep it SIMPLE.  Be GREAT.  Bite off only what you can chew… EFFECTIVELY!


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Morning Motivator – How About a Partner?

"In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself, you have to form alliances."
- Carlos Slim Helu

I have been STUDYING varying cultures and the manners in which they conduct business.  Most interesting to me is the Indian (Asian) culture and their "small group" success strategies.

Have you NOTICED that many people of Indian decent own hotels and other service industry businesses?  Would you believe that the ONE person that "owns" that business is actually working for a small group?

As I understand it, the business culture is FOCUSED on the success of one, within a small group, which then feeds the success of others.  The group finances and supports a single individual that BUILDS his (or her) wealth, then using it to aid in the financing and wealth building of the NEXT in the group until all have sustainable businesses.

Whoa… not many North Americans would be willing to even consider that type of DYNAMIC PARTNERSHIP.

The challenging thing about business is that we often have the SINGULAR vision for success, but need the COLLECTIVE skills of others to achieve it.

A rare, few people can CREATE success on their own.  For the rest of us, we better find some GREAT partners.  Maybe you are a MARKETING whiz and you need admin SUPPORT.  Or you are very well connected, yet are not very ORGANIZED.

There are plenty of people in the world that SHARE your shortcomings.  The BEST ones are found in people having SIMILAR visions with OPPOSITE skill sets.

Partnership takes TRUST and a lot of DISCUSSION.  If you are willing to IRON OUT the details, you may find that someone out there can help CREATE your DREAM!



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Morning Motivator - Where is Your Comfort Zone?

"Step out of your comfort zone once more each week and create over 50 additional opportunities for excitement, challenge and possibility each year.  This is what life's about."
- Sam Parker

Are you interested in finding the best ways to GROW and ACHIEVE?  Are you SEEKING opportunities to create a better future for yourself as soon as possible?  Do you ever notice that others around you have decided that what they are doing is the MAXIMUM success that they can attain?

One of the CHALLENGES of most people is the need to BREAK OUT if the mental block that limits their ABILITY to achieve.  Often people make comments, such as "I am not able to make my financial goals here because our programs don't do blah blah blah..." or "I would love to move up the ladder, but until I get my degree, they won't promote me.". Here is a REALITY - NO ONE IS LIMITING YOUR LIFE... JUST YOU!

Your income potential is UNLIMITED.  From any role, you can make more money if you NEGOTIATE the proper arrangements and are able to CLEARLY identify the areas that you add value.  You can move up the ladder as HIGH as you desire, once you are ABLE to DEMONSTRATE your ability to execute effectively.  Its up to YOU!

In order to BREAKTHROUGH and achieve at the high levels you are seeking... You must take a chance on YOURSELF!

IDENTIFY the "risks" you need to take to accomplish your goals:
- Ask for more responsibility at work
- Negotiate new agreements for your job role
- Call new clients for opportunity
- Start your own business

Once IDENTIFIED, take a chance - schedule the appointment - ask for what YOU want!  You have nothing to lose... And EVERYTHING to gain!


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Morning Motivator – Follow Up, then Do It Again…

"The most essential factor is persistence - the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come."
- James Whitcomb Riley

Business is a tough gig.  We all have to find the RIGHT potential clients and then convince them that we are right for THEM. 

Contacts are EASY to make.  Meetings, clubs, organizations, charity functions, etc allow us access to LOTS of people.  What you DO with those people is what matters!

Do you send EACH person an email noting how nice it was to meet them?  Do you make notes on their cards as you are talking about people they know that you SHOULD know?  After the first contact, are you CONTINUING to make efforts to stay in touch?

FOLLOW UP is the one factor that you have the MOST control over that yields the greatest returns. 

You will never KNOW someone longer than an old friend.  You will never become their sisters' husbands' child.  You have to meet and "one up" with what you CAN control.

FOLLOW UP after an initial meeting.  Do it again in a week.  Again 4 weeks later.  Again every 10 weeks after that.  Continue to contact and communicate with that person until they tell you to STOP!

Sure, it will take time and effort… but remember that only a certain FEW people are doing that now.  Oh yeah, those are the people that are WINNING all the clients!



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