Morning Motivator - My Letter to 2009
- Sylvester Stallone from "Rocky Balboa"
Dear 2009,
I want to send you this letter and tell you a little about how I feel.
First, I want to THANK YOU for creating one of the most reflective times for the vast majority of people.
We have all been AFFECTED by your stingy economy. From job losses to financial losses, you have taken your BEST shot at a lot of us.
Too bad for you, we are more RESILIANT than you thought. We will OUTLAST you.
On a personal note, I want to say that in SPITE of your efforts, I have had my best year yet.
Nancy and I are to be married NEXT YEAR (take that!), I have taken a new LEADERSHIP role in my community and I am working with an EXCELLENT group of people (although you did get a last jab in - touché).
All in all, I BEAT you. You gave your ALL to crush me, my people and my community... And yet, I beat you... WE beat you.
I will always REMEMBER you 2009 and, again, THANK YOU for what you did. I UNDERSTAND that I am ready for 2010 because of you...
As a last note, don't worry... I plan on kicking 2010's ass even MORE than yours!
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Morning Motivator - Will Your Resolution Fail?
- Tom Landry
Many people are spending TIME this week planning out all the SUCCESSES "yet to be" in 2010.
Statistically, the great MAJORITY of those goals will go UNREALIZED. Most failing in the first 30 DAYS. Why?
Commonly, GOALS set at the beginning of any year are nothing more than a WISH LIST. They fail to have any of the MEASURES or ACCOUNTABILITES that allow success to be achieved.
Frankly, it is INACTION that is the true fail point in any resolution. It is the inability to take the FIRST step towards then desired goal.
To better MANAGE your goals and see them be successful, alter them from ANNUAL goals to QUARTERLY goals.
By FOCUSING on the ACTIVITIES and desired results of a 90 day period, you are better able to see immediate results.
Additionally, should you STRAY from your activities, you can make IMMEDIATE corrections to ensure you stay ON TRACK.
What can you DO in the next 90 days? How can you MEASURE the actions daily/weekly?
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Morning Motivator – The Bad Dreamer
- Unknown
What do you think of when you think of a "DREAMER"? That blonde haired kid from what seem to be TBS's only movie, "A Christmas Story"? How about the guy that was in your English class in college that was always talking about what he WOULD do if he were in charge? The girl in your office that has planned out her "married life" down to the gritty DETAILS with no sign of a date in the near future?
I remember, in 8th grade, I was told I would always struggle because I am a "DREAMER." This came from a teacher that was DISCIPLINED in her craft of Geometry and other higher level mathematics (very analytical). She was an EXCELLENT teacher of mathematics; however, is not the most memorable teacher I had. Frankly, had she not said that to me, I may NOT remember her at all.
What is so BAD about being a dreamer? What if we DIDN'T have dreamers? What if we were all very EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT executors of tasks.
There are 2 types of people in the world – the people that DREAM up the ideas and the people that EXECUTE them. One does not SURVIVE without the other.
The CHALLENGE for a "dreamer" is that their value is more difficult to MEASURE and their time is more difficult to manage for expected RESULTS.
The EXECUTOR works on time and measured goals, a very black and white world. The task is either COMPLETE or not. Whereas the DREAMER is "creating" innovation, which is not commonly on a time frame as little understanding about the "end product" is evident until developed.
If you are a DREAMER – embrace it! Just know that you will always be looked at "under the microscope" until you determine the BEST ways to define your value and be able to deliver results that the EXECUTOR respects.
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Morning Motivator – Measuring a Positive Decision
- Unknown
These next days are some of the most EXHILARATING and emotionally EXHAUSTING. We will spend this week MEASURING our short falls, concerned about our ability to ACHIEVE the "goals" we set out for ourselves. We will make EMPTY promises to refocus ourselves and "finally" take care of _________ (you fill in the blank).
I am not absolved from this type of MENTALITY. I have "missed the mark" on some of the goals I set – lose 25 lbs, launch an education website for business entrepreneurs, take my GRE exam for post graduate studies. I have "failed to achieve" many of my "GOALS." I have also ACHIEVED many others that I set out to do and that should NOT be overlooked.
The most important QUESTION to ask about the missed goals is "WHY?" Why did I choose these goals? Why are they so IMPORTANT, and yet gone unachieved? Why did I fail to attain the goals I SET out?
The WHY seems straightforward…
Q: Why did I choose these goals?
A: There were (or are still) part of my personal path of success and an identified area of IMPROVEMENT.
Q: Why are they so IMPORTANT, and yet gone unachieved?
A: I KNEW they were needed to attain the development I am seeking, yet I did NOT understand HOW TO achieve them most effectively.
Q: Why did I fail to attain the goals I SET out?
A: Simple. I FAILED to take action – any action!
Often, we set ARBITRARY goals with the hopes that if we write them down, somehow they will magically be completed by December 31st. We failed to plan the ACTION STEPS and the "HOW's" of our goals. Without an ACTION plan – we are simply wasting our time is "setting goals."
We must APPRECIATE that even steps in the wrong direction towards a goal, are MUCH BETTER, than standing still waiting to figure out the full path.
SET GOALS AND TAKE ACTION… you WILL find your way to them!
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Morning Motivator - Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas
- Calvin Coolidge
I want to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
May you and your family enjoy a blessed celebration of our saviors birth.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement surrounding the Morning Motivator.
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Morning Motivator – Niente e Impossible!
- Articolo 31 (Italian rap group), "Un Urlo"
What a GREAT quote… and in Italian no less!
As we near the end of the 2009 year, a year of financial TURMOIL, political STRIFE and social CONFUSION, we will be begin to REFLECT on what we "should have done" last year and what we "will do" next year…
As you begin this annual RITUAL of self pity, "what if's" and personal dejection for the missed opportunities… REMEMBER that anything you didn't do is done! You have the OPPORTUNITY to start fresh at this very moment. And also ACCEPT that any shortcomings in goal attainment are derived from your own SELF LIMITING behaviors.
We have the ABILITY to attain any goal, any dream and any success we are DETERMINED to achieve. We can become professional POWERHOUSES, respected political LEADERS, EXCEPTIONAL family members and social CHANGE MAKERS. We DECIDE what we seek to become and what SACRIFICES we are willing to make to get there.
The two WORST words in the English language are "I CAN'T." At the moment those VILE words are spoken, the imminent FAILURE of the idea or action that follows has been sealed.
ELIMINATE the failure mentality that may be present in your mind. ALLOW for the optimistic views of success to become your belief system towards any goal or project.
I never THOUGHT I would become an AUTHOR, and yet for over 2 years, I have sent this Morning Motivator every business day. I never IMAGINED I would become a social leader, and just last week I was asked to lead young Nashvillians toward a city wide commerce adoption. I never DREAMED I would share my fears, dreams and goals with STRANGERS… and yet many of you have never met, albeit, still ACCEPTING of me.
To me, just a few years back, these things would be IMPOSSIBLE. And now… I KNOW that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. It is only my personal choice to achieve that LIMITS my ability.
I know that YOU know the same… GO and ACHIEVE! We are all seeking your LEADERSHIP!
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Morning Motivator - Maximizing Abilities...
- Mark Perez
This past weekend, I heard the above quote, which is one of the BEST quotes I have heard in months... and I have to THANK my friend and supporter, Mark Perez.
A frequent question asked by LEADERS is, "How do we MAXIMIZE our talents abilities?" The FOCUS is on helping others attain their top achievement through their given skill sets. The CHALLENGE is that, on occasion, LEADERSHIP has unfair expectations of an individual's ability. Hence, the above quote.
UNDERSTANDING the capacity of someone's skills, in addition to their DESIRE for achievement and finally, their DEFINITION of success is CRITICAL for any leader in business. As you are ASSESSING talent, you must recognize that some team members are limited by SKILLS, which you can provide training for. Others are limited by DESIRE, which can be enhanced by personal growth. Most CHALLENGING, is the person that is limited by THEIR definition of SUCCESS...
If you are trying to get a sales person to generate $4M in revenue next year, yet they are HAPPY with the income resulting from $2M - how will you get them to $4M? If you have a manager that believes SUCCESS is making sure you never LOSE a client - how will you get them to take one the ONE extra client that challenges their system?
It is true that a pig cannot be a racehorse. It is also true that pigs are pretty damn fast. Just understand that the goals may be different...
The horse wants to run FASTER, STRONGER and MORE OFTEN... that's what is in the "make up." The pig just doesn't want to become bacon...
Know your team. Know their goals. Understand THEIR success... then build around it. Every player is a piece to a PUZZLE.
No one person is "the answer," unless, of course, your team is really into bacon. :)
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Morning Motivator - Seth Godin's: Fear of Bad Ideas
- Unknown
I read this an FELT it was very good for today's Morning Motivator! This is from Seth Godin.
A few people are afraid of good ideas, ideas that make a difference or contribute in some way. Good ideas bring change, that's frightening.
But many people are petrified of bad ideas. Ideas that make us look stupid or waste time or money or create some sort of backlash.
The problem is that you can't have good ideas unless you're willing to generate a lot of bad ones.
Painters, musicians, entrepreneurs, writers, chiropractors, accountants--we all fail far more than we succeed. We fail at closing a sale or playing a note. We fail at an idea for a series of paintings or the theme for a trade show booth.
But we succeed far more often than people who have no ideas at all.
Someone asked me where I get all my good ideas, explaining that it takes him a month or two to come up with one and I seem to have more than that. I asked him how many bad ideas he has every month. He paused and said, "none."
And there, you see, is the problem.
If you are not subscribing to Seth's blog - please consider doing so: "google - Seth Godin"
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Morning Motivator- Get off the Fence…
- Jim Rohn
POLITICS are very funny. They often are the BEST and WORST of the human experience. You have TWO sides, equally passionate about what THEY feel is the best for the community. But who is right..? Moreover, what are WE supposed to do about it?
All too often the OPPONENTS to major projects are not seeking to have you decide NOT to do the project. Rather, they are HOPING to encourage you to NOT take any ACTION.
Ask yourself, "What is the single, most dangerous activity to PROGRESS?" (If you said "inactivity" you scored 10 million points). Now, ask yourself, "What is the most DANGEROUS decision I am capable of making?" (If you said, "indecision" you win another 10 million points).
Leadership REQUIRES difficult decision making, hence the reason why many people don't want the role. Sometimes, the decisions being made are UNPOPULAR. Commonly, there are RIVAL thoughts about any decision and a "belief" that there is always a "better alternative."
As a LEADER you are looked to for guidance, encouragement and education. If you are "wishy – washy" about your decision making, what can you EXPECT of your team? If you are INCAPABLE of making decisions and seeing them through, then what EXAMPLE are you setting for your supporters?
Keep in mind that literally, all but one decision in life, CAN be RECOVERED from. You can go BANKRUPT and make more money. You can LOSE a relationship and gain it back. You can MOVE and move back. The point here is…
Don't sit on the fence and watch the world fly by... Get involved, pick a side and help others get ENGAGED!
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Morning Motivator – 60 Minutes to the Sky, Trees or Ground...
- Patrick Thean, author of "Execute Without Drama"
It is 9:17am. At 10:17am – how many minutes will have passed? This is a SILLY question and a very CRITICAL one to understand.
You, I, Bill Gates, Oprah, Peyton Manning and everyone else will have EXPERIENCED 60 minutes in that time frame. Bill Gates doesn't get 65, not does Oprah get 73. We ALL get 60 minutes to do what we see best suited. The varying DIFFERENCE between TOP ACHIEVERS and people still seeking "their success," is simply the use of their time and the way in which they set their goals.
Do we understand how to ESTABLISH goals? How to MEASURE them? How to CELEBRATE them?
In speaking with TOP LEVEL PRODUCERS, many of them have developed VALUE SYSTEMS that drive their behavior. Often they:
1. Have GOALS which are attainable, but not easily achievable (ie. they aim very high)
2. KNOW and have IDENTIFIED the "best daily activities" for attaining their end results
3. STRICTLY execute their daily activities to assure they are completed
4. MEASURE their efficiency and effectiveness of these activities daily and adjust as needed
5. CELEBRATE their successes – they don't seek to OVER ACHIEVE their goals… why? Because they are so high to start, it would be near IMPOSSIBLE to over achieve them.
6. SHARE their success and knowledge with others to create LOYALTY and LEVERAGE
7. CONTINUALLY educate themselves for growth, creativity and perspective.
Are we, as leaders, doing these things? What is ONE action item you could do for each of the above 7 items to make sure you know?
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Morning Motivator - What Do You See?
- GK Chesterton
I have a BRILLIANT idea! It is a SIMPLE and EASY way to control variable IT expenses and enhance business operations.
Funny thing... Every business owner is town has NOT yet called me begging for the solution.
The CHALLENGE, for me, is I know the solution to "their" business concerns - budgeting, data security and expert service. Recently, however, I am starting to UNDERSTAND, that I don't fully know what the PROBLEM is...
My team is still seeking the key to IDENTIFYING the "pain."
All too often, we come across people that "KNOW" they can make our life faster, cheaper, better...
Rarely, do those people "KNOW" anything about our "real problems."
UNDERSTANDING the "problem," is the most important step to solving it. Understanding your solution and RELATING it to people's needs will help you in formulating the questions needed to see the problem.
Prove you see the problem, then ask...
... "What questions need to be asked of YOURSELF to do that?"
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Morning Motivator - Right Things, Right Time
- Patrick Thean, Author of "Execute Without Drama™"
How often has someone, out of FRUSTRATION, asked you, "What am I doing wrong?" Often this is a question DRIVEN from consistent LACKLUSTER results derived from HIGH efforts. We have all been there...
A GOOD response to this question is, "What are you SEEKING to achieve?"
The BEST response is, "Are you asking the RIGHT questions of yourself to achieve that goal?"
Consistently, COMPLAINTS are a request for relief. The person asking is NOT looking for you to help, rather, your SOLUTION. It is becoming less COMMON that people are requesting candid advice, as opposed to seeking a "bail out" through your EXPERTISE.
Learning WHAT questions to ask to measure the results you are SEEKING is critical. Knowing WHY you are seeking those results may be even more...
As we seek SUCCESS in our personal and professional lives, we often STUMBLE through challenging times of growth and frustration. We have 2 choices on how to get beyond the "sticking point":
1. Power through it by continuing to output high level ACTIVITY. You don't have to do any analysis... just keep HUSTLING!
2. EXAMINE your actions and results. Seek inefficiencies and gaps in "expected results" from "given efforts."
If you decide on #2 - do NOT expect that the "magic bullet" will be easy to find. HOWEVER, if you do decide to spend the TIME to better your processes by asking and examining the right QUESTIONS, you can EXPECT to see great returns once you determine the "best path."
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Morning Motivator - Lacking Motivation?
- unknown
We SHOULD be our best and give the optimal effort daily. We SHOULD also let the guy driving in the emergency lane get by without a SCATHING temper tantrum... And that doesn't happen either!
Expecting that you will be your BEST everyday assumes that you have CONTROL over every aspect of your life - thoughts, feelings, health, spirit. LIKELY, you will have an off day now and again. Its OKAY!!
I look at daily PERFORMANCE as a MAXIMIZATION of available capacity and resources. If your "best" tomorrow is 80% of what your CAPABLE of in an IDEAL day... Then make sure you are 100% of that 80%. Make sense??
Michael Jordan had "LESS than spectacular" days during his ILLUSTRIOUS career. Einstein wasn't a GENIUS every day. Even Nelson Mandela isn't an INSPIRATION daily.
We are all SUBJECT to less than 100% performance. As ACHIEVERS and LEADERS of the future, we are NOT allowed to give less than 100% of our ability for that day.
We are OBLIGATED to serve as the role models for others around us. Those people that look to us for their daily HOPE, SUPPORT and INSTRUCTION. We must DEMONSTRATE the resilience and dedication to our success, even when we aren't up to the CHALLENGE, so that the people we are leading understand that they WILL be expected to do the same when their time comes!
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Morning Motivator - "What If"
- from the "Time Machine"
I must admit, reluctantly, that I AM a person haunted by "what if" in my life... College, business, sports, personal relationships, anything and everything.
The DANGER associated with a "what if" mentality is that is FAILS to challenge itself with a "what could be" focus. The type of FOCUS and ABILITY using past experiences as a learning platform for increasing SPEED and EFFECTIVENESS in later applications.
By DWELLING on past "misses" or "failures" means that you have not yet ACCEPTED them, disallowing you from GROWING and MATURING.
"What if" is your minds inability to accept your place in the world. It is the "swan song" of people that have not yet taken RESPONSIBILITY for their happiness and success.
As you ELIMINATE the "what if" mentality, you will find that your OPPORTUNITIES become more abundant and the DREAMS you once had are more easily realized.
Sometimes, I think, "What if I never started the Morning Motivator?" Then I remember that my INITIAL thoughts were "what if I never try?"
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Morning Motivator - What's Your Routine?
- Verne Harnish, author of "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits"
If we, as human beings, were animals that could NOT be distracted, then we wouldn't need routines. Most of us have PLENTY...
We wake up at the SAME time, get out of bed the SAME way, drive the SAME way to work and start our days the EXACT SAME way... EVERY DAY!
This COULD become the most LIBERATING or DAMNING aspect to your success!
IF your daily work routine is RIDDLED with ineffective and inefficient routines, you will PERPETUTATE your inability to achieve!
If your day is ALIGNED with high producing, VALUE added and FOCUSED activities, you will ASSURE your success... And likely be able to take Friday off!!
Would you rather make it EASY with productive routines... or work 75 hours a week because you spend the first 2 hours of the day on YouTube and email??
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Morning Motivator - Who Needs "Service"?
- Acklen Ave Post Office Employee @ 5:02pm
Its AMAZING how you can learn something every single day... At 5:02pm yesterday, I learned why the US Postal Service is FAILING.
Unlike other businesses, the GOVERNMENT is not a "service oriented" enterprise. There is no VALUE set on client satisfaction. Hiring is "handcuffed" due to "political correctness," often leading to employing less than IDEAL candidates, as the "company" is more FOCUSED on protecting the employees "rights" than serving the client. (Exceptions exist - thankfully. Visit Tommie Allen in Cadiz, KY to see how it SHOULD be).
What if your physician ONLY worked until 5:00pm and your 4:00p appointment was going to take 90 minutes?? Guess you can FIGURE out the rest on your own, huh?
When you are FOCUSED internally, rather than on your clients, spouse or friends... EXPECT to "FAIL" in those endeavors.
By adopting a SERVICE DRIVEN philosophy, focused on HELPING others meet and exceed their goals, you will find that the RESPECT for your time, attention and thoughts will naturally come along.
I knew it was 5:02p. I wouldn't be there if it wasn't IMPORTANT... And most ASSUREDLY would be quick. But who cares?!? I should have been there earlier... Oops! I was SERVING my clients - on their PREFERRED schedule.
Guess that's another Morning Motivator for another time!! :)
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Morning Motivator – Are They Lazy or Efficient?
-Agatha Christie, An Autobiography, 1977
What is your OPINION..? Is someone that works very FEW hours LAZY or EFFICIENT? What if you were told that someone only WORKED two days per week? What if you were then told that they GENERATE over $200,000 per year? How would your opinions CHANGE?
Every year people set new GOALS. Some "commit" to generate more INCOME. Others "decide" to LOSE weight. Many of us make these goals ARBITRARILY with no foundation or PURPOSE behind them. Thus, they most often FAIL.
Try this: Establish a "REAL" goal to work LESS and create MORE income. Seriously! Do you think it is POSSIBLE to create the same or more income working 1/3 fewer hours? How would you go about CREATING that?
LAZINESS is found amongst people failing to seek PURPOSE for time elimination. EFFICIENCY speaks people that RESPECT their time with purpose for creating new opportunities.
Consider all the things you "WANT TO DO" in life. How will you ever get to them? You can generate more income which will allow you more ACCESS financially; however, WITHOUT a decrease in time utilized to generate the income, you will be UNABLE to use the increased funds for any purpose.
Find the BALANCE – Time v Money. Too much time with too little money creates BOREDOM. Too much money with too little time creates ANGST. The balance of both creates FULFILLMENT!
So, what will your goals be now??
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Morning Motivator - Can you Keep Up?
- Anonymous
In the past weeks, I have heard multiple speakers regarding the Metro Nashville School System and its STRUGGLES. I was really MOVED by the comment above that struck a point with me regarding all "failing systems" around us. It is NOT that the school system is failing, in fact our system is better than the majority of the world, just hasn't changed as FAST as our "local world."
Often in business, we see the same MISHAPS. From the guy that REFUSES to adopt a computer as part of his daily work life, to the lady that doesn't want a BlackBerry because she doesn't want to be that "ACCESSIBLE." You also see it governance of work life, from the boss that WANTS employees in their chair from 7:45am - 5:15pm "working" to the HR manager that still BELIEVES a new graduate is looking for long-term stability in the company they are interviewing for.
Information access has CHANGED our world as we know it. The least informed employee today is MUCH more informed than a CEO of the past. We have the ABILITY to access our own solutions, COMPARE our opportunities to others and SHARE our opinions with a community of "thinkers" that direct our actions.
If you think you can just "get by" living in your bubble... THINK AGAIN!
Interestingly, the school systems are only "broken" because they are too slow and too generalized. Children know more about what they do and do NOT want to do than ever before. As a result, learning must be based on BUILDING EXPERTISE within these young minds.
Consequently, our older generations have ALSO become highly educated through use of the internet in COOPERATION with their life experiences. They know EXACTLY how to help and how to succeed in the FUNDAMENTALS of business.
As we look to grow ourselves as professionals and a society, we must ACCEPT the fact that specialization is the next level of education. We will need to become EXPERTS in our respective areas of interest. And to be successful... we will need to have a GREATER EDUCATION than those we compete with.
What's next?? Go buy a book today. Something you are VERY interested in and become the local AUTHORITY in that subject matter!
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Morning Motivator - The Truth About Learning
- Anonymous
Yesterday, I spent the day participating and supporting a local executive LEADERSHIP training program. I am very FORTUNATE to have the opportunity to participate for a second time in this class in a new capacity.
One of the most INTERESTING comments that was made yesterday was the one above. I found it to be very POIGNANT and APPROPRIATE.
Consider your most MEMORABLE and VALUABLE learning experience. Was it in an EASY class? Was it the business EXPERIMENT that worked the very first time you tried? Do you remember how NON-EMBARRASSING that great learning opportunity was?
Just know that LEARNING IS NOT FUN. It is not meant to be. Your kids will NOT have fun in school. Learning a new skill at work is NOT enjoyable every day. CHANGE is not something people look forward to.
LEARNING, however, is APPRECIATED once completed. The SACRIFICES you make to become EDUCATED create a sense of priority in APPLYING those new skills. You become a STAKEHOLDER in your own success.
Instead of looking to each day and HOPING for as little discomfort, awkwardness and stress... use these FEELINGS to gauge your GROWTH and EFFECTIVENESS in creating your own success.
If you are having a TON of fun... you probably aren't trying HARD enough! Create success and take pride in the STRUGGLE to get there.
Enjoy your weekend! ;)
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Morning Motivator - "The Right Fit"
- Unknown
I am AMAZED at how similar a personal relationship is to a business relationship. Some may even argue that EVERY business relationship IS personal.
As more and more client OPPORTUNITIES present themselves, the REALITY that compatibility is the most IMPORTANT element becomes obvious.
Think about your BEST business relationship... How much is "just business" vs how much is personally affiliated? Do you talk "shop" all the time or do you really KNOW one another?
Frustrations and failed EXPECTATIONS are present in ANY relationship.
I might suggest that your business relationships need even MORE compassion if you are seeking a mutual gain.
In a personal relationship, you are both COMITTED by a natural bond and attraction. In a business relationship, your bond is based on VALUE and DELIVERY.
If you fail to COMMUNICATE and openly DISCUSS your expectations in your personal relationships... You break up and move on, only losing time.
If you fail to do the same in business... You lose time, money and support. Better be OPEN if you want to make it work.
Besides, when work is going POORLY, who do you take that burden home to??
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Morning Motivator - Your Next Choice
- Jason Mraz
The interesting this about yesterday (and every day prior) is that they are OVER. The decisions, actions and results are all a HISTORICAL catalog of experiences.
CONFIDENCE in individuals is derived from a sense of result control based on actions. You ARE confident because you BELIEVE you know that "X" actions will yield "Y" results.
IF your past experiences are a COMPILATION of actions that yielded less than desirable results, you likely have some self doubt. There is HOPE...
The RIGHT choices produce the RIGHT results.
It is possible that, in the past, your CHOICES may have been off target.
To change your FUTURE and increase your CONFIDENCES, make your next choice be your best choice... Easier said than done?? Sure.
To make BETTER decisions, consider "mirroring" someone that has the type of success you are seeking. Seek a mentor, read an autobiography, research "best practices" in your industry.
Don't be AFRAID to fail... Be afraid to REAPEAT failure.
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Morning Motivator – A BEST Way to LOSE a Client
- Unknown
I have a GREAT story for those of you that are interested in how NOT to run a business…
Last night, I called Comcast cable in an EFFORT to purchase internet and cable services. I was EXCITED as I dreamed of FAST download speeds, the NFL channel and LSU Tiger football on Saturday from my living room. I had the credit card ready to SPEND my money… BUT…
On the first ATTEMPTED call, I waited on hold for 5 minutes (statistics show that most people hang up after 60 seconds). After hearing how VALUABLE I was as a client, I was informed by the automated service that no one was available to help… then… the best part!!! And I quote, "we appreciate your call. Thank you. Good bye."
Long story short, I called back again, with a SIMILAR experience. On my third attempt, I was asked if I would participate in a client SATISFACTION survey post call. OF COURSE!!
After waiting 3-4 minutes, I was greeted by Curtis. He was POLITE, UNDERSTANDING and EFFICIENT. That was a GREAT experience. Frankly, he did such a good job that he SAVED the opportunity.
Once we hung up, customer service called back. I SHARED my feelings with them regarding their choice of a BEST way to lose a client via hanging up on them and providing NO OPTIONS to engage or get a call back.
There are SIMPLE solutions for HELPING clients purchase your services.
1. Give them the opportunity to purchase without your involvement.
2. Give them options on how to communicate or be communicated with.
3. Provide time frames for return communications immediately (even if approximated)
4. Accept the common (and some uncommon) forms of payment.
Ultimately, make it EASY to buy. EASY to engage. EASY to follow up.
If you are able to do those things… the business will be EASY to keep. Otherwise, you might just LOSE the client you NEVER had.
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Morning Motivator - Get Organized!
- Unknown
I spent this weekend moving my fiance into our home in East Nashville. I LEARNED a lot about being and getting organized.
Foremost, I learned that having a plan is GOOD and taking ACTION is GREAT!! Sometimes all the planning in the world can't OPEN the mind as well as taking action.
Additionally, I have an UNDERSTANDING of how a well organized solution can store and produce much greater value than "figuring it out later." Simply, by STRATEGICALLY using your resources (ie storage), you are able to store a lot of goodies in a small space.
Finally, I have REALIZED that a woman can organize an elephant into a shoe box when the only other OPTION is getting rid of her shoes... :)
Business and personal life is a matter of BALANCING resources.
Having a STRATEGY regarding your financial goals, growth and education, as well as health is KEY to success.
If you don't happen to have the KNOWLEDGE or SKILLS to make these plans... Don't sweat it! You don't need ALL the answers, just know where to get them.
Seek out an EXPERT. UTILIZE their services. INVEST into the time and money needed. Then... ENJOY YOUR SUCCESS!!
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Morning Motivator - More Ideas Get Better Solutions
- Jason Carpenter, CEO, MidSouth Consulting Group (Nashville, TN)
First, thank you to Jason for the above quote and one of the most INSPIRING breakfast meetings I've had recently.
Most people I know are pretty dang SMART. They have the ABILITY to solve big problems, negotiate their positions, and CREATE opportunities for themselves.
One of the most COMMON traits I find in them is that they are IDEA GENERATORS. The type of people that are CONTINUALLY thinking of new ways to doing things better or free up more of their TIME. These people can also be labeled VISIONARY.
What makes for a GREAT idea?? Simple answer. The CREATION of it...
New ideas are an exercise in CREATIVITY. Great INNOVATION is a byproduct of creativity. Innovation is a derivative of NECCESSITY.
Every system needs IMPROVEMENT. Every person needs GROWTH. Every business needs ENHANCEMENT.
Every solution comes from a new IDEA... and, sometimes, the BEST ones come the ones that are "sh*t."
Keep THINKING, GROWING and SEEKING improvement. It only takes ONE good idea to POSITIVELY change everything!!
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Morning Motivator – Eliminate Selective Ignorance
- Brian Tracy
Politics can TEACH us all a lot about our culture and value systems. As we have watched the PASSIONATE debate over the "broken health care system," I have learned a lot about how people LEARN and NEGOTIATE. I have also learned that a vast majority of people are SELECTIVELY IGNORANT.
Watch MSNBC and/or FOX News if you WANT to learn more about this concept. You will see two sides of an issue, TOTALLY focused on all the wrong issues, never EFFECTIVELY discussing solutions, rather placing blame on one another. We see each side CHOOSING to overlook any real discussion likely a RESULT of the realization that both sides may not be correct. Additional discussion would REQUIRE elimination of emotional hot buttons, meaningless rhetoric and FORCE education from each side.
Why not engage in that MEANINGFUL discussion??
Just as we find in businesses, leaders find it much EASIER to take a "strong position" when you have LIMITED information that supports your self-interests. Of course you are RIGHT when all the people around are telling you that you ARE… of course, your IDEAS are the best when all the information you read and document SUPPORTS the positions you are seeking to take.
What if you were to RESEARCH the "other side" of the issue or opportunity? What VALUE could someone offer if they were always CHALLENGING you… even when it becomes annoying?
SELECTIVE IGNORANCE is the acceptance of limited information in order to support your self-interests and or initiatives. While ELIMINATING unnecessary information is vital. ENSURING you have the PROPER amount of information is most CRITICAL in assuring your overall success.
Get into a heated discussion, watch the TV channel you disagree with, or even go as far as to develop an argument for the OPPOSING side. Ultimately, no matter how quick you move, how great your ideas may be… if you CHOOSE to be ignorant – it will catch up.
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Morning Motivator – Define It or Ditch It
- Timothy Ferriss, author of "The Four-Hour Work Week"
What makes for a SUCCESSFUL project, action or task?
Well, having the right RESOURCES is necessary. The right PEOPLE are a key. Having enough TIME is a nicety as well. Proper FUNDING and an understanding of DECISION MAKING rights will help.
So, how do you KNOW if you have ENOUGH… or TOO MUCH?
The ONLY way to know IF you have the right RESOURCES available… is by having a well-defined, clear cut PLAN for execution.
Work projects are very EASY to complicate. Many of us have EXPERIENCED a project that takes on a mind of its own, with very little HOPE for any salvaging…
What happened in that project? Multiple small changes? No real "end goal" in mind? A lack of internal support or maybe, limited finances?
When you take the time to DEFINE clear and focused goals, action items and responsibilities with time frames included, the "MANAGEMENT" becomes very easy. Any DERIVATION from the defined goals and/or responsibilities is clearly recognized and quick to REMEDY.
DEFINE your goals, projects and/or tasks very CLEARLY up front. If you will take the time to "pre-manage," you will ENSURE that you are SUCCESSFUL in your overall management.
Ultimately… if it is not well-defined, just DITCH it. You can't WIN a game where the rules are not clearly defined.
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Morning Motivator – Leading Through Disagreement
- Mahatma Gandhi
The Government's Health Care Reform plan has become a very HOT discussion in the past months. Some are for, some against. RARELY are those that are in DISAGREEMENT concerned about the SAME issue. What does that mean?
Often this means that two "OPPOSING" sides are waging wars against one another on unrelated issues. Sound like a business DISAGREEMENT you have ever been in?
Here is an example of how I see it:
Democrats are seeking for UNIVERSAL health care to help the people of this nation that struggle financially to make "ends meet." They BELIEVE they have a human right to health care and basic services.
Republicans are seeking FISCAL responsibility. They want programs and solutions that are a WISE use of limited financial resources. They seek to help the majority of people without utilizing resources that allow for GROWTH.
At no point does either side DISAGREE with the "position" of the other… just HOW to get there. What an OPPORTUNITY!!!
The BEAUTY of disagreement… it creates a great amount of OPPORTUNITY.
As LEADERS, we have the ability to bridge the gap between opposing sides that are "opposing" on unrelated measures within a single issue.
The people that are able (and willing) to take on the role of the MEDIATOR between these parties carry great POWER and RESPONSIBILITY. You must be WILLING to eliminate emotional ties and base judgment solely on FACTS. IDENTIFY the end goals and negotiate COMPROMISES.
Once you are able to understand and manage this process… you will possess LIMITLESS value to all parties! Don't be AFRAID to lead others to rational thought and responsible decisions…
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Morning Motivator - Gain Success by Getting Control
- Nashville Business Leader
IT, payroll, administration... All are COMMON outsourced activities in businesses. Why would a company OUTSOURCE these critical functions??
Seems like business owners are giving AWAY a lot of control... Right?!
QUESTION: How MUCH do you control your employees? Their TIME OFF? Their SERVICE levels? Their SUBORDINATION? Their QUITTING...???
CONTROL is nothing more than the ability to have PREDICTABLE outcomes.
Many business owners have DETERMINED the ideal environment is found through OUTSOURCING. Why?
Fixed fees, service level agreements, no single point of failure (or quitting) and SHARED knowledge across multiple providers with LIMITED emotional attachment.
When you CONSIDER the ideal ways to CONTROL your business or your role, wouldn't it be nice to have a SOLUTION that gave you ALL the control, even when you aren't CONTROLLING it??
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Morning Motivator - You Have to Show Up
- Anonymous
Let's look at a scenario...
There is a STRATEGIC planning meeting tomorrow morning at 7am. You don't LIKE to get up early for these type of meetings.
You decide to SKIP the meeting as you believe "nothing ever happens anyhow" at those meetings.
Sound familiar??
While meetings MAY seem pointless on occasion, they are a critical element in planning and control.
You have 2 CHOICES as related to meetings...
1. Choose a NEGATIVE attitude, continue to offer very LITTLE value and waste your time (along with others)
2. Find ways to serve as a LEADER in those meetings, offering strategic opinions and great VALUE.
Either decisions is ACCEPTABLE. Frankly, meetings should ONLY involve people seeking GROWTH and IMPROVEMENT.
For the rest... Don't worry about showing up and speaking up. The rest of us will continue to make the rules for YOU To live by...
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Morning Motivator - What Does Education Offer?
- Unknown
Education is a TRICK word. For most, we think of WHERE we went to school, the PRESITIGE of your college or who has an ADVANCED degree.
The VALUE of education is often based on the PERCIEVED value of the institution.
Do you BELIEVE a physician from Yale Med school is a better doctor, than one from Meharry Medical College? Would rather take a class from a PhD professor or Bill Gates? If its a Biology class, does that change your mind?
EDUCATION is actually the KNOWLEDGE and ABILITY to think that comes from "schooling."
Many WELL-EDUCATED and SUCCESSFUL professionals have a limited "formal" education.
While a formal education is often a good INDICATOR of focus, determination and work ethic, RARELY does it directly equate into SUCCESS.
To ensure YOUR success, consider adopting a commitment to continued learning. A FOCUS on educating yourself in various ways regarding the PASSIONS you have.
No one can take your EDUCATION... And nothing makes you more VALUABLE than having the intellectual edge!!
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Morning Motivator – Your Right to be Frustrated
- Elliott Larson
Every business wants to meet or EXCEED client expectations. Occasionally, those "wants" are met with DISASTER. You know what they say about the best laid plans…
The point is that you have a RIGHT to be frustrated and upset. You have an expectation of EXCELLENCE from someone you make an arrangement with. More over you should be able to DISCUSS any failure of expectations to UNDERSTAND what happened, how and why.
Let's be REALISTIC, everyone will FAIL at some point. Every system and process has WEAKNESSES that will be exposed under the pressures of limited resources – time, funding and talent. KNOWING that each system, person and or process will STUMBLE at some point, where does your true RIGHT to be frustrated derive from?
REAL, VALID FRUSTRATION comes from the continuous failure of a system, person or process to correct its error. When you find the same results being GENERATED from the solution – before and after adjustments – then you SHOULD be frustrated.
The VALUE of a QUALITY service delivery is its ability to adjust and be nimble in its ability to effectively correct faulty actions. The QUALITY is realized when the system is "tweaked" to ensure that the client is receiving the service they INITIALLY expected and continually has INPUTS into the system so as to further tailor it to their liking.
It will always REIGN true that the best businesses are not those that deliver the BEST or most EXPENSIVE, rather they deliver the most CONSISTENT while remaining open to CHANGE as their clients do too!
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Morning Motivator – 2 Years, 1 Month, 19 Days…
- Unknown
SPECIAL NOTE: Before anything else today – I want to wish my lovely sister, Ashley, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I love you.
This week I was asked how long I have been publishing the Morning Motivator. I wasn't totally CERTAIN… I just knew it had been quite some time. My CURIOSITY got the best of me this morning and I looked it up. Every business day for 2 Years, 1 Month, 19 Days…
The question POSED after the time inquiry was, "WHY?" Why spend all the TIME to create the Morning Motivator? What do you GET from it? Where do you see it GOING in the future? All great questions… with SIMPLE answers.
Many years ago, I started an email newsletter for my, then, mortgage business at SunTrust. My ORIGINAL mentor, and then Senior VP, Bill Long, said, "If you start it, you better make sure you are committed to delivering it consistently, otherwise no one will respect it or you." Thus the simple answer as to WHY spend the time… because I want it to BENEFIT people through education and be RESPECTED by those that read it. As a result, the TIME must be spent and as for what I GET… well, I am refining my skills as an EDUCATOR. Maybe one day, I will be able to reach a larger group and make a greater IMPACT (maybe even some financial gain).
PERSISTENCE is one thing that no one can DISCARD as an undesirable trait.
As a business leader, we RESPECT people that consistently give best efforts to achieve SUCCESS. With consideration to personal ACHIEVEMENTS, we glorify stories of people whose relentless pursuit of excellence was the differentiator between MEDIOCRITY and EXCELLENCE.
What do you BELIEVE in so profoundly that you are unwilling to RELENT from your efforts? What DRIVES you so deeply that you are willing to make sacrifices of time, money and energy to see them achieved? What DEFINES you as a person and a professional?
As a final note, I think it is IMPORTANT to recognize that your CAREER may not be the "end all, be all" of your life. Your PERSISTENCE is not tied to a job, a charity or a goal. It is a DEFINING characteristic of your overall nature. If you are FOCUSED, PERSISTENT and PROFESSIONAL… it will come through in all aspects of your life!!
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Morning Motivator - Make it Tougher to Switch...
- Nancy Dubuisson
There is a SECRET to making a very profitable business... Make it TOUGH to switch.
Immediately, people think about CONTRACTS that "lock in clients." Also, you may be thinking about BUILDING your program into a company's operating model. Both are very "STICKY" and tough to break...
What if the was a BETTER way to make it TOUGHER to leave?
Some companies have created a "tough to break" model by offering EXCEPTIONAL delivery.
Others are so EASY to work with, it is challenging to consider adding more effort.
Some even offer ADDITIONAL services, such as UNLIMITED support at no additional costs, which create VALUE in the most difficult of areas - SERVICE DELIVERY!
AMAZINGLY, they are many better or more appreciated ways of making it difficult to change for your clients...
Try offering EASIER processes over PROPRIETARY systems, VALUE over contracts. And once you do... Enjoy the RECURRING benefits of BUILDING a great PROGRAM!!
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Morning Motivator - Give to Get
- Bert Cooper
Last night, the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce Board met for our monthly planning and review. As part of our meetings, we include a Board EDUCATION session. This is an opportunity for our group, as LEADERS, to discuss management strategies to IMPROVE our leadership delivery.
Our topic covered the benefits and effects of PRIORITIZATION. We chatted about the effects realized by performing REACTIVE activities versus PLANNED activities. We also covered the level of URGENCY associated with those activities. (View more at:
As you consider where your action items lie within the matrix, you need to examine the PRODUCTIVITY of each action. Are you creating a POSITIVE enhancement on your business or self? Are you REACTING to someone else's "emergency" or one you created by failing to plan accordingly? Is this even an action that I should DEDICATE time to?
As the holiday season approaches, we are finding our time more LIMITED and thus our systems STRESSED farther.
In order to maintain PRODUCTIVITY and EFFICIENCY, we need to effectively manage "what needs to be done"...
Some of the keys to doing so are:
* Eliminating time robbers - mindless chit-chat, YouTube and other actions that cause you to cramp time into the end of the day.
* Pre-planning your day and week - spend 5 minutes each evening and morning to look over your day, plan resources and make sure you have the right tools in place to complete your tasks.
* Set your plate - if in your planning, you find you do NOT have the appropriate tools to do your work, either reschedule, delegate or re-evaluate the importance of the task (and eliminate if needed)
* Time Block - Schedule hour blocks to complete critical tasks. Set the blocks such that you have travel, planning and follow up time included. Also, make sure you are blocking in order of importance. (Never put off "until later" what needs to be done first).
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Morning Motivator - The Systematic Elimination of Distractions
- Elbert Hubbard
I have a SITUATIONAL story to share today about ""TIME ROBBING."
Steve gets to work at 7:45am every day. He is an exceptional employee who is very focused, dedicated, intelligent… and frustrated.
At least three times a week, Steve drives home wondering "where the day went" and why he feels as though he didn't accomplish anything.
He recognizes he spent 8-9 hours in the office. He responded to multiple "critical" emails. He answered quite a few important calls. He even wrapped up a few reports. Yet… He doesn't feel as though he accomplished much.
Steve is a victim of TIME ROBBING. You can recognize it as the continuous start and stop activity of your days. Note the time cycle:
You are drafting a very important email when the phone rings. (4 minutes)
You answer the call, which turns out to be a vendor. You explain you are busy and do not have time to chat, never listening to the opportunity and robbing you of time on your email. (3 minutes)
You hang up and turn your attention back to your email. You have lost your train of thought so you re-read the email. (2 minutes)
You begin back into your email with a focused effort on your objective when Jessica "pops by" your desk to ask about the 3pm meeting and if you had any further ideas. (4 minutes)
You "shoo" away Jessica with no additional information or action items, wishing she had just sent an email or not asked at all. You re-read from where you re-started previously on your email, gaining your thought track back again. (4 minutes)
You complete the email, re-read for any missing items, spell check and send. (3 minutes)
CONGRATULATIONS… you just completed a 5 minute email in 21 minutes.
CRITICAL QUESTION: How many times in a day CAN this (or does this) happen to you??
In order to RECAPTURE your day, you must become a PROTECTOR of your time.
One very EFFECTIVE technique is TIME BLOCKING. By segmenting your time to allow short, focused sessions, you are better able to ELIMINATE distractions and feel CONFIDENT in asking people to come back at a certain time.
Start by scheduling your time blocks in MOST IMPORTANT task priority.
Here is a potential schedule:
Sales calls from 8-10am
Follow ups from 10-11am
Return phone calls from 11-1130am
Check and return emails from 1130-12pm.
Anything that does not fit into those SPECIFIC tasks during its SCHEDULED time… gets PUSHED back! Everyone and everything can and will be attended to in your day – just in your time. And as for people being mad about your MANAGEMENT style… they will get over it once they see they have your UNDIVIDED attention.
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Morning Motivator – Focus on Getting Deeper…
- Anthony Robbins
Often business people will say that their client base is "ANYONE that (blah blah blah)…" Seriously? Your client is "ANYONE?"
Too often, as business leaders, we are FEARFUL to limit our opportunities. As a result, we commonly ACCEPT less than ideal fits for business. We allow ourselves to work with a client we don't really like and cannot EFFECTIVELY help. We SACRIFICE the quality of our delivery and client base for the SECURITY of income.
Most businesses ARE seeking to grow and expand their ability to deliver an EFFECTIVE solution to clients that provides a financial benefit to both parties. What is the IDEAL way to create that mutual benefit? HOW can we create the best opportunities for SHARED success between a client and its solution provider? FOCUS.
The BEST way to grow a successful business is by METHODICALLY adding a small number of very SPECIFIC clients every month. Additionally, INCREASING the volume of niche products and services you provide to that EXISTING client base.
When you have a FOCUSED client profile, the prospective client becomes much easier to SEE. You eliminate the NOISE and CONFUSION associated with "potential prospects." This will allow you to AVOID wasting time with clients that will NOT experience a mutual benefit from your solution and services offerings. Also, having such a LASER FOCUS with your clients will allow you to be more RESPONSIVE through improved listening and teamwork.
Remember that most successful businesses DON'T need 10,000 clients… just 100 really GOOD ones! Focus on FINDING those 100!!
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Morning Motivator – The Nova Challenge…
- Zachary Barker
I wanted to share with you an EXCELLENT example of CONFIDENCE in a company solution.
My good friend and critical business provider, Joe White, President of NovaCopy, sent me this email a few days ago that stated what he was CHALLENGING my team to do with his company. See the below:
"Challenge us to:
1. Send a free demo unit of any size anywhere in Middle Tennessee at the drop of a hat for free up to 2 weeks to help a distressed client or prospect.
2. Send our expert technicians within the hour fix a competitive unit when competition does not respond.
3. ALWAYS answer our phone with a human being and no matter why you called the Novaperson that answered the phone will help you and not transfer you to anyone ever; especially to a voice mail system or worse, a computer!"
It takes SUPREME confidence in ones capability to give a GREAT service guarantee on your OWN equipment. It is a whole other ball game when it comes to making GUARANTEES on others.
I am so THOROUGHLY impressed with the quality of this message and its useful delivery to my technical team, that I thought it would be an excellent "SHARE" with you as well.
Take a look at your SOLUTION. Are you able to offer these types of service COMMITMENTS? Are you willing to take on the PAIN of someone else for the OPPORTUNITY to prove yourself? Do you have such a STRONG belief in yourself, team and product that you are willing to lose money to showcase your capability?
And if you aren't… don't you think YOU should know WHY Joe is? (call me and I will introduce you)
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Morning Motivator – The New “Old Way” of Creating Opportunity
- Unknown
*NEWS FLASH: The world economy is in a recession.
**BLINDING FLASH OF THE OBVIOUS: Things may never be as they were again.
For those of you that are THINKING about the "economic downturn" and all its TERRIBLE side effects, please stop. I want you to CHANGE your mentality. I want you to ACCEPT that the current economy is the best available right now and that it has the potential to be worse.
If you were born 15 years ago, you don't KNOW of a "better time" – you were a kid and oblivious to the real value of money. Additionally, if you live in the United States, your WORST living arrangements are much BETTER than most people on Earth. So what?
The beauty of this NEW generation of business professionals is that they are not SULKING about the "good 'ole days," rather they are SCRAPING and CLAWING their way to the top to be successful.
There are many ways to CREATE opportunity for yourself and your business. You can try:
- Cold calling prospective clients
- Try new marketing campaigns with flashy offers
- Discount your way into thin margins for the sake of "volume"
You can PARTNER with companies that offer SIMILAR services, to SIMILAR clients, in a SIMILAR market, for SIMILAR investment fees with SIMILAR cultures… (Keyword: SIMILAR)
You may not REALIZE it yet, however, many of your prospective CLIENTS are a PERFECT fit for someone of SIMILAR service delivery. Why not partner up? Why not use your LEVERAGE from existing relationships to enhance the value of client knowing YOU? Why not eliminate a TON of useless sales gimmicks and FOCUS on better your partners SIMILAR offers and introducing them to your own clients.
Remember that people NEED you and your related services. They WANT to know people they can trust and will support their goals. They will PAY for the opportunity to simply their business, life and finances.
Don't try to REINVENT the wheel… just LEVERAGE what already works, with the people that get it done. Remember what mom used to say, "You are only as good as the FRIENDS you keep."
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Morning Motivator - Mr. Know-it-all
- Anonymous
This quote almost made me fall out of my chair with laughter!!
The above was voiced in a discussion about EXPERIENCES in conducting business. The discussion centered around the use of CANDOR in negotiations between new and seasoned professionals.
Often, we feel as though we must IMPRESS or VALIDATE ourselves in discussions with others. Especially, if or when you FEEL as though you may be in "over your head."
What do you REALLY achieve by faking your experience, skills or positioning as though you have ALL the answers?? (Hint: very little).
Most "seasoned" professionals UNDERSTAND one thing about business... Nobody KNOWS it all! (And they can see right through those that act like they do).
With that in mind, why not just be UPFRONT all the time?
My EXPERIENCES have proven time and again that CANDID, OPEN discussion always wins! Not having the answers is ACCEPTABLE, as long as you have the DETERMINATION and WILLINGNESS to find them.
Your role is as a PROBLEM SOLVER, not an "on-demand" solutions manual.
Don't fake your way out of INTEGRITY... just be HONEST and get the answers for your clients!
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Morning Motivator - The Linebacker Playing Quarterback
- Zach Barker on Monday night
This fall season, I have filled in as my football teams quarterback. This has been a WONDERFUL and CHALLENING experience physically, as well as intellectually.
I also LEARNED something things very applicable to business.
First, having MODERATE skills in a specialized area can be more important than EXCELLENT skills in all the others not being used. Secondly, leadership is not POSITIONAL, it is personal. Lastly, teamwork can OVERCOME a deficiency of TALENT.
As a high school linebacker, I received very LITTLE passing training. However, my team has been without a quarterback ALL season.
In times of NEED, it is IMPERATIVE that someone step up and take the lead. More IMPORTANTLY is that TEAMS find the right "players" to fill the needed roles.
Remember, as a LEADER and MANAGER, you MUST find the right players to fill the critical roles of your team. Putting the "best person available" in that spot will NEVER be as EFFECTIVE as the "right person."
As you CONSIDER your success strategy, ask yourself: "Are your linebackers playing quarterback on YOUR team??"
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Morning Motivator – It is Better to Fail…
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the past weeks, a lot of what I have been reading is about business GROWTH and RECOVERY trends. It appears that the recessions "worst" is OVER (albeit you won't hear that on the news). Most of the articles have alluded to the WILLINGNESS of small businesses (and some larger ones) to try more innovative ways of doing business.
Frequently, when we are CHALLENGED with difficult times, our initial reaction is to eliminate our "risk." We stop spending money; eliminate "unnecessary" activities, companies eliminate employees and more. Essentially, what we do is STOP experimenting with success… Out of FEAR, people begin seeking the "SAFE PLAY" for success.
How many people and/or companies are you aware of that ACHIEVED success by playing it safe? How many SUCCESSFUL people would tell you to take FEWER chances and MINIMIZE risk? Do you REALLY believe the key to success, in an economy, is LIMITING your willingness to experiment and find new success paths?? (Just in case you didn't get it, this is a rhetorical question)
The BEAUTY of experimentation is the if it does NOT work… it is NOT failure. Its just ELIMINATION of options. With that being noted, you have NO reason to feel as though you FAIL if you don't achieve your goals.
Ideally, you should be EXPERIMENTING with new ways every day. New sales techniques, new delivery options, new pricing structures. When you are seeking NEW ways.. you are LEARNING. When you are learning… you are GROWING. And when you GROW… you SUCCEED! Why? Simple.
Everyone else is HIDING in their hole. They have STOPPED experimenting, stopped growing… stopped trying. NOW is the time to LEAP ahead!! (or at least experiment with it).
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Morning Motivator - Building Momentum
- Unknown
Business, health, personal relationships and finances ALL begin with a first action step.
Often, people FOOLISHLY say, "Well if I had as many contacts as that guy, I'd do well too" or "It's crazy that they only work with her, since she is the top sales person."
How did he become so CONNECTED? How did she ACHIEVE top sales status?
They started with one, single, small step...
Six years ago I knew a handful of people and was an AVERAGE business professional. I KNEW that had to change (for me) to be successful. So what to do...?
Personally, I joined the Nashville Junior Chamber. A collection of young, ambitious professionals. I FOCUSED on creating CONNECTIONS with people and helping them achieve their goals.
As a result, ADDITIONAL connections, business opportunities, community leadership roles and FRIENDSHIPS developed.
Today, some may say these are signs of being "successful" and "connected"... But I know it started by making the EFFORT to build my own MOMENTUM.
What can you do to BUILD yours??
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Morning Motivator - It's Not What You Know...
- Bill Armistead
This morning, I enjoyed a breakfast filled with DICUSSION and EDUCATION. Mr. Bill Armistead, retired attorney, CEO and community volunteer, SHARED his morning with me chatting about business, personal goals and success lessons. INVALUABLE!!
The quote above JUMPED out at me...
Many professional HUSTLE to "know as many people" as they can. Why? Does VOLUME equate to QUALITY? Does having a more ROBUST "rolodex" (for those who remember those) mean you are ASSURED success?
Many of us have MANY acquaintances... Yet how many of those people UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE the quality of your character?
Do they know your VISION, GOALS and PASSIONS? Are they INVESTED in your SUCCESS PLANNING?
Might I SUGGEST knowing fewer people BETTER and truly being a KEY to their successes.
I'd PREFER you KNOW my goals and aspirations (as you get through the Morning Motivator), than just be someone that knows my name. Wouldn't you like the SAME??
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Morning Motivator – Get Noticed… by ASKING!
-Danish Proverb
In a meeting last night, some of Nashville's business LEADERS were asked what their biggest regrets were. All being successful, they didn't define REGRET, rather used each "wrong step" as a learning lesson.
Interesting to me was a question posed asking, "What is the one action you would encourage young professionals to do more frequently to become successful?" The answer, "Make more mistakes and ask more questions."
Often, we find ourselves in spots where we are HESITANT to ask questions of others out of FEAR they may find us incompetent. We are AFRAID that if we ask, they won't TRUST we can get things done on our own. Ultimately, we PERCEIVE the "asking of questions" as a FAILURE on our behalf. Yet, how will anyone ever know that we ARE capable if we don't take on CHALLENGING projects that REQUIRE assistance and learning from those that have the knowledge, but not the time nor desire to execute the task??
I find that when I have the OPPORTUNITY to delegate a SIGNIFICANT task, I try to do so with VIGOR. Why? It is not that I am lazy or incapable; rather it is the desires to help someone else GROW in their education, experience and confidence.
With that being said, I DO expect that those people will find STRUGGLES in the execution. I plan on taking time to ANSWER questions. And frankly, if they don't ask questions – then they are either not CHALLENGED enough in the task (which is a waste of their time) or they are unwilling to seek assistance (in which case their PRIDE will create conflict for our growth planning.)
As a leader, I ENCOURAGE people to stand up and ask questions. My EXPERIENCE is the people that are willing to make a little noise to get NOTICED are often the people that will be leading in the near future anyhow. Why not be a KEY to their success??
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Morning Motivator – Bust Through…
- Anonymous
Let's have a SERIOUS moment… I am not a "ray of sunshine" every morning. Many mornings, I have to write the Morning Motivator just to get ME motivated properly. Some mornings, I don't even WANT to do that.
Most people STRUGGLE, at least, one day a week with their lack of proper DRIVE and MOTIVATION. We wake up… slowly… and can think of nothing BETTER than just going back to sleep. (sound like this morning?) This is SIMILAR to the feelings people EXPERIENCE with working out in the gym. You just don't want to make the EFFORT…
The DIFFERENCE between those who are SUCCESSFUL and those that struggle is the ABILITY to overcome these lags in motivation. SUPERSTARS don't have "limitless" energy and motivation. They are NOT superhuman in their focus and drive. They are just better ABLE to BUST THROUGH the down days…
Here is MY SECRET to getting through these "less than perfect days":
1. Know what your MOODS and how you commonly react. (ex. How do you act n rainy days? Are you a morning person?)
2. DISCOVER your "pick me ups." (ex. Does music get your hyped up? Would writing a blog help you get focused daily?")
3. MAKE and TAKE time to get your mind right. (you boss many not like to hear this, but it is better to spend 30 minutes in the morning getting focused to work at 100%, as opposed to coming in early and working at 75% all day long.)
4. LEVERAGE others motivation. (Be a magnet. Allow others to share their ENERGY with you. Don't be afraid to allow others to get you FOCUSED. There will be days you do that for them… cash in your favors!)
We are all SUSEPTABLE to performing at low levels, feeling "drained" of our drive or just not giving a DAMN at all… OK! That's cool. Don't act like it is not ACCEPTABLE… Just BUST THROUGH those moods and CONTROL your own daily outcomes.
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Morning Motivator – A Monkey and its Banana
- Aesop
Last night, I began reading "The Big Red Fez" by Seth Godin. This book reviews the common MISTAKES and FALLACIES of thought made amongst web designers and web based businesses. Interestingly, I would be inclined to say that MOST businesses make these same mistakes in their daily operations. Let me explain…
In the book, Seth describes the INABILITY of most websites to get their potential client to FOCUS on the most CRITICAL item on the page. He relates the action to that of a monkey and it's PURSUIT of a banana. He makes the simple analogy that when you land on a web page, you are not there to BROWSE, you are there seeking the "next step." I AGREE.
Often go to a web page to EITHER collect information or make a purchase. Smart web designers make them the SAME thing. You are not there to see the PRETTY lights or the countless testimonials. RATHER, you are there to make quick, simple QUALIFYING decisions about the product or service. If you are TRULY interested, you will either BUY or CONTACT someone for more help (depending on what the GOAL of the site is). So why are websites so damn confusing?!?
Better question: Why is your VALUE message so confusing??
Think about the last time you asked someone for something – an appointment, a report, a lunch decision – did you DRIVE them towards the ONE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT action you were seeking?
Often, we are FEARFUL of being too OBVIOUS. We are AFRAID to "trivialize" people or offend them by being too "simple." And yet… when something FAILS to be communicated properly, likely because we were so UNCLEAR in our expectations, we become UPSET. Or worse… someone becomes upset with US.
LEADERSHIP is the act of "leading," not the act of cryptic discussion to challenge someone's initiative and problem solving skills. Be CLEAR, keep it SIMPLE, act DIRECTLY and provide consistent FEEDBACK. Remember… the monkey just wants its banana… show it how to get there!!
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Morning Motivator – The Power of Your People…
- Unknown
I have to SHARE an AMAZING experience I have enjoyed in the past 24 hours…
On Saturday, I, in addition to 4 others teammates, will participate in the Nashville Oyster Race. This is a competitive "adventure race" mixing elements of a scavenger hunt with the diversity of a triathlon. (VERY COOL!) The most IMPRESSIVE element of the whole event is that each team is REQUIRED to fund raise for the benefit of the Nashville Greenway System (a collection of walking, cycling and nature pathways throughout the city). What a GREAT cause with personal and social benefits galore!
As of yesterday morning, my team was $100.00 SHY of our fundraising goal with LESS THAN 36 hours to meet it.
In an effort to ensure my team's efforts were SUCCESSFUL, I petitioned my personal teams of friends, partners and clients – all of whom I hold very dear and protect vigorously. Here's what happened…
Less than 24 hours later, we have RAISED $560.00 with an additional $100.00 in verbal commitments… WOW!! Again… WOW!!!!
What I have learned over time is that people, who SUPPORT and BELIEVE in you, do so because of the QUALITY of your character and actions. They are the ones that will ALWAYS be in your corner to defend your decisions, support your passions and give you the leeway to get "off course" without lasting retribution. Can you THINK of any greater group of people to be ENGAGED with?
Sometimes, we don't fully UNDERSTAND the associations and relationships we maintain in life. Sometimes, they show little surface VALUE or they become distant over time. However, I do know this… These people that have SUPPORTED me are EXACTLY the ones I thought would. And WHEN they need me – I will be there…
Because that is what you do FOR your PEOPLE!
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Morning Motivator - Bend... And If That "Don't Work..."
- Timothy Ferriss.
FACT: RULES are made for those who are unwilling or afraid to test limits. But not for ALL of us...
I'm not putting DOWN anyone that is not prone to "rocking the boat." Simply, I am stating that CHANGE is made by those that do not ACCEPT the current path, mentality or focus of a situation. When you consider the great change makers of our time, you realize that they were people that were willing to RISK embarrassment, financial loss, social agony and potential banishment... just to make things BETTER (as they saw it).
As a LEADER or someone that is ASPIRING to be a leader, you have to RECOGNIZE that rules are a general acceptance of social norms. Rules are what people ACCEPT to be proper or "right," even if it doesn't make sense or if there is a better way.
Your TASK is to change that mentality of the WORLD! Yes, the world... and start with the people in your back yard.
As shifts in VALUES and BELIEFS are made socially, it is the RESPONSIBILITY of leaders to ensure that the best policies and actions are made for the people that are unable or unwilling to take the position of "change maker."
The needs of people, companies, non profits and nations will CONTINUALLY change as education and incomes alter. There will always be a NEED for leaders to recognize this shifting system and BEND (and BREAK) rules in order to shift the perceptions of people. Laws have GRAY areas. SCIENCE has none. Both are not intended to be broken, yet with further knowledge and understanding, both have the ability to altered and leveraged...
Don't be AFRAID to put your "donkey" on the line... Someone in this world HAS TO stand up and do it. Why not YOU?
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Morning Motivator - A Contribution from a Very Good Friend
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."
-Abraham Lincoln
Have you ever found yourself watching poker on the four-letter sports network when NOTHING else is on? Yeah, me too.
If you look at the way that some of those players play, you might notice that they put relentless pressure on the opposition for the win.
They constantly find ways to improve their game, whether it changing their betting style or changing the pace of play. The guys who come away from the table as winners have one thing in common. They SEIZE the opportunity when presented with it.
Always find way to improve yourself. Nobody is perfect all the way around. There is ALWAYS something that can be improved on to help you achieve better results.
I know it's cliché, but never let up for a second! The second you find yourself satisfied, you're losing the battle.
By striving for a greater goal and always committing 100% to what it is... you achieve those goals.
- Todd Lamon
EXCELLENT work!! I'm so honored to have other leaders contribute to this forum.
Strive for your BEST today... And keep your POKER FACE on!
- Zach
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Morning Motivator - Getting to an Easier Life
- James Rohn
How often have you asked for an EASIER way? You know, it sounds like, "Dear GOD, please give me a break here..."
I too, am GUILTY of this silly request.
What I am LEARNING is that the problem isn't that my life is DIFFICULT... It is that I am ill-equipped to manage it. WOW! Would anyone really ADMIT that?
Commonly, we create EXCUSES for out lack of execution. Its the "economy, referees, my boss, the temperature and so on..."
RARELY, we ACCEPT that we FAILED to meet our goals because we didn't have the tools.
This would be ADMITTING we didn't train enough. We didn't PREPARE before the meeting. We didn't know the RULES...
The SOLUTION: Work on YOURSELF first. Whatever you can't do or are not GOOD at... OUTSOURCE it to someone else!! It is worth your MONEY, to ELIMINATE your weaknesses.
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Morning Motivator – More Eggs, More Baskets
- Andrew Carnegie
I have been THINKING a lot about the future lately. I have been also been CONISDERING the idea that our "current" economy is, in fact, our new economy. What if it is??
Most people have ALL of their eggs in one big basket. One INVESTMENT plan (401k), one INCOME source (your job) and one RETIREMENT plan (keeping saving and pray). I WONDER if having a few more baskets that have smaller eggs doesn't make more SENSE??
Consider the idea of starting your OWN business. Not QUITTING your job, just starting your own business. In the age of "the web," you now have the ABILITY to create a business without having to sacrifice your security. You can now start a small web company and create a NEW revenue source.
Imagine if you had a small, niche website that GENERATED an additional $1,000 per month. How hard would that be? A product of $25 per unit profit with 40 sales per month… THAT'S IT!! That isn't even a GOOD, PRODUCTIVE site… just one that sells the minimum.
Now, consider if you had 10 sites that generated a profit of $500 each per month! $500 x 10 =$5,000. WOW!!
Say a few have a BAD month and generate ZERO. OK, so you make $500 times 7 which equals $3,500. Now THAT's pretty well covered… and not requiring much!!
Maybe it is time to look at your EGGS, pick up a few more and find a few more baskets to put them into. You don't need big baskets, when you are CREATING so many eggs…
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